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唔好學死一個framework 理解左一個http request 有d咩,client 想收到d咩先 有concept就用咩framework都得 你唔識咩係req res就咩都做唔唔到
之前喺香港交通方便從來無諗過要有架車 自從嚟到英國就完全感受到車的重要性 現在是夏天以步行方式出街毫無問題, 但一到冬天落雪落冰雹就有點困難, 之前試過行行下街倒冰, 你無睇錯係.倒.冰.唔係倒水, 嗰時真係企左喺度
今次想分享考車牌 (筆試) 第一次在youtube search "driving theory test"就見到以下條video 雖然佢有d廣告成份係sell佢公司的driving test app, 但我見噤有緣份同睇左Google reviews個passing rate幾高所以最後都比左£4.99, 佢重有個"free pass guarantee", 如果筆試真係fail左佢會比返考試費你
What is driving theory test? Driving theory test is made up of TWO parts: (1) Multiple Choice Questions (passing score: 43/50) 如果你係用以上個app, 個app有757條題目比你practice 真正考試的題目同你practice的字眼上係完全唔一樣的 (2) Harzard Perception (passing score: 44/75) 對住個電腦模擬駕駛影像見到有harzard就click 如果你係用以上個app, 個app有34條CGI (Computer-generated imagery) video clips 同51條real life video clips比你practice, 分別在於電腦動畫版定真實街景版, 考試時會係CGI, 畫面清析d 真正考試的題目同你用apps做practice的係完全唔一樣的
Hints: (1) Multiple Choice Questions 溫MC時你一定要明條題目問乜同答案點解, 因為個app d問題純參考,真正考試時d題目係會轉另一組字眼/方式問你又或者你未見過考你common sense (2) Harzard Perception 你要識分辨乜係potential harzard同developing harzard -potential harzard: 例如有個pedestrain路人阿丙在馬路邊位徘徊 -developing harzard: 例如個路人阿丙突然準備踏隻腳出嚟想過馬路 你認為係potential harzard就click(但有時未必真係harzard唔會有score), 見到個potential harzard開始對你架車造成影響導致你要take action, 如必須停車/剎車/減速等就再click, 但千企唔好係又click唔係又click你會成條被disqualified的 -謹記 3-clicks approach, 好大機會draw within the scoring bar and get the point (上面條youtube片講得幾好大家睇多次) -每條片千企唔好多過10個clicks同唔好4-clicks in a row -13條題目每條最高有5分, 其中1條因為有兩個harzards最高有10分 (3) 如果唔想用上面個app其實係有其他選擇又或者有部份係唔洗錢的, 不過記得睇user reviews, 如果唔係萬一fail左就真係哂左錢 如果兩parts是但一part fail都係fail
Driving theory test backlog 狂睇狂做mock exam questions足足兩個星期後覺得自己ready去考個筆試就諗住去DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) 網站apply, 點知, 全世界都因為個武肺停頓左, 好多考場之前close左現在重開返應付唔到噤多考生 有candidate原本2月考筆試排左6個月都未考到, 但我就係抱住自己未試過申請又點知真係唔得的心態login入DVSA網站explore下 (報名前你係要先有provisional driving license), 個網站首先會問你想邊日考, 然後選擇邊個考場, 發覺最近住址的考場-> FULL, 50miles內的考場->FULL, 再遠d-> FULL 好灰, 就係覺得自己ready同重有少少short-term memory想試下考點知個個考場都係FULL, 但邏輯話比我聽總會有人突然放棄個考期又突然有空位掛, 如是者我瘋狂login入DVSA網站這個動作持續左4日, 一個7點幾的早上真係比我執到個timeslot, 重要係近住址的考場, 即刻hold左個timeslot同debit card過數£23, 終於成功報名, 真係又要好煩噤多謝自己唔放棄捕左噤多日終於捕到
What to expect in the theory test? 當日特登早45分鐘去到考場諗住坐下等自己無噤緊張, 一去到reception, 個receptionist會核對你provisional driving license上的資料, 之後會比張document (examination flow) 同locker key你, 入考場係唔可以帶電話同任何隨身物品包括袋/外套, 全部都要放入locker, 所以如果你怕凍記得入面著多件衫而唔係大褸/外套, 電話放入locker時佢亦都要你show比佢睇個電話真係switch off 左, 重要你show前後褲袋係咪empty, 放哂所有野入locker就坐低睇document: (1) 考試時間1hour20mins (2) 考試分兩parts (MC & Harzard Perception) (3) MC 57分鐘 (50Qs) (4) 3分鐘break (5) Harzard Perception 20分鐘 (14Qs) (6) MC如果你唔肯定個答案你可以flag左去有時間淨再重溫 (7) 正式開始時會有幾條sample questions(唔計分)等你熟習個電腦
