Member since 2017-07-15T03:50:57Z. Last seen 2025-02-23T01:24:09Z.
2752 blog posts. 128 comments.
Ms Connie Ho TWGH Jockey Club Shatin Integrated Services Centre (Sui Wo) Room 18 Sui Wo Court Commercial Complex Sha Tin, Hong Kong
Portfolios aren’t really a thing among professional programmers. As an interviewer, I consider an application leaning on portfolios to be a sign of someone who has zero real professional experience.
Companies, as a rule, do not let you share source, or even images of internal projects (as another poster suggested). The reasons for this should be fairly obvious. As a result, most professionals don’t have much of a portfolio. They just have projects they can talk about.
Perhaps more importantly, a professional’s ‘portfolio’ wouldn’t tell you much. Why? Because real software is built by teams not individuals, and the real valuable skills are not in details of code, but in communication, collaboration, flexibility and learning.
Let’s say you work for a terrible team. The application you work on will be terrible, no matter your skills. Conversely, let’s say you work with John Skeet and Kenneth Reitz. Your app will be clean and well designed, even if you peesonally had little to do with it. Teams win. Until I see your skills live, all I know is what you’ve worked on, not how good you are.
Of course, even if you are a great coder, it still doesn’t tell me much. Unless you are junior, I am not hiring you to code. I am hiring you to build software. And building software is only about 20% coding. The remaining 80% is communication, persuasion, estimation, planning, teamwork, learning, empathy, humility, flexibility and other ‘soft’ skills.
As far as I can tell, the idea of using programming ‘portfolios’ in job hunts was invented by colleges. Colleges are famously bad at teaching students how to find jobs. I have no idea why. But if their advice is bad for students, it is terrible for professiona
說起美國,我想起剛大學畢業時,看過一篇有關MBA文章,話有個年輕人,我永遠都記得那句話,雖然孔子也有類似的說話,他說,那個二十歲的少年人,持著聖經中的教訓,以己待人的精神,跑到南部去創業,他就是Walt Disney.
大腦 vs 後腦 清醒 vs 潛意識 global vs local 覺悟 vs 慣性 分析 vs 意識流 (montage) 抗爭 vs 律動 創意 vs 因循 理性(非理性) vs 非理性(理性) 幻想 vs 現實 主人 vs 奴才
We shall build up a cvid instructions to lead an idea-action-review loop. It can be self-learnt and self improved indefinitely as the mechanism will dig out the imperfect parts to be rectified.
It is a perfect combination how an idea is created and then they are put into an action to fullfill a task goal.
直至今時今曰,二千年前的軸心時代産生的革命性的思想仍然是我們曰常生活的指南針。但可以大膽地估計,不到二、三十年間,全人類的思想即將出現革命性的新浪潮,軸心時代的思想模式是不足以應對的,新的思想應該迎合 人類合一及變種,人性變異,全民民主訴求,太空開拓等各種新挑戰。
百家爭嗚後,人類將散居宇宙各地,地球每一角落將被開發,人類將以各種形式存在,生物科技人,純spiritual, 彼此爭戰,各有領地,這些領地可以是傅統實在的,亦可是虛擬的,甚至是在另一時空域。
Let say
Cvid1 : 1-2-3-4-5 Cvid2 : A-b-c-d-e
parallel Master run cvid1 and cvid2 at the same time to see which will be the best result
cross cvid12 x cvid2c =1-2-c-d-e
fusion cvid1 union cvid2 = (1 or A)-(2 or b)-(3 or c)-(4 or d)-(5 or e)
entangle When cvid1 runs at 1-2-3-4-5, cvid2 runs at the same time.
skip / by pass skip(cvid13) =1-2-4-5
circular / linear circular (cvid1) = 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5
-reverse reverse(cvid1)=5-4-3-2-1
leading / follow cvid1 lead cvid2 = 1-a-2-b-3 cvid1 follow cvid2 =a-1-b-2-c
absorb / replacement (same as fusion)
O the world was full of the summer time And the year was always june When we two played together In the days that were done too soon
O every hand was an honest hand And every heart was true When you were the king of the cornlands And i was a queen with you
O every corner of street was a surprise And every line of building wont catch me When we stroll along the shadow Why we are keen on the truth
O every corner stone changes rapidly, And the people here remains When we talk n talk No one knows what is talking about ..
Cvid, like dna, is the basic gene to control the work process of a robot or computer.
Cvid can be shared among computers. Computer can search the web and identify a most suitable cvid to do a task. The cvid will be further adjusted after an actual task or a simulation. The cvid behaviour will be recorded and shared among computers for future operations. The cvid network will become more and more sophiscated AND intelligent.
No one know what happen with this connected intelligent which has a potential to become a GOD in the long run.
Cvid ~ definition knowledge sharing can save much resources and effort. Cvid is created to link more than one standard modules and it also define the nature for the modules so that they can be easily searched, sold out and used by the other cvid. With the time going, its scale becomes enormous and releasr amazing thinking power.
Although cvid can not be changed once it is defined, but one of interesting feature of cvid is : it can modify its output by using another cvid and turn out to be very flexible to change based on a certain amount of known cvid. So robot is able to improve the performance by the operation with another cvid.
~ operations for 2 cvid - parallel - cross - fusion - split - inject - remove - entangle - simulation - skip / by pass - circular / linear - leading / follow - absorb / replacement
Cvid status - when cvid is feedbacked to hv done a gd job, it will become stable and resist to change. On the contrary, it will necome instable and hv motivation to change for survival.
The cvid has to be gone through a process from unstable status to become more stable via a sequential steps ( a kind of cvid). They are called wormfly effect.
So once we set an objective to the robot, then it will be put into such positive feeback looping millions times to optimize the solution and give a perfect solution.
Competitive principal
The strongest n most stable cvid will be activated, others will be programmed on a way to become a pecfect gene and regain the position of the lord.