Mermaid: Markdown-like generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text
57 tomcam 3 hrs 13
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Member since 2017-07-15T03:50:57Z. Last seen 2025-01-12T00:12:02Z.
2732 blog posts. 128 comments.
57 tomcam 3 hrs 13
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58 edouard-harris 11 hrs 60
Hi HN! We're Ed and Jeremie, the founders of SharpestMinds in YC's W18 batch. We're building a free online community for ML/AI developers through which they can access job opportunities. (You can apply to join it at We're ML developers from non traditional backgrounds. Ed did a PhD in biological physics, and Jeremie studied quantum optics before dropping out of grad school to work on SharpestMinds. We started looking for ML jobs after school, thinking it shouldn't be too hard to get one. We found to our naive surprise that we fell short on a number of skills that are needed to do good work in industry. You just don't learn much devops in grad school.
As a result we decided to build something that would make it easier for ML devs to develop (and discover!) skills they might be missing, and then get their first jobs or internships. From the outset we also wanted to build a community around the process, since looking for your first job is usually a pretty lonely experience. Because we monetize directly through hiring, we can afford to create a space for discussion without ads or algorithmic distractions :)
Our typical users so far have been grad students who know ML material well, but don't yet have much, or any, practical experience. However, you don't need a degree at all (a few of our users are self-taught high school dropouts), and anyone who knows the material is welcome. In fact, that's one of the advantages of our system: we test directly for knowledge, so it doesn't matter how you got that knowledge or how long it took you to get it. One of our goals is that by the time we present you as a candidate, things that would otherwise be holes in your resumé don't matter so much, and we can make that case to companies that are hiring.
To qualify for joining, you do an online deep learning quiz (here:, followed by a technical interview. If you pass both, we invite you aboard. It's possible to retake the quiz a month later if you don't pass it, and we'll send you tips on what to study in the meantime.
Once you join you get access to a job board with exclusive (i.e., not scraped) internship and full-time opportunities on it. We've created an application system where your profile gets customized to the job you're applying for, to maximize the odds that you'll get an interview. We also have lists of common interview questions, mentors that you can practice interviewing with, and periodic AMAs with ML hiring managers from companies like Skydio and Airbnb.
The hardest part about building this has been figuring out the best way to present our users to employers. Early on we found that hiring managers were passing on qualified people, because their eyes would glaze over from reading too many CVs. We ended up building application profiles that let our users display their most relevant personal projects prominently in their application. The interview rate has increased significantly as a result.
If our approach works for the ML/AI field, we'd like to build communities like this for other fields too.
We're looking forward to getting feedback and hearing ideas from HN! We know there are lots of ML devs / enthusiasts on here, and we'd also be very interested in hearing about your own experiences making the transition, or similar programs you might know about. We'd also be interested in hearing about what, in your experience, are the most important programming skills needed by someone with a good knowledge base but little practical experience to be a strong contributor at their first job or internship.
esja 9 hrs I recruit in this area and wish you all the best. One piece of advice: change your name. In my experience the sharpest minds are intellectually honest to a fault, and would rarely describe themselves that way.
exolymph 8 hrs I'd go further and say: The current name is outright cringeworthy.
DoofusOfDeath 5 hrs Agreed. The name seems like an advertisement that you think everyone outside your company or community is less intelligent. IMO that crosses the line separating puffery / self-promotion from outright insult.
edouard-harris 3 hrs Definitely not intended that way. We'll put some thought into changing it based on everyone's feedback.
edouard-harris 9 hrs Thanks for the feedback! We're open to a change. Let me know if you have any thoughts.
BryBran 7 hrs The Neural Network
edouard-harris 7 hrs Solid
harigov 4 hrs
ShannonAlther 7 hrs Seconded.
dang 6 hrs That is seriously good.
seshagiric 8 hrs how about "the ai folks". Emphasis on 'the'
auvi 7 hrs or as Sean Parker would say: Drop the "The", just "ai folks".
cproctor 7 hrs cogs
p0d 9 hrs Funny, had the very same thought.
ianbicking 1 hr A couple bits of feedback:
At least in the title of this post it is called an "Online Community" but it really feels like a job board. Is it really a community at all? I expect to feel disappointed.
Wait... is it a job board, or an internship matching system?