What had happened on my examination day? 考試當日, 烏龍事又發生喺我身上, 差d考唔到個筆試: 我早左到考場當時一個考生都無, 我見時間尚早就慢慢睇張document諗住定下神, 等下一分鐘等下又一分鐘最後重有15分鐘心諗點解重唔叫我入考場? 這個時候有5個考生在reception登記考試, 佢哋登記完坐喺我隔離秒速睇完份document就交返比receptionist然後直入考場, 原來睇完份document就可以直接入去, 當時得返幾分鐘到我原本預約的時間, 我即刻衝去reception好在佢都比我入去, 真係嚇死我. 我諗個receptionist會覺得我點解睇份document可以睇半個鐘噤耐都唔入去. 考場係一個電腦房, 房出面有另一個receptionist佢會話你知坐邊個位, 間房用左透明大玻璃窗同有cctv都幾嚴謹. 印象中有2條MC係我完全未見過的又唔係common sense可以答到的題目, 完全靠估 終於考完,步出考場時其實自己心裡有數的 出返reception佢check多次我個人資料就即該收到result I PASSED!!!! 我竟然pass!!!!
好感恩自己成個過程的付出所以我真係又要多謝下自己, 不過唔好開心得噤早, 因為個result係得兩年期限唔同香港pass左筆試就唔洗再考, 如果你兩年內重未考到practical test路試你係要重新再考過筆試
建議: -重喺香港的大家考左個車牌先過嚟, 嚟到可以換英國車牌 -如果handle到棍波車就考棍波, 因為英國棍波車係平過自動波車同埋如果你想做司機送貨又要用公司車大多數都係棍波車 -記得download任何app比錢時用uk debit/credit card, 我唔知點解link左去香港張信用卡港幣比錢最後要比手續費
聽聞考英國車牌係全世界最難的考試, 我認真感受到佢真係一個考試, 佢唔係要你背答案, 反而係要你完成明白個concept所以淨係MC已經同你溫的題目字眼上完全唔一樣, 但我反而鍾意這個模式因為噤樣先至真正學到嘢, 知識係自己的, 同埋揸車出街你都唔想有乜意外或者你點都要對基本運作/法律有認知, 安全為上啊 我現在重睇緊車未真正學車, 但乜都要慳, 希望不久將來可以再分享比大家考路試的過程 (如果pass)
多謝各位又花時間睇這篇長文, 希望嚟緊大家如果考車牌有少少得著, 暫時最想分享的兩件事完了, 可能我要潛水一段時間又或者只出好短字的post, 大家唔好介意啊! 再次多謝各位
Mabel Yeung
Tseung Kwan O, New Territories To obtain a position where I can maximize my multilayer of management skills, PR and Marketing, customer relationship, project management, business development and team management are the successful track records to leverage my business opportunities globally. Work Experience Service and Operation Manager (Ecommerce) September 2019 to November 2020 • Lead and supervise the team on daily operation of the restaurant online booking and promotion channels • Conduct strong communication with partnered restaurants to ensure an up-to-date and accurate product, promotion and customer needs • Assist new partners with on-boarding process (set up, training) • Resolve customer service enquiries and complaints • Perform analyses and develop ideas on social media channels • Prepare performance reports • Oversees digital marketing trends and enhance the performance of the sales • Based on the clients' needs and market trends, to suggest enhancement on product/service features in collaboration with Product and IT divisions
A fully understanding on web development and digital marketing strategies. To maintain an eCommerce platform with valuable time and cost saving. Gain mastery of key eCommerce concepts. Optimizing merchants' needs and digital marketing to deliver customer insights.
