Member since 2017-07-15T03:50:57Z. Last seen 2025-01-02T20:05:01Z.
2729 blog posts. 128 comments.
有人認為,由於英國最高法院有終審權,此例開後,Uber商業模式已分崩離析 - 至少在英國玩完 - 還會牽連其他的零工經濟(Gig Economy)行業。
在Uber以外,英國Gig Economy公司亦包括Deliveroo、Pimlico Plumbers、Taskrabbit等等。若問到,這是Gig economy末日嗎?我認為未必,但可以肯定成本上升無可避免,商業模式也需要調整。
調整方向很有可能是Gig economy和僱員關係的混合體。畢竟作為平台,不管物流或專業服務,若要維持服務水平,都不可能單靠業餘「炒散」。
ESTUPDATED THU, FEB 25 20214:37 PM EST Bob Pisani
Since February 10th, 10-year Treasury yields have moved from 1.13% to as high as 1.61%, a rise of 48 basis points, the highest level in a year.
Bond investors are getting worried about the potential for inflation.
Said one investor on the impact to equities: “The days of simply piling into the market leaders regardless of valuation may be drawing to a close.”
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testifies before the Senate Banking Committee hearing on "The Quarterly CARES Act Report to Congress" on Capitol Hill in Washington, December 1, 2020. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testifies before the Senate Banking Committee hearing on “The Quarterly CARES Act Report to Congress” on Capitol Hill in Washington, December 1, 2020.
Stock investors are trying desperately to interpret what a rise in bond yields means for the stock market.
Since February 10th, 10-year Treasury yields — which are not inflation adjusted — have moved from 1.13% to as high as 1.61%, a rise of 48 basis points, the highest level in a year. (One basis point equals 0.01%)
Fear of inflation is causing investors to speculate the Federal Reserve may have to shift policy sooner than expected, by either reducing bond purchases or even raising rates at some point. That would be a negative for stocks. The Dow was down 559 points on Thursday.
Rising bond yields challenge stocks and the Fed — Here’s why
Peter Tchir from Academy Securities says the recent rise in 10-year bond yields represents a perception about inflation, but not necessarily the reality: “The rise in 10-year bond yields does not reflect an actual rise in inflation, it reflects that investors anticipate there will be a rise in inflation,” he told me.
Tchir notes that Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has been pushing back against the idea that over-the-top inflation is coming, noting in his testimony that broad signs of inflation have not been present in the real world, and that if they do occur any such rises would be “transitory.”
Who’s right on inflation?
Bond investors are getting worried about the potential for inflation. Powell says to stop worrying about it. Who’s right?
It depends on who you ask, and what you are looking at.
Do we see inflation in the real world? We do in commodities: Oil is approaching the highest since 2018, for example, and copper is at an almost 10-year high.
But signs of consumer inflation, for example, have been muted, with inflation at or below 2% for many years.
Bulls like Tchir insist that, in this case, the rise in bond yields is not a negative for stocks: “This time the rise in yields is coming from economic growth, stimulus, and infrastructure. All of that is good for stocks. That’s why this rise doesn’t scare me too much.”
He says the rise in commodity prices can be easily absorbed, and believes that much of that rise is just a temporary condition reflecting the reopening, and that prices will revert back to “normal” levels over time.
Hans Mikkelsen, credit strategist at Bank of America, is not so sure. He agrees with Tchir on economic growth, but thinks it will be much stronger than anticipated and that will push inflation up: “Since the summer of 2020 economists have consistently underestimated economic growth to an extent never seen before. There appears a real risk the Fed is not going to be able to sound dovish much longer and that transition could see wider credit spreads.”
Stocks on edge
The key to the game, Tchir insists, is whether Powell can stick to his guns: “If the Fed remains committed to keeping short-term yields low, that will give people comfort we will not get a ‘taper tantrum,’ where rates suddenly skyrocket. Powell has told us he is comfortable with inflation and he is not going to react to short-term movements. I believe he is going to stick to his guns.”