I got about 5 duplicate questions.
The timed questions with a big code block and multiple choice were stressful, in that there was some dense code to read and I couldn't decide whether to understand the code first or read the questions first.
It wasn't clear to me that the timer was actually a limit, and not just a suggestion (i.e., something to pace yourself to do all the questions in the time limit)
The SQL questions felt like very normal SQL questions. They seemed easy enough (assuming I got them right!) simply given past experience with database driven websites.
edouard-harris 39 mins Thanks for the feedback here. Much appreciated.
1 & 2. It's.. both. From the inside it feels like Slack + job board + GitHub-like profiles
4-6. Noted, we'll keep updating the UI & question bank. Knowing this about how the timer feels is especially useful
minimaxir 10 hrs
However, you don't need a degree at all (a few of our users are self-taught high school dropouts), and anyone who knows the material is welcome.
To qualify for joining, you do an online deep learning quiz (here:, followed by a technical interview.
Once you join you get access to a job board with exclusive (i.e., not scraped) internship and full-time opportunities on it.
These three constraints don't reconcile with each other.
Yes, new ML/AI resources like TensorFlow and MOOCs have made AI more accessible, and that having a degree is no longer required to implement ML/AI. I agree it's unnecessary gatekeeping to require a degree to be able to play with ML/AI.
But what showy YouTube videos and Medium thought pieces don't teach is implementing ML/AI in practice to solve business problems. The stereotypical quiz + technical interview for the ability to join the service won't account for that.
When I was looking for jobs last year, 100% of the job openings for ML/AI (as opposed to Data Analyst/Data Scientist) required a Masters/PhD. In that case, I can't blame them, since there is a certain amount of experience and knowledge required to define problems and work up statistically sound solutions that can't be done by simply adding layers to a neural network or ensembling XGBoost models.
edouard-harris 10 hrs You're right, but this is the same catch-22 for getting started in any nontrivial field. How do I get experience if getting a job requires experience?
Having an MSc / PhD in the field doesn't resolve this. HR departments use grad degrees as first-pass filters, and thereby miss self-taught people who are genuinely competent.
We try to solve for this by easing people into jobs with internships and work terms first. The community is a key part of that since it supports them if they get stuck on an implementation problem. And of course we're incentivized to make sure members perform well in the internship phase, since we make money when they're hired full time.
ujal 9 hrs I completely agree. Machine Learning is on the way to become a field like Web Development. There is a huge supply/demand gap that will only get wider.
DoofusOfDeath 5 hrs With the caveat that holding a PhD is positively correlated with success in ML, and negatively correlated with success in web dev.
(I'm guessing.)
wakkaflokka 10 hrs I always felt it was the other way around - using MOOCs or online tutorials makes applying machine learning to business problems in practice a whole lot easier. But in terms of inventing new algorithms, deeply understanding the theory and origin of things, and doing active ML/AI research, that still seems to be in the realm of requiring a PhD (i.e. the difference between a "data scientist" and an ML/AI researcher).
minimaxir 10 hrs That's true: the reason I started looking into AI is to broaden my knowledge on how it can be used to solve problems in ways traditional ML/traditional modeling can't. I did have a strong statistical/data background in college beforehand which helped validate which approaches were good/bad/wrong, though.
The YouTube/Medium posts however advocate "Learn Machine Learning from scratch in 3 Months!" which is a problem.
aeorgnoieang 6 hrs How long does it take to 'learn machine learning'? I'm pretty sure I know some about it. I can certainly apply some basic algorithms and there's no shortage of info about lots of variations on the basics I do already know. So what am I missing? How much would I have to learn to be able to claim, per your unstated standard, that I've 'learned machine learning'?
donovanr 9 hrs Some feedback on the quiz:
a few of the questions were very good, and either spoke to key high level concepts, or were specific while being language agnostic. (e.g which one of these layers wouldn't you need, why wouldn't this type of classifier work on this data).
too many of the questions were hyper-focused on the minutiae of word embeddings, tensor flow syntax, SQL queries, and recommender schemes.
many of the questions were constructed vaguely enough that "I don't know" would be the technically correct answer even though I don't think that was what you were going for.
metadata: recent PhD with serious grad courses in ML and working in DL/CV for the past year using a non-tensorflow framework (PyTorch).
edouard-harris 9 hrs This is great feedback. Thanks!