Service and Marketing Manager April 2012 to September 2019 Ecommerce)
Marketing Related • Manage marketing budget, marketing coverage and product image • Measure and monitor performance of all e-commerce marketing campaigns, meet KPIs and maximize the ROI of the marketing activities, lead to acquisitions and conversions • Lead and supervise the marketing team for local and oversea events and exhibitions • Interact and collaborate with business partners, vendors and external stakeholders • Design and implement marketing campaign for Sales Team to explore and generate new leads • Lead a team around 2 people included operations, and digital marketing executive • Optimize all web pages, product listings, social media, and communications for optimal search/browse performance and customer related (Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Google Ads and Magazines) • Work closely with Technical department for the deployment of online marketing capabilities and software development • Resolve customer service enquiries and complaints
Operation Related • Responsible for merchant account servicing • Responsible for not limited only to online and offline merchants' communication, customer complaint management and Key Account merchants' operation • ensuring adequate resources are planned and allocated for completing various merchant requests • Due diligence for merchants' application • Generate merchant accounts service procedure and optimize merchant service experience • Identify merchant's potential needs, coordinate and communicate with internal departments to optimize operation strategy, product development and business development • Lead a team around 6 people included operations, inhouse designer and digital marketing executive
A complete understanding of the rise of internet, big data and artificial intelligence. Optimizing merchants' needs and help to leverage the database to improve marketing and CRM that bring them business success. Coordinate internal and external stakeholder's engagement and feedback.
Manager April 2012 to March 2013 Marketing Related • Manage marketing budget, marketing coverage and product image • Ensure to meet KPIs and maximize the ROI of the marketing activities, lead to acquisitions and conversions • Lead and supervise the marketing team for local and oversea events and exhibitions • Interact and collaborate with business partners and external stakeholders • Optimize all web pages, product listings, social media, and communications for optimal search/browse performance and customer related • Work closely with digital marketing team on Facebook management and PSPs. Customer Relationship related
• Conduct post-CRM campaign evaluation & review; provide constructive feedback for continuous improvement on CRM strategies • Oversee and managed on-going CRM campaigns in social and digital omni-channel platform to ensure its effectiveness in reaching business objectives • Assist the customer complaint management team and adhoc projects with resolution and proactively follow up with related parties for services enhancement • Bring the merchant insights and effect mechanisms to external stakeholders and educate them on better communications between business and marketing in order to reach success.
Have a complete understanding of omni channel for e-Commerce business, included card processing, mobile App development and knowledge on AML. Optimizing merchants' needs and digital marketing to deliver customer insights from payment industry that bring them business success. Enable to analyze marketing campaigns, identify trends and maintain strong connection and network to explore brand co-operation and partnership marketing with other savvy businesses.
Assistant Marketing Manager American Express Int'd Ltd April 2011 to December 2011 9 months contractor)
• Provide project management support for the deployment of a few online marketing capabilities projects as well as development of Merchant communications for HK • Support the Merchant Website (B2B) redesign project for HK with focus on the creation, contents and images with closely work with the Regional office in Australia and interaction with Central Project team in other markets • Manage other online marketing capabilities rollout projects in HK and China, such as HK POC, China POC site, China Merchant Website and Fastpay Registered Card • Responsible for managing online branding, communications and campaigns through the company website, EDM, email marketing, building the online community, attracting new customers, search engine optimization, and search marketing. • As a key local representative, coordinate internal and external stakeholders engagement, feedback and sign-off for the website • Shape fundamental design elements of the website and ensure that the right voice and high-quality content are maintained. • Coordinate with Vendors and adhoc projects • Build and maintain relationships with the Brands and Corporate teams
Service Manager World Family - Hong Kong April 2008 to March 2010 • Lead and supervise on the club activity events and service teams in Hong Kong • Implement to achieve organizational objectives or strategic plans for selected market segments • Monitor and conduct the work of producing the services in order to evaluate effectiveness of marketing program and manage on special service package and campaign promotion • Execute management in the development of creative solutions to improve company's customer overall satisfaction • Drive CRM objectives with IT department via various internal and external stakeholders, and integrated communications program • Produce regular business analysis report & P&L report from all activity events to Service and Marketing Director • Evaluate and communicate base on sales and marketing performance via customer insights platform • Work closely with Production Management, Sales and Marketing Team and Technical Support on the details implementation process and logistics within Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan office
Maximize the efficiency of resources and brand's profitability by driving yearly campaign, implement budget control and wastage through effective management of the systems. Successfully motivate and conduct a top priority team management with a delegated team behind me. Maintain an understanding, comfortable with customers insights driven specific targets to be achieved through customers' relationship development and leverage of business opportunities with Japan and Taiwan office.
