Ask HN: What are the best MOOCs you've taken?
119 csdrane 1 hr 36
sampo 11 mins
Most fun: Pat Pattison, Songwriting, Coursera. Very good lectures, very good material, very well presented. I used to think that the best feature of MOOCs is the automatic grading and feedback from programming homework, but in this course, for the homework songwriting you gave and got feedback from 3-5 random people in the course, and it was not only useful but this feeling of togetherness with strangers was even better than getting instantaneous feedback a from programming homework. There is no reason teaching art wouldn't scale to MOOCs as well.
Nicest: Andrew Ng, Machine Learning, Coursera. Interesting topic, well-planned material, very well avoids going into the mathy details, but still conveys a feeling of understanding of the topic, so accessible to a wide audience. (Martin Odersky, Functional Programming Principles in Scala, Coursera, was almost equally nice, but had some rough edges in the first run.)
Most interesting: Probabilistic Graphical Models, Daphne Koller, Coursera. Very interesting topic. I took the first run of the course and it had lots of rough edges. Needs a lot of work to apply the lectures to the homework. I haven't seen such a demanding course since I took quantum mechanics at university.
Best organized: Jennifer Widom, Databases, Stanford. This is not the flashiest of a topic, but oh boy was it well organized. Runs like a clockwork. Everything in the lectures is relevant, everything from the lectures can be applied and is tested in the homework, there is lots of homework (but still not enough to make you remember SQL for the rest of your life if you don't keep using it), weekly homework has a nice progression from simpler things to medium difficult things, and the web environment is well designed, and gives wonderful feedback and guides you to get your queries correct.
dmytrish 5 mins
Probabilistic Graphical Models, Daphne Koller
– the first course in the specialization has a very good and engaging start, but the gap between lectures and problems widens quickly after that (maybe that's why the author boasts about a "challenging" course "not for everyone"). I'm hesitant to take the next course of the specialization.
sampo 0 mins
I wrote about the first version when it was all in one course. It seems they have split it into 3 courses now. Probably it's less dense now.
lr4444lr 3 mins
I concur completely with this assessment of Ng's and Widom's courses.
akbarnama 0 mins
Most fun and learnt a lot in Introduction to Mathematical Thinking taught by Keith Devlin. I did this course from Coursera in 2012. The most fun part was the forum where students collaborated to discuss and gain better understanding of the problems.
rectang 40 mins
Khan Academy math, because of the exercises.
They are consistent, not very buggy, gamified, and consumable in small or large amounts. Sal Khan is a good communicator and the videos are decent, but it's the exercises that make Khan Academy exceptional.
blcArmadillo 34 mins
Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Course on Coursera:
vector_rotcev 39 mins
Learning how to learn, Barbara Oakley, Coursera.
By far and away the best learning course I've taken in my life as well, I wish it had been available before I had completed my formal education.
OldSchoolJohnny 10 mins
Everyone who wants to learn anything in life should take this course first, I can't endorse it enough.
neovive 24 mins
Over the past few years, I've watched a few courses on Udacity, Coursera and EdX. I prefer taking ad-hoc courses to fill knowledge gaps (statistics, AI, programming, math, etc.), so I can't give a full review of the complete Nanodegrees, Certificates, XSeries, etc. I usually watch the lessons as needed without completing the entire course; mixing and matching MOOC courses with video learning sites (e.g. Datacamp, Youtube channels, Khan Academy, Egghead, etc.)
If I had to pick a MOOC platform, I prefer Udacity's more hands-on approach, but enjoy courses on EdX and Coursera. The quality of all three MOOC platforms is excellent. It's an amazing time for autodidacts!
If you're starting from scratch, without any background knowledge, the certificate programs with access to mentors are a great place to start. The curriculum is designed by industry professionals and/or experienced professors. This saves you time, keeps you focused and offers a place to get help when needed.
jitix 18 mins
Do you have any recommendations on statistics for beginners?
neovive 3 mins
Udacity has two free introductory statistics courses that they recommend prior to starting their AI nanodegree program:
Intro to Descriptive Statistics []
Intro to Inferential Statistics []
Khan Academy also has very in-depth coverage of statistics, starting from the basics.
bitL 2 mins
Udacity's Self-driving Car Nanodegree by a wide margin.