We're constantly iterating on the quiz and it would be great to get more detailed thoughts on it.
If you'd like to do that, please get in touch! (Email in my profile)
donovanr 6 hrs would be happy to, but I don't see your email there -- mine's in my profile (I think!) if you'd like to get in touch
edouard-harris 6 hrs Sorry, realized it wasn't public. Just updated, should be there now!
ellisv 6 hrs Took the quiz and completely agree. Most questions were either overly concerned with detail or too vague.
High-level I don't think a quiz is necessarily the right tool either. Reminds me too much of taking the SAT or GRE.
edouard-harris 5 hrs Yeah we definitely aren't convinced that a quiz is the optimal format for this evaluation.
Statistically, it does an OK job at being an initial filter. My biggest concern at the moment is that it's too coarse of a tool and it might be mistakenly turning away competent people.
Definitely a work in progress. If you have ideas on alternative formats or better questions, please email me. (Email in my profile.)
TekMol 9 hrs First thing my sharp mind noticed is that the page sends data to
Why does Facebook have to know what I am doing jobwise?
edouard-harris 8 hrs Good catch, this is a leftover facebook pixel from back when we were experimenting with FB ads. Just created a GitHub issue to rip it out
sharemywin 10 hrs Why not create a tiered community. Beginner. Learning. Expert.
Beginner - Anyone with an interest similar HN. Maybe resource to get into the Learning Area.
Learning - Place to find others learning the material. Maybe find other people study with. or collaborate/reproduce projects.
Experts - people actively looking for employment(what you already have planned).
edouard-harris 10 hrs Great idea! We're actually in the process of doing this. Pilot version is 1 week away.
We're starting with 2 tiers instead of 3, but the goal is similar.
dannytatom 10 hrs Not to sound rude or anything, but the name is kinda douchey and outputting.
DoofusOfDeath 5 hrs ?
edouard-harris 9 hrs Fair enough. Any suggestions?
dannytatom 9 hrs Not a clue, I'm bad at names lol. Sharp Minds would probably be fine, just Sharpest Minds makes it sound like you're talking down to anyone who isn't involved in AI (which is like 99.99999999% of people).
Or if it was a clever reference to something in AI that made you sound smart but because it was a clever reference comes off more funny than rude.
dhimes 7 hrs I actually took it as people who were building the sharpest minds, not necessarily those who had them.
ImSkeptical 9 hrs How about "Mind Makers". I think many people will have a natural resistance to joining a community named after how smart the members are. Imagine wearing a button that says "I'm the smartest".
mkagenius 7 hrs Advice: Hold kaggle like contests -- ML/AI developers/enthusiasts come flocking to these. When you are at it, please don't make it suck like Kaggle.
nlowell 8 hrs I have been out of college and working fulltime in software for two years. I have been spending a large amount of my free time learning DL through fastai. I really want to move to a job that involves deep learning, and I would like to use your system, but I don't feel like I can responsibly switch to part time or internship work given the stability and pay of my current job. Do you have any option for people who want to go direct to fulltime?
edouard-harris 8 hrs Yes.
You can either (1) keep going with your current job and do this on the side assuming your employment contract allows it, or (2) apply to a company that wants to do full time right away without a work term.
There may be other options depending on your situation, so email me if you want to discuss further. Email address in my profile.
JJseiko 10 hrs I like the idea! Very much actually. It's a real problem - the discrepancy between actual skills and how your CV looks.
In that it reminded me of the way that Basecamp hires - which is that in the "final rounds" they actually hire the candidates to do some small project that is actually needed at Basecamp - just another way of getting at the bottom of what a person can actually do rather than how they look on paper.
edouard-harris 10 hrs You're right, this approach grew out of how we hire people ourselves. Give them a chance to prove themselves on a real project.
Wasn't aware that Basecamp did this too. Thanks for sharing!
ghostbust555 9 hrs Very interested in this, however I would prefer if it was more than just a jobs board. Something like github+reddit in addition to a jobs board would make this very cool (haven't tried it yet so this may already be the case and I am wrong!).
edouard-harris 9 hrs It's more like Slack + jobs board + GitHub-like profiles.
gzeus 9 hrs I had made a job board for machine learning jobs as well
lexalizer 9 hrs I may have misread this, but would OP agree that ML/AI is not composed of just DL. Currently, the quiz is perhaps too focused.
edouard-harris 9 hrs Would agree.