Marketing Manager China Dragon Membership Services Ltd September 2006 to March 2008 • Develop overall CRM objectives and direct marketing • Develop and implement new campaign and promotion strategies to achieve business objectives. • Implement and monitor SEO strategy to drive traffic and conversion rates. • Coordinate with internal stakeholders and liaise with external stakeholders for planning and execution of various marketing campaigns. • Build and maintain relationships with the Brands and Corporate teams • Analyze and evaluate site user behaviors and web traffic to improve the performance of all online campaigns and make recommendations to improve user experience • Manage an online branding, communications and campaigns through the company website, EDM, email marketing, building the online community, attracting new customers, search engine optimization, and search marketing. • Analyze customer needs and market demand and monitor competitors' activities; Supporting and enhancing customer service including responding to feedback. • Develop ad hoc projects as assigned and implement cost control • Supervise and develop tournament and marketing events. Maximize brand exposure and awareness with high profile target media. Manage relationships including advertising agencies and external and internal parties for the successful execution of the projects
Business Analyst Galaxy Satellite Broadcasting Limited May 2000 to October 2003 • Develop and manage project policies, procedures, templates and other documentations. • Coordinate across projects and CRM programmes for internet portals • Analyze the specific, current and future needs of the markets in collaboration with Communication Managers of different Markets. • Identify business rules and articulate business requirement. • Evaluate ideas on project that enhance productivity. • Implement a new business procedure or process and configurations. • Coordinate the testing and implement solutions to address customers' needs with IT department • Compile documentation and reports. • Monitor and provide training for end users. • Execute consulting services related to all phases of the system development life cycle.
Maintain efficiency on the system analysis in order to provide good quality control and service to customers. Successfully supervise customer service representatives to provide excellent service to customers.
Marketing Executive Trans China International Limited - HK, HK February 1999 to March 2000 Conduct marketing researches and studying market trends to explore opportunities for new products. • Analyze market requirements and business needs to identify potential customers. • Encourage high quality customer services and maintain a good relationship with the customers. • Implement useful marketing and research information to Market Director to assist him in formulating marketing plans and strategies. • Coordinate promotional events and advertising campaigns. • Obtain update marketing information and execute sales strategies.
Achieve and successfully build up relationship with potential customers. Be able to meet the deadline of the adhoc projects.
Customer Service Representative Manulife Financial Company September 1997 to January 1999 Demutualization Unit) • Responsible for daily phone calls and related duties • Produce documentations and annual reports to customers • Provide related account services to customers
Improve self-confidence and communication skills with customers. Gain lots of customer service experience and knowledge of customer needs.
Account Control Analyst / Customer American Express Int'd Ltd - HK, HK February 1996 to July 1997 Service Representative Responsible for daily customer services, clerical duties and support duties. • Responsible for customer service and key account merchants' operation • Optimize merchant service experience • Develop and manage credit accounts for customers. • Perform portfolio analysis and prepare monthly reports. • Coordinate financial plans and provide advice to clients.
Deserve an acknowledgment of valuable help from customers. Successfully maintain good telephone service technique and communication skills.
Education B.A in Art in Art University of Toronto - Toronto, ON June 1995 B.S. in Computer Science in Computer Science Brother Andre Catholic High School - Markham, ON June 1995 Diploma Ontario Secondary June 1991 Skills • Computer Skills: Lotus, MS word, MS Excel, WP, MS Access, MS PowerPoint, Photoshop, C++, Turing, Frontpage & HTML • E-commerce • Microsoft Excel • Marketing Cover letter 17th September, 2021
Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing to express my interest in Part Time position listed on Please find the enclosed my CV for your consideration.