From the rest, MIT's Underactuated Robotics was pretty rad, Udacity's Deep Learning Foundations Nanodegree was very useful, Ng's Machine Learning was made super easy. The School of AI's DApps/Blockchain course so far looks pretty good as well.
zachwill 27 mins
Not your usual answer for HN, but the best online courses I've ever taken are Chris Orwig's photography stuff on Most local libraries have a free subscription with Lynda, and the way he teaches photography/Photoshop/etc was so useful to learn during college. It's not math or machine learning, but the guy is an absolute master at his craft -- and offers some of the clearest explanations on his line of thinking when working on projects.
billdybas 2 mins
MoMA's "Fashion as Design" course was pretty interesting:
loganekz 32 mins
Functional Programming Principles in Scala [1] taught by Martin Odersky, professor at EPFL and creator of the Scala language.
[1] -
MattyMc 5 mins
The Hardware/Software Interface from the University of Washington (previously offered on Coursera). As a non-CS major, it gave clarity to a lot of the magic that happens when you write code. Fabulous course.
anarchimedes 21 mins
I like the dialogue between Hastie and Tibshirani in their statistical learning course from Stanford [1]. I found the accompanying ISL book and c-cran depositories helpful for when I wanted to go deeper beyond the lecture.
idiocratic 39 mins
Robert Sedgewick's Algorithms has been one of the best for me, not only as a general refresher on algorithms, but also as a way of better understanding complexity notations.
mrnaught 12 mins
Walk through of each algorithm with visualization is amazing in that course.
grdvnl 20 mins
I took the Programming Languages course on Coursera which is so far the best course for me. It changed the way I learn any new programming language.
I see that they have split the course into 2 parts.
adenadel 14 mins
I'm going to go off the beaten path here. I really enjoyed the edX course Molecular Biology (MITx - 7.28.1x). They teach DNA replication and repair
gringoDan 26 mins
3b1b's series on Linear Algebra is essential for an intuitive understanding of the topic:
(Really anything by 3b1b)
mcjiggerlog 3 mins
Can anybody recommend any courses for learning WebGL?
ScoutOrgo 19 mins's ( deep learning and machine learning courses. No ads, good notes/forum, and very approachable material for anyone that knows basic coding.
samuraijack 13 mins
Compilers by Alex Aiken.
rjammala 15 mins
Algorithms by Tim Roughgarden on Coursera
mcintyre1994 38 mins is outstanding, if you're at all interested in deep learning.
user2994cb 23 mins
Dan Boneh's Cryptography Part I on Coursera. Will we ever get Part II? Enrolling for Sept 2018 according to Coursera.
chongli 24 mins
Programming is for everybody on Coursera. Taught with Python, extremely approachable for non programmers. Teaches you fun stuff including how to use sqlite and how to scrape websites, use JSON APIs, and more!
contingencies 27 mins
Venture Deals.
Fnoord 32 mins
Learning How To Learn [1] by Dr. Barbara Oakley, Dr. Terrence Sejnowski available on Coursera & elsewhere.
fermigier 23 mins
"Learning How to Learn" (already cited) and "Critical Perspectives on Management" (by Rolf Strom-Olsen, available on Coursera, starts in 2 weeks!).
ajudson 32 mins
Nand2Tetris (part 1)
dmytrish 11 mins
The second part is awesome too.
The first part shows how to design an unoptimized and simplistic, but complete and working 16-bit CPU and RAM from logic gates.
The second part builds a whole software stack on top of it using a virtual stack-based VM:
- CPU assembler;
- a (AOT) compiler from the VM opcodes
into the CPU assembly;
- a compiler from the high-level language
called Jack (an educational mix of Java/C
with many complex parts removed) into the
VM opcodes;
- a standard library for the Jack language
Sys/Memory classes), including drawing lines/
circles and bitmapping glyphs into video memory
for text rendering;
- your own project (usually a simple game and
sometimes marvels like [0]) written in Jack
on top of all of that;
The courses are definitely very challenging and some previous exposure to the topics is desired.
vowelless 22 mins
Learning from Data, the Caltech course.