There’s another issue: Because stock prices are so high there is no room for error. Small shifts in yields could cause tech investors in particular to take profits, under the assumption that this is as good as it gets.
Veteran stock commentator Michael Farr from Farr, Miller & Washington has already told clients that even this relatively modest rise in rates is a signal: “The days of simply piling into the market leaders regardless of valuation may be drawing to a close. Investors must now recognize that there are alternative opportunities out there, including both heretofore underperforming stocks as well as incrementally more attractive bonds. A powerful economic rebound combined with rising interest rates and higher inflation, if that indeed transpires, will change the investment backdrop in a meaningful way.”
記唔記得三月果時我極力叫大家入市 請諗返點解當時自已會Miss左班車
幻想自己會估到短期股價 諗住食到盡個跌幅 TSLA $500就話$400會all in, $400就話300會all in. 最後就等到唔洗買
缺乏長線思維 買股票係睇五年以上 買入前景好發展空間大既優質企業 同間公司一齊發展 我從來冇諗過自己會咁快搵咁多錢 我一直都係諗住5年後會成手優質股 當時升咁快對我黎講其實都唔係特別好事 如果TSLA係遲兩年先爆升 我身家會多一倍
被恐懼支配 失去理性 成個連登都係 "酒呀! " "MOLAMOLA" "drop to zero" post 呢個時候係要把握時間理性分研邊間公司兩年後會發展得好 而唔係晒時間上黎講廢話
好多人PM問我股災點應對 我想講同大家講 每次跌市都係機會 坐低冷靜落黎 寫個入貨plan比自己 分段買入優質股(個plan可以參考返上面張圖) 五年後你會多謝今日既自己
我個人認為後QE時代回調幅度會比以前少 回調會比以前快完成 最後想講 個世界已經確認向高科技發展既趨勢 我個人就絕對唔會掂傳統股 如果你係都要買傳統股 請先分析清楚你買既公司會唔會被新科技顛覆 511 26
如果你目標只為永居,而非BC 六年內,每年有180日可離開英國 得到永居卡後,每2年點都要登陸英國一次 否則DQ張卡
如果你目標係英國護照,咁 第一年,你有180日可離開英國 第二至六年,你有90日可離開英國 得英國護照後,你當佢condom 長期唔返英國 都唔會DQ你永久居英權+英國公民身份
福利,例如醫療 係一樣
交稅,你係英國稅務年度(6/4/ xx - 5/4/ xx)內 住夠183日,就是稅務居民,就是要比稅#bye#pig
Published Mon, Feb 22 20219:00 AM EST
Mark Cuban became a billionaire just before the dot-com bubble burst.
In 1995, Cuban and a friend, Todd Wagner, started an internet radio platform called Four years later, was acquired by Yahoo for $5.7 billion in stock, making Cuban a very wealthy man. Since then, the “Shark Tank” investor and Dallas Mavericks owner has invested in hundreds of successful companies to date.
If Cuban were to start a company today, he would also utilize new technology — he would center the business around blockchain technology, smart contracts and NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, which reminds him of the early days of the internet.
“If this was 1995 again, coming up with these types of applications, I’d be going nuts,” Cuban told Justin Kan on a recent episode of “The Quest” podcast. “That’s exactly what I’d be doing right now – anything I could make digital.”
NFTs are unique cryptocurrency tokens used to represent assets (like works of digital art, music or movies). NFTs can be bought and sold, like physical assets, but since they run on blockchain, a decentralized digital ledger that documents transactions, ownership and validity of the asset they represent can be tracked.
For example, if a creator puts an NFT-based piece of artwork up for sale, a buyer could purchase a unique token that represents the asset and can then prove authenticity and ownership of the digital art through blockchain.
“This is like the early internet days all over again,” Cuban told Kan. “I think [NFTs and blockchain tech is] going to be huge.”