As you can see from my attached CV, I have over 20 years of experience in the Customer Service Relationship industry. I believe the knowledge and skills built up during this time make me the perfect candidate for the role.
I am currently looking for a Part Time job which will allow me to spend more time with my children due to her is going to promote to secondary school. However, I am extremely flexible and happy to take on more work outside my contracted hours wherever possible.
In my previous role as a Customer service representative at Amercian Express Travel Related and Manulife. I have been responsible for customer service related for daily phone calls and provide related account services to customers. Further, I have promoted to Account Control Analyst which when coupled with my enthusiasm and dedication on developing good relationship and quality control with customers. It has helped the business success in customer satisfaction and brand building.
Continuously experience as a Service Manager at World Family. My responsibilities include the development and management of the service and Customer Relationship Management to the team and customers. Also perform the coordination of all the activities events and yearly campaign. Maintain a strong leadership, excellent communication skills and dutiful respect for internal and external stakeholders. Successfully achieved the customer insight through customers’ relationship development and leverage of business opportunities with Japan and Taiwan Team. In addition, the knowledge of my supervisory skills included monitoring, scheduling, training, budgeting, reporting, CRM, digitals and other online tactics.
I am confident that this experience and strong commitment to my accomplishment, I know I will add significant value to your team and the business. I look forward to meeting you with my capabilities to discuss my application further. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Mabel Yeung Enclosed CV Interested? Notes Write your note here... Sep 16 Mabel Yeung applied to Urgent ! NET for Kindergarten (Y2021 - 2022 ) Mabel Yeung By sending a message or using this platform, you agree that your messages will be processed and analyzed according to Indeed's Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service. Got it START WITH A TEMPLATE
Still interested? Hi Mabel Yeung, Are you still interested in this position: I reviewed your application and would like to discuss next st Write a message... Messages are sent as emailsClose
成立於2003年,「優之語言教育中心有限公司」(”Uniserve Expert Language Trainer Ltd.” )一直致力於為香港中小學生/成人提供高質素語言(英語/普通話/日語/韓語)教學。師資優良,教學管理完善。自2019疫情後 我們更為注重應用網絡科技於語言教學中。我們在2022年度即將推出各類新的課程服務,敬請留意.
與時並進,將嶄新科技 與 教育心理學 應用於語言教學是我們一直努力的方向。 網絡科技拉近人與人的距離,亦令教學管理,包括導師團隊建立, 教材內容管理 以及師生溝通 更為容易和完善。
我們定期舉辦各類語言課外興趣班,包括著名 Cambridge Starters/Movers/Flyers,Jolly Phonics,Letterland,普通話唱遊班,朗誦班 以及 旅遊日語 / 日語基礎課程等。
Just wonder if you are interested in a Saturday morning job post in Chaiwan with details as follows
Start date : Oct 2021
10:00-11:00 Jolly Phonics (k1)
11:10-12:10 Jolly Phonics (k2-k3)
12:15-13:15 Cambridge Starters(P1-p3)
Location: Chaiwan
They are long term classes. We shall provide all the materials.
Thanks for your reply soon 🙏
Published Thu, Sep 9 202110:15 AM EDT Nicolas Vega @ATNICKVEGA SHARE Share Article via Facebook Share Article via Twitter Share Article via LinkedIn Share Article via Email 11:57 How a 31-year-old YouTuber making $6.1 million a year spends his money This story is part of CNBC Make It’s Millennial Money series, which details how people around the world earn, spend and save their money.
Walking into Graham Stephan’s Las Vegas home, the first thing you see is a massive 310-gallon aquarium in the entryway. Equipped with color-changing lights and filled with coral reef and brightly colored fish, the YouTube star’s prized possession is impossible to miss.
He describes the $45,000 he’s spent on the aquarium, filtration system and marine life as “purely an expense,” but has zero qualms about pouring his money into it.
“The level of enjoyment I get from the aquarium is just unparalleled to any other experience that I would be able to buy,” the 31-year-old says. “This for me is the tank I would have set up as a kid when I was 12 if I had whatever I wanted.”
