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2020-2021 學年將於九月底復課,盼了解贵校是否已安排有關導師授課,本司祈盼未來繼續為貴校提供有關之服務。
252 theBashShell 13 hrs 163
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Sukh Greeting https://youtu.be/gWnCXEKDIA0
Intro Flashcards & Real Object https://youtu.be/yqj-oGqFW3w
Song https://youtu.be/bSivQVMw7Dw
Interaction with kids https://youtu.be/-lkm7WV_dqg
周四晚美國科技股急挫,當下的One Billion Question必然是「今次堅定流?」
殺倉看似突然而來,細心看仍是有跡可尋。科技股Big 6中的蘋果和Tesla,因上月宣布股份拆細而突然變得相當「親民」,Tesla更因此成為環球散戶的熱炒股,有統計指南韓股民空群而出力掃Tesla,累購股權達0.89%,晉身大股東之一;不少中小型科技股趁強勁業績股價melt up,例如視像會議程式公司Zoom(ZM)績後就大升四成,連帶其他雲計算股,績前已偷步炒起,破頂再破頂。
適當時間對沖 最佳示範
777 tlarkworthy 14 hrs 217
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August 29, 2020 A coworker of mine asked:
The short answer is do roll your own crypto, but don't use it in production until it's vetted by professionals. The long answer below might take a few years to hash out.
Making mistakes is an unavoidable part of the learning process. I've been rolling crypto for Google production for years, but my code is not bug free and will never be. I found that the cheapest way to learn from mistakes is to learn from other people’s mistakes. I recommend taking Cryptography I, doing CTFs, and solving crypto challenges. This won't take long, and very quickly you'd be pretty dangerous because you'd be able to find many crypto bugs.
But it's just the beginning. When I got to Google, I thought I knew crypto because look at all the bugs I found! I was so wrong. It took me years to learn the tradecraft from the real experts which fortunately my employer has plenty.
They say you can become a better programmer by reading good code. Unfortunately, I've learned the hard way that this rule usually does not work in crypto, for 3 reasons:
Because of side-channel and other constraints, crypto code is usually far from obvious. Imagine coding without the if statement; Crypto code usually has many subtle details that look unnecessary, but once changed or removed totally destroy security; and Bad crypto code usually looks and produces results indistinguishable from good crypto code. There's no shortcut rather than learning the fundamentals. It’s not hard, but it takes time. A couple of resources that you might want to check out:
Cryptography Engineering by Schneier and Ferguson: this was the book that got me started; Cryptograph I and the crypto book by Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup: this is hands down the best materials on applied crypto; An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography: if you are worried that you don't know enough math to do crypto, this book will help you put rest to that fear; Tink: this is Google’s recommended crypto library (full disclosure: my team owns it). Tink provides high-level APIs, so you won't be able to learn much from it if your goal is to write your own AES, but it has pretty good info on common crypto techniques. The funny thing is that after spending years studying these resources, you still don’t have a free pass to roll all the crypto in the world. You'd realize and appreciate that crypto is a deep and vast field of study with a very long food chain. Sitting on top are cryptanalysts who
propose and solve hard mathematical problems such as integer factoring, discrete log, shortest vector, closest vectors, etc; or design and break efficient heuristic one-way functions such as AES, ChaCha20, SHA3 or Blake; and at the bottom are software engineers who want to encrypt some data. Along the chain, you will find people who
take the one-way functions and build fundamental primitives such as AEAD, MAC, digital signatures, or public key encryption; take the primitives and build protocols such as TLS; take the protocols and build APIs such as OpenSSL, Bouncy Castle, JCE, Golang Crypto, libsodium or Tink; and take the APIs and build applications such as end-to-end encryption, storage encryption, user authentication, etc. The division is not always clear cut, as there are people who wear multiple hats. The thing is, unless you get to the very top, there are always good reasons not to roll your own crypto. The reasons are usually non-obvious, unknown unknowns. I’ve seen a distinguished engineer encrypting data with AES-ECB arguing that they weren’t rolling their own crypto, because they didn’t implement AES from scratch but called OpenSSL.
So if you want to roll your own crypto, make sure you understand where you are in the crypto food chain and what are the reasons preventing you from moving up. Study and eliminate said reasons. Good luck and have fun!
Discussion on Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24320998#24321319.
我看到他二零零二年台北國際書展的演講,提及影響他最大的三本書,分別是歌德的《浮士德》、倉田百三的《出家人及其弟子》,以及卡萊爾(Thomas Carlyle)的《衣裳哲學》(Sartor Resartus)。那演講主要談的,是今天很多人應該聞所未聞的帶有後現代小說風格的《衣裳哲學》。除了《出家人及其弟子》,《浮士德》和《衣裳哲學》我都看過,且每隔一段日子,我就會懷着探望老朋友的心情重看。