Yep, quiz might still be a bit too focused. Trying to strike a balance between breadth / depth / time spent answering questions, but still some fine tuning to do
danvoell 9 hrs I'm sure I am making an incorrect inference, but I'm probably not alone. Average work term payment = $5K, average work term = 8 weeks = Below minimum wage.
edouard-harris 9 hrs Thanks for flagging! Embarrassingly I reread this stat and realized that (1) it's way out of date and the true number is higher, and (2) it refers to part-time work (20 hrs / week) but we don't actually say that anywhere.
We've never had a work term work out to less than $25 / hour, except possibly in geographies like India where cost of living in USD is very low. This is below market, but it's only for the work term before getting hired.
Will update this with the most recent stats and clarify part-time status. Thanks again for catching this!
ai_ia 10 hrs This is great. Is it US only or available in India too?
edouard-harris 10 hrs Available in India. We already have several users from there.
ai_ia 10 hrs Awesome.
fwdpropaganda 9 hrs This website doesn't work on my computer.
edouard-harris 9 hrs Thanks for flagging. Do you mind sharing your OS / browser versions?
fwdpropaganda 9 hrs Ubuntu / Firefox
My Firefox doesn't run JS though, so there's that.
ggg9990 1 hr Mine isn’t working either. I also use Ubuntu / Firefox and also the computer isn’t plugged in, so there’s that.
sooheon 8 hrs OK, you can probably guess the reason
fwdpropaganda 8 hrs Yes. Inappropriate technology decisions.
A 36-year-old who learned to invest like Warren Buffett explains how saving can actually cost you money If you're just saving and not investing, you're setting yourself up to lose money in the long run. That's a lesson Danielle Town, author of "Invested: How Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Taught Me to Master My Mind, My Emotions, and My Money (with a Little Help from My Dad)," learned the hard way. When Town, then 34, found herself burnt out as a corporate attorney, she started brainstorming ways to retire faster. "I started to think, 'What else can I do to support myself without being dependent on my salary?'" she tells CNBC Make It. Her first instinct was to hoard as much cash as she possibly could.
"What I was doing was saving money, which I thought was genius," she says. "And I felt very comfortable with my money, figuratively, under my mattress, just protected, and careful, and safe." As she writes in her book, "it wouldn't grow much, I knew, but it wouldn't get smaller either." PLAY VIDEO Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (left), plays pingpong with Bill Gates, chairman and founder of Microsoft Corp. and a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. director, at the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 3, 2015. But after talking with her father, author and investor Phil Town, she realized that keeping money long-term in a place where it wasn't growing would leave her with less in the end, thanks to rising inflation rates. "Now, I realize that to some people who know about financial stuff, this sounds ridiculous," she says. "But I didn't know anything about financial stuff. I knew inflation was a thing that felt very macroeconomic, but I had never connected it to my actual savings." In reality, she found, she was "losing money through doing nothing." What happens is that inflation causes prices to rise, which makes money less powerful over time. While a $20 bill will always be worth $20, what you're able to buy for that amount dwindles. PLAY VIDEO Learn Warren Buffett’s simple psychological trick to being persuasive If you had stuffed $1,000 in cash under your mattress 50 years ago, today it would have the same buying power as only $137.45 did in 1968. However, that same amount invested with compound interest would have grown to about $20,000, assuming a 6 percent rate of return. Even if you only earn a 4 percent rate of return, it still grows to around $7,000. Dedicating a solid chunk of money to savings for the future should be a key part of anyone's financial plan, but that money shouldn't sit around gathering dust. Town's father breaks it down in the book: The people who encourage saving mean that you should save instead of spending money. But because of inflation and the fact that what people buy will be more expensive 'tomorrow,' people spend all of their money and whatever they can borrow 'today,' so we need to be encouraged to save instead of spend. Nobody is saying, once you've saved some money, to keep it sitting in a savings account. Rather, it's smarter to put that cash to work. "The antidote to losing money on inflation is investing," says Town, now 36. "You've got to do something with your money." Town chose to make investing a daily habit and researched specific companies to put her money in, but there are plenty of alternatives. Here are a few simple, low-stress ways to start investing: Sign up for your employer's 401(k) plan and take full advantage of any company match, which essentially gives you free money. Contribute to a Roth IRA or traditional IRA, which are both individual retirement accounts that offers tax breaks. Use micro-investing apps such as Acorns, which help you begin by investing small amounts of your "spare change." The app rounds up your purchases to the nearest dollar and automatically put your coins to work. Try other apps that aim to make investing simple and accessible. Consider automated investing services known as robo-advisors that can help you out no matter how much you have in the bank. Research low-cost index funds, which Warren Buffett recommends. Don't miss: Here's how much you'd have if you'd invested the money you lost to the pay gap Like this story? Like CNBC Make It on Facebook! PLAY VIDEO
34 jadeydi 3 hrs 27
If it works, which method are you using now? orliesaurus 42 mins I've been doing SEO as a side gig for many smaller local websites. The amount of traffic you can generate from locally ranking higher than your competitors is astoundingly high. You can literally bring tens of thousands of dollars of extra business to companies i.e. electricians, vet doctors, dentists, gardeners... honestly it's worth every penny.