Graham Stephan has spent $45,000 building out his dream aquarium. Graham Stephan has spent $45,000 building out his dream aquarium.CNBC Make It | Beatriz Bajuelos Castillo The aquarium is emblematic of the seismic changes that have occurred in his life since he was first profiled for CNBC Make It’s Millennial Money series in November 2019. Back then, Stephan was still working in real estate part-time and filmed videos for his popular YouTube channel in his 700-square-foot Los Angeles duplex.
His brand now encompasses five YouTube channels and a podcast, and his workload has gotten so intense that he hired not one, but two employees — one of whom lives with him full-time. His duplex has been replaced by a $1.4 million, 3,900-square-foot home 20 minutes away from the Las Vegas strip that he shares with his girlfriend, Macy.
After breaking the $1 million annual income threshold in 2019 and making $5.1 million in 2020, Stephan is on pace to earn $6 million in 2021 after expenses, with $3 million coming from YouTube ad revenue and the rest coming from sponsorships and affiliates, as well as selling courses on the online platform Teachable.
He achieved this growth by quitting his real estate career to focus on YouTube full-time, spurred in part by early coronavirus lockdowns that kept him at home making videos. “That was the point for me where I was like: ‘I want to go all in on YouTube,’” he tells CNBC Make It.
Stephan’s life is now fully centered around content creation, and he’s finally allowing himself to enjoy his success.
Making the move from Los Angeles to Las Vegas
When Covid-19 lockdowns began in mid-2020 and forced Stephan to stay in his relatively small Los Angeles home full-time, “it really made me re-evaluate where I wanted to be and where I wanted to work,” he says.
He decided to move to Las Vegas after visiting a close friend who had just bought a house in the development where Stephan currently lives. His friend mentioned that the house being built next door was for sale, and Stephan decided to seize the opportunity. He closed on the property in summer 2020, and moved in last December.
Graham Stephan, 31, in his Las Vegas home. Graham Stephan, 31, in his Las Vegas home.CNBC Make It | Beatriz Bajuelos Castillo The new home has been a major boon for Stephan’s professional life. While he once worked on videos in his garage, Stephan now has a dedicated office that includes an exact replica of his original set that still sits in Los Angeles. In order to keep complete continuity between his videos during the move, he even got another aviator wing desk and T-Rex skull.
The house also has a full office, bedroom for his live-in assistant and office for his other employee, as well as a professional podcast studio complete with soundproofed ceilings.
Stephan still pays mortgages and collects rent on his four Los Angeles properties, and decided to rent out his old apartment instead of selling it.
Pivoting to YouTube full-time
Stephan decided to leave his job as a real estate agent at the Oppenheim Group for a couple of reasons. First, moving out of California required him to give up his real estate license. And more importantly, he had come to the realization that the time and effort he was putting into selling homes was better spent on his YouTube channel.
Stephan estimates that when his first Millennial Money episode was released, he was spending roughly 20% of his time on real estate and the other 80% on YouTube, often staying up until 2 a.m. to work on videos.
At the time of his pivot to becoming a full-time YouTuber in mid-2020, Stephan’s channel had roughly 1.5 million subscribers and he was on pace to earn $1 million from YouTube for the first time.
Now, his main channel has around 3.5 million subscribers. As of early July, Stephan had already earned $1.42 million in ad revenue from his various channels for 2021.
The growth isn’t due only to the increase in hours Stephan puts into YouTube, but also to a change in the type of content he makes. Though Stephan became popular by making videos talking about his investments and real estate earnings, he has pivoted to news analysis and explaining complex financial topics.
Stephan working with his editor, Jack, who also lives with him. Stephan working with his editor, Jack, who also lives with him.CNBC Make It | Beatriz Bajuelos Castillo Stephan says reading the thousands of comments on his videos helped him identify a strong desire from viewers for someone who could explain what was going on in the markets.
This change also allowed Stephan to create content based around the news of the day, which in turn helps draw in subscribers who may not already be familiar with his brand. In recent months, he has covered topics ranging from the housing market to cryptocurrency to meme stocks.
“It provides me with a lot more flexibility to be able to comment on financial-related news or whatever is going on and give my take on it, as well as some actionable steps that the viewer might be able to take from it,” Stephan says of his new strategy.