Cuban has already cashed in on NFTs by auctioning digital goods online, including a Mavs Suns Game Day Experience video. He also owns NFT-based digital assets, including a “Maxi Kleber dunk Moment” card that he considers a collectible and just as valuable as a physical sport card. Although Cuban said he wouldn’t sell his, other digital Maxi Kleber dunk sets have sold for anywhere from $35 to as much as $800 on the NBA Top Shot website, which Cuban describes as a massive innovation.
In addition to collectibles, Cuban predicts that NFTs will disrupt the music and movie industries.
“I think the collectible side of it is going to completely turn the [art], music and movie industry upside down,” Cuban said.
“I’d be going to every musician I know right now. I’d introduce myself, like I did back in the day with, [to make] anything digital. Same with movies.”
According to Cuban, this industry will grow because, in his opinion, “Gen Z value digital goods more than anything, other than maybe a house, maybe a car [and] their phone. After that, it’s digital. They’re going to respect something that’s digital before they buy something that’s physical.”
Recently, the use of NFTs got a bit more mainstream, as Christie’s announced that it will become the first major auction house to sell a fully digital, NFT-based artwork later this month.
″[I]t may bring traditional art collectors to the digital space,” Cuban told CNBC Make It of the auction.
Growing up, Cuban frequently sold baseball cards and stamps, and the process of doing so has helped him understand why blockchain will become increasingly important, he said.
“Because much of the industry is person to person, there are a variety of other risks and costs introduced... All of these are expensive, time consuming, risk increasing and annoying,” Cuban wrote in a January blog post. But with digital goods and digital marketplaces, “you have all the fun, none of those risks and the value is still set by the same laws of supply and demand,” Cuban wrote.
Though of course, there are risks associated with digital goods, as fintech experts point out, the process of buying and selling will be more efficient through blockchain, Cuban told Kan. “This is the holy grail.”
新年假期前,左丁山在家睇住孫女用Zoom上課,上四個小時,只見孫女一時瞌眼瞓、一時跳跳紮、一時要去飲水、出嚟又搵手指餅食,左丁山喝住:「你在學校上堂時,老師邊度會畀你咁樣。」孫女哈哈笑:「呢度係屋企呀!」佢返回睡房書枱上課後半小時,靜靜雞走入去裝吓佢如何聽課,點知見到佢將電腦畫面一分為二(split screen),一面直播老師教英文,另一面就係睇緊卡通片Running Man。一聽到佢落堂,就入房教訓佢:「做乜你上堂睇卡通?罰你企三分鐘!」孫女為之藐藐嘴。
在外國,一般家庭住所面積比較大,學生在家上Zoom或者會好一點,但香港家庭面積細,住劏房學生上Zoom,尤其蝕晒底,大落後。問一位直資名校老師C有乜感覺,佢話:「冇乜感覺吖,我知道絕大部份學生有補習,家庭電腦資源充足,大把電腦輔助教材,父母多數英文好,識督促學生做功課。」咪係咯,用Zoom就有一個digital divide(數碼鴻溝),貧富懸殊問題,數碼鴻溝不是今日始,今天之立法會秘書長陳維安任教育局副局長時(2012年之前),提倡電子教學,電子書取代印刷書,左丁山已在本欄提出呢個鴻溝,教育局當作不存在。好嘞,十年過後,想不到因疫情之名,全港停止面授課程改網上教學,數碼鴻溝問題更加突出,而特區政府包攬所有教育事項,至今束手無策。要暫緩此問題,全港學校須盡快全面復課,首先,學校大清洗消毒,所有教師及僱員每星期檢測一次,學生每星期檢測一次,在校不准除口罩,課室用透明膠板分隔學生……所有額外防疫費用,由教育局撥款資助,校巴大清潔,校巴司機保姆每星期檢測一次,否則不准開工,學生不能迅速復課,香港教育水平難免急降,十幾年後香港社會經濟就知衰!
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