說起美國,我想起剛大學畢業時,看過一篇有關MBA文章,話有個年輕人,我永遠都記得那句話,雖然孔子也有類似的說話,他說,那個二十歲的少年人,持著聖經中的教訓,以己待人的精神,跑到南部去創業,他就是Walt Disney.
Member since 2017-07-15T03:50:57Z. Last seen 2025-01-02T20:05:01Z.
2729 blog posts. 128 comments.
說起美國,我想起剛大學畢業時,看過一篇有關MBA文章,話有個年輕人,我永遠都記得那句話,雖然孔子也有類似的說話,他說,那個二十歲的少年人,持著聖經中的教訓,以己待人的精神,跑到南部去創業,他就是Walt Disney.
大腦 vs 後腦 清醒 vs 潛意識 global vs local 覺悟 vs 慣性 分析 vs 意識流 (montage) 抗爭 vs 律動 創意 vs 因循 理性(非理性) vs 非理性(理性) 幻想 vs 現實 主人 vs 奴才
We shall build up a cvid instructions to lead an idea-action-review loop. It can be self-learnt and self improved indefinitely as the mechanism will dig out the imperfect parts to be rectified.
It is a perfect combination how an idea is created and then they are put into an action to fullfill a task goal.
直至今時今曰,二千年前的軸心時代産生的革命性的思想仍然是我們曰常生活的指南針。但可以大膽地估計,不到二、三十年間,全人類的思想即將出現革命性的新浪潮,軸心時代的思想模式是不足以應對的,新的思想應該迎合 人類合一及變種,人性變異,全民民主訴求,太空開拓等各種新挑戰。
百家爭嗚後,人類將散居宇宙各地,地球每一角落將被開發,人類將以各種形式存在,生物科技人,純spiritual, 彼此爭戰,各有領地,這些領地可以是傅統實在的,亦可是虛擬的,甚至是在另一時空域。
Let say
Cvid1 : 1-2-3-4-5 Cvid2 : A-b-c-d-e
parallel Master run cvid1 and cvid2 at the same time to see which will be the best result
cross cvid12 x cvid2c =1-2-c-d-e
fusion cvid1 union cvid2 = (1 or A)-(2 or b)-(3 or c)-(4 or d)-(5 or e)
entangle When cvid1 runs at 1-2-3-4-5, cvid2 runs at the same time.
skip / by pass skip(cvid13) =1-2-4-5
circular / linear circular (cvid1) = 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5
-reverse reverse(cvid1)=5-4-3-2-1
leading / follow cvid1 lead cvid2 = 1-a-2-b-3 cvid1 follow cvid2 =a-1-b-2-c
absorb / replacement (same as fusion)
O the world was full of the summer time And the year was always june When we two played together In the days that were done too soon
O every hand was an honest hand And every heart was true When you were the king of the cornlands And i was a queen with you
O every corner of street was a surprise And every line of building wont catch me When we stroll along the shadow Why we are keen on the truth
O every corner stone changes rapidly, And the people here remains When we talk n talk No one knows what is talking about ..
Cvid, like dna, is the basic gene to control the work process of a robot or computer.
Cvid can be shared among computers. Computer can search the web and identify a most suitable cvid to do a task. The cvid will be further adjusted after an actual task or a simulation. The cvid behaviour will be recorded and shared among computers for future operations. The cvid network will become more and more sophiscated AND intelligent.
No one know what happen with this connected intelligent which has a potential to become a GOD in the long run.
Cvid ~ definition knowledge sharing can save much resources and effort. Cvid is created to link more than one standard modules and it also define the nature for the modules so that they can be easily searched, sold out and used by the other cvid. With the time going, its scale becomes enormous and releasr amazing thinking power.
Although cvid can not be changed once it is defined, but one of interesting feature of cvid is : it can modify its output by using another cvid and turn out to be very flexible to change based on a certain amount of known cvid. So robot is able to improve the performance by the operation with another cvid.
~ operations for 2 cvid - parallel - cross - fusion - split - inject - remove - entangle - simulation - skip / by pass - circular / linear - leading / follow - absorb / replacement
Cvid status - when cvid is feedbacked to hv done a gd job, it will become stable and resist to change. On the contrary, it will necome instable and hv motivation to change for survival.
The cvid has to be gone through a process from unstable status to become more stable via a sequential steps ( a kind of cvid). They are called wormfly effect.