Growing the ‘Graham Stephan’ team
For Stephan, a typical day begins at around 6:30 a.m. — right as the markets open on the east coast. On most days, he stays in his office until 6 or 7 p.m.
“Ten hours a day is probably spent in front of a computer researching the markets, trying to plan out ideas, reading what people want to hear about,” Stephan says.
Until recently, Stephan took pride in his channel being a one-man show. But as he increased his YouTube-related workload during the pandemic, he realized he needed to make a change.
“The tipping point for me was really when I started to see my own work decline, despite me putting in 12 to 15 hours a day,” he says. “That’s the point where it started making sense to bring someone else on.”
The tipping point for me [to hire someone] was really when I started to see my own work decline, despite me putting in 12 to 15 hours a day. Graham Stephan His team now includes a live-in editor, as well as another editor who keeps an office in Stephan’s home. Together, the three run all of Stephan’s channels, as well as assist with his weekly podcast. Altogether, Stephan puts out nine new pieces of content each week.
“The dynamic in person is so much different than if you’re doing it over a Zoom call or you’re doing it over the phone,” Stephan says of the decision to keep his team close. “We’re able to create so much more.”
Leaving behind (some of) his frugal ways
Here are Stephan’s monthly personal expenses as of July 2021.
Graham Stephan Estimated Monthly Spending Elham Ataeiazar | CNBC Make It Las Vegas home: $6,448 for the mortgage, property taxes and HOA fees. Food: $820 covers restaurant spending and team dinners. Stephan’s girlfriend handles the couple’s monthly grocery bill. Car: $632 for his Tesla payment. Utilities: $570 for gas, electric and internet bills. Discretionary: $446 goes toward entertainment, pool tech, house cleaner and credit card fees. Insurance: $437 for health and car insurance. Phone: $50 Subscriptions: $20 for Spotify and Amazon Prime. Stephan is well aware of his reputation as a frugal millionaire despite his $15.5 million net worth, but he says that over the past few years he has learned that sometimes spending money can be more valuable than pinching pennies. Though he won’t be stopping by a Starbucks any time soon, there are a number of places where he is more willing to open his wallet.
“The biggest thing that I would say I started spending money on was being able to buy back my time,” he says. “This is a shift that probably happened for me about a year ago when I was overworked and taking on too much.”
He now spends $130 to have a technician come once a month to maintain his swimming pool and splits $250 a month evenly with his girlfriend to hire a cleaning person for the house. He says that the expense is worth it to have more time to relax or put back into his work.
Graham Stephan's living room Stephan and his girlfriend split the $250 monthly cost to have someone clean their 3,900-square-foot home.CNBC Make It | Beatriz Bajuelos Castillo Stephan still tracks all of the money that comes in and out of his accounts, but doesn’t keep a strict budget anymore because his default instinct is to always save or invest new income rather than spend it. He estimates that he saves about $400,000 per month on average, with 60% of that going into his investments and the rest going into high-interest savings accounts.
He budgets about $800 per month for food, including taking the team out for sushi when they have a particularly well-performing video. Stephan’s girlfriend pays for the couple’s roughly $300 monthly grocery bill. He was able to cancel his $220 Equinox gym membership when he moved to Las Vegas because his living community has a full gym.
When it comes to furnishing his home, Stephan didn’t cut any corners. He says he spent about $100,000 on furniture and artwork, including a massive neon sign with his “Smash The Like Button” slogan, as well as an $80,000 piano that he bought used for $16,000.
Looking ahead
Stephan is busier and more successful than ever, but he’s acutely aware that his career has taken him into uncharted waters.
“We’ve never really known a history of what it’s like for financial creators on YouTube. Even five, six years ago, there were no such things as people making videos about finance ... to the level it is now,” he says.
He no longer has any milestone income goals that he wants to reach, and instead hopes to one day travel the country in an RV. Until then, however, he is committed to focusing on YouTube and growing his brand.
“I have no idea how long it’s going to last. I have no idea where this might pivot to,” he says. “I’m really optimistic that it’s going to continue for quite some time, but I have no idea how it’s going to continue to adapt and evolve.”