So once we set an objective to the robot, then it will be put into such positive feeback looping millions times to optimize the solution and give a perfect solution.
Competitive principal
The strongest n most stable cvid will be activated, others will be programmed on a way to become a pecfect gene and regain the position of the lord.
所屬行政區︰肯辛頓和車路士(Kensington and Chelsea)
肯辛頓和車路士是倫敦無不識的超級豪宅區,平均住宅售價超過220萬鎊(約2,263萬港元),但沒有多少人知道,在這個富人區內的Golborne & Swinbrook,平均樓價僅71.6萬鎊,比起所屬地區的樓價低水68%。
Golborne & Swinbrook向來都是Notting Hill地區的熱門廉價選擇,連前首相卡梅倫也亦曾經在這區居住,在這裡大約53.5萬鎊(約550萬港元)就有機會買到二手住宅,但同樣價錢,在同區其他地方可能連地下室都買不到。
Golborne & Swinbrook樓價較低的原因,是因為區內曾經有不少公共房屋,當中包括Trellick Tower,但這些公共房屋現時已經變成可供私人買賣的住宅,吸引不少藝術工作者進駐,令這區充滿藝術氣息,同時開設了不少小型精品店、地中海風格Cafe及二手家具店。這一區的Council Tax及泊車費較低,是倫敦市中心一個樓價較為親民的住宅區。
所屬行政區︰漢默史密斯和富咸 (Hammersmith and Fulham)
漢默史密斯和富咸的平均樓價為98.2萬鎊(約1,010萬港元),但區內的White City樓價僅約三分一,平均為37.4萬鎊(約384萬港元),低水大約62%。
White City以前曾經是BBC電視中心所在,現時電視中心已經變成豪華公寓,配套設施非常齊全,有餐廳、商店。此外,這個地區亦位於西倫敦以Old Oak Commons和Park Royal為核心的650公頃「金三角」重建區內,計劃規模高達260億鎊,是全英國最大的重建發展項目,未來20至30年會創造6.5萬個新職位,所以未來White City未必再是低水區。
所屬行政區︰西敏 (Westminster)
在Maida Hill可以找到60萬鎊的住宅,相比起西敏區均150 萬鎊(約1,542萬港元),相宜得多。
Maida Hill的住宅很多都由維多利亞時代的紅磚屋改建,但內部已經成為現代化家居,部分排屋更加有後園及戶外空間,而且交通非常方便,亦可以鄰近小威尼斯及攝政運河,幾乎是西敏區唯一一個上車客可以負擔的地區。
所屬行政區︰康登 (Camden)
在平均樓價120萬鎊(約1,234萬港元)的康登,Bloomsbury East的平均價只需要50.9萬鎊(約523萬港元)。雖然Bloomsbury East 在康登地區中算是比較平民的地區,但樓價卻非常吸引。
Bloomsbury East有大型購物中心Coal Drops Yard,加上鄰近倫敦十所大學,因此有很大的學生租務市場,也有很多投資者買樓出租。而近年Bloomsbury East一帶亦有重建發展計劃。
所屬行政區︰ 默頓(Merton)
Mitcham West位於倫敦西南部較為郊區的默頓行政區,平均樓價只是36.9萬鎊(約379萬港元),低於默頓的70.9萬鎊(約729萬港元)的平均價,相比起同區的溫布頓的近百萬鎊的樓價更是非常親民。由Mitcham West到Zone 1的維多利亞車站僅18分鐘車程,因此在倫敦市區上班的朋友非常有吸引力。
星島海外地產網 2022年04月04日
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我唔係叫你長用呢個, 因為Uk 係真係要試個network 你屋企收得好唔好. 你係可以先試呢間. 我自己推介既係Voxi , 係行vodafone. 我估除左我咁黑仔我住個間屋係收得差之外, 我估大部份人都唔會有問題. Voxi 好處係同vodafone 同coverage 不過平好多. 佢£12 個plan 包25GB data 再任用youtube, facebook , whatsapp 個d 完全唔計data.
【#香港人揚威海外】英國國家詩詞比賽 (National Poetry Competition)昨日(31日)公布獲獎名單,就讀劍橋大學經濟系、19歲的香港學生Eric Yip憑作品《Fricatives》奪冠,成為該獎項史上最年輕得主。詩中涉獵殖民主義、種族、移民、歸屬感、離鄉別井的內疚等議題,評審之一的英國詩人Fiona Benson更形容,此詩「雄心勃勃,成就非凡」。
Eric Yip接受《衛報》訪問時表示,對獲獎感到震驚,但自己只是19歲,還有許多需要學習的地方,將來還要閱讀更多、寫得更多。這次勝利對他來說是一個開始,是對他繼續寫作和不斷進步的一個鼓勵。
Eric又稱,作為一個說廣東話和普通話、但用英文寫詩的人,美籍越南裔詩人王鷗行 (Ocean Vuong)讓他明白到,自己「有被聽到的權利」("had a right" to be heard):「你幾乎會感到內疚,因為當你用英文寫作時,寫下關於香港、你的家鄉和你的文化時,你是積極地進行翻譯工作,這一點我非常清楚,也是我希望探索的主題之一。」
To speak English properly, Mrs Lee said, you must learn
the difference between three and free. Three men
escaped from Alcatraz in a rubber raft and drowned
on their way to Angel Island. Hear the difference? Try
this: you fought your way into existence. Better. Look
at this picture. Fresh yellow grains beaten
till their seeds spill. That's threshing. That's
submission. You must learn to submit
before you can learn. You must be given
a voice before you can speak. Nobody wants to listen
to a spectacled boy with a Hong Kong accent.
You will have to leave this city, these dark furrows
stuffed full with ancestral bones. Know
that death is thorough. You will speak of bruised bodies
skinnier than yours, force the pen past batons
and blood, call it fresh material for writing. Now
they're paying attention. You're lucky enough
to care about how the tongue moves, the seven types
of fricatives, the articulatory function of teeth
sans survival. You will receive a good education
abroad and make your parents proud. You will take
a stranger's cock in your mouth in the piss-slick stall
of that dingy Cantonese restaurant you love and taste
where you came from, what you were made of all along.
Put some work into it, he growls. C'mon, give me
some bite. Your mother visits one October, tells you
how everyone speaks differently here, more proper.
You smile, nod, bring her to your favourite restaurant,
order dim sum in English. They're releasing
the students arrested five years ago. Just a tad more
soy sauce please, thank you. The television replays
yesterday on repeat. The teapots are refilled. You spoon
served rice into your mouth, this perfect rice.
Steamed, perfect, white.
Short version: join us to work on your coding projects in this casual and supportive group code study session! We have suggested featured projects each week (see below), but feel free to work on your own things too.
In detail: We are a group of people from all walks of life who are passionate about coding and gather every week to keep learning, ideally through the free resources available on Codecademy.com
Some of us will be working on some more advanced content but everyone is welcome, even the absolute beginner. Whatever your level, this is a great place to focus on your coding work and ask-and-answer burning programming questions. For those of you seeking a challenge, we invite you to join us in tackling some of the projects on Free Code Camp, which will work well as continued practice & learning for those who've finished some Codecademy courses.
Quick instructions: •
If you haven't done so yet, we recommend you complete the core Codecademy tracks
(https://www.codecademy.com/learn) (like HTML+CSS (https://www.codecademy.com/learn/web) and
JavaScript (https://www.codecademy.com/learn/javascript))
before attempting our suggested projects. This meetup is a great venue for working through Codecademy courses, not least because your organizers started there from scratch as well! ;) • When you've finished enough Codecademy content to be comfortable building basic projects, we invite you to try the basic (and now also not so basic) material from Free Code Camp (https://learn.freecodecamp.org/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/basic-algorithm-scripting/convert-celsius-to-fahrenheit) to train together with several of us who are a bit more experienced. Register from the link provided if you haven't yet - if you have any problem doing so, just contact us or talk with the organizers when you arrive. These will be the suggested featured projects each week. • Ideally we will focus on getting the first projects done (tribute page and calculator are our main goals), but fear not about asking questions on syntax, basic JS, or more. • More advanced project ideas are welcome too, contact us! •
Be sure to bring your own laptop (if that is not possible, tell us in advance, to see if we can pair you with someone). • If you have other work you want to focus on, feel free to bring it but note that other attendees may not be able to help you as much on anything outside of Codecademy content and our featured work of the week (this week's Free Code Camp projects)
Please note: we don't have an arrangement or booking with the venue and they appreciate us making purchases from their cafe/bar. By purchasing the occasional boost for your coding activities it will mean we can continue using this great space. As usual, you are welcome to join us on gitter (also to participate remotely in our events):