dx034 13 mins Any chance you could share some ideas? Is it just getting it linked on other pages? That appears to be what a lot of "consultants" online suggest. Or purely content optimisation?
orliesaurus 6 mins A comment wouldn't be enough, and ideas aren't worth a penny without a detailed execution plan. Honestly if you are interested you have to put the hours and do your own research, then test things yourself and see what you are most comfortable doing/what works for your niche or business. If you're really interested, lets exchange emails or telegram and chat, I don't mind helping you out (for free ofc).
chrischen 1 min Do you mostly do content generation, link building, or on-site html optimization.
petra 32 mins How do you do it on the side? Isn't it a very dynamic, very competitive field, so it requires a lot to get good results?
amelius 13 mins I guess it takes a lot of time. Change a thing, wait for Google to crawl your site, then inspect the results and repeat. Most of it is waiting for Google. So yes, I suppose you can do it on the side.
3pt14159 33 mins Yes it does, but a little goes a looooong way to Google.
I've also been starting to notice that having custom HTML / CSS is boosting things more than before for smaller sites.
Also, even if using JS for SPAs doesn't matter to Google there is a reasonable long tail of other web crawlers that may or may not be helpful to your ends and you'd be surprised at how many of them just use mechanize or nokogiri instead of something more robust. Basically it comes down to cost, last time I was in the custom crawler trade it was around 50x more expensive to do things with a virtual dom than it was to either straight parse the HTML or figure out the main API calls JS was making from the browser that actually had the data I needed and just run those.
devin 21 mins Out of curiosity, what options beyond nokogiri, mechanize, etc. are you referring to? Something open source, commercial, or custom?
dmtroyer 21 mins Can someone post or link to strategies for optimizing for local google seo?
jimmy1 2 hrs Absolutely -- for paid search. Organic SEO is a little tougher. You have to really provide valuable, quality content for organic SEO. If you try to half-ass it at all, it will be snuffed out and mixed in with the other garbage. Provide incentive for users to browse your content and don't make it obvious that you are just having a cheap marketing page with a couple of blurbs any idiot can google to figure out the information you are providing. I think that is why sites like Bankrate and NerdWallet are good at organic SEO -- they have nice tools and good information.
Azkar 55 mins
You have to really provide valuable, quality content for organic SEO
This is the key. Google wants to make sure your readers are getting their questions answered. SEO is constantly changing, but high quality and valuable content will always be king.
ilhicas 2 hrs I believe the best methods to remain the same that it has always been, create quality content by delivering value to your visitors and keep your webapp running without maing your page hang on clients as well as presenting a clean interface, that should be cross device.
amelius 37 mins That must explain why w3schools is always at the top of my search results.
openIce 26 mins What's wrong with w3schools?
alexmorenodev 20 mins
vinylkey 6 mins
Today, W3Schools has largely resolved these issues and addressed the majority of the undersigned developers' concerns.
Seems to me like it's a decent resource nowadays.
hknd 19 mins it is a shitty site which shows out of date shit.
hashsalt 27 mins Depends on the market. Google's move to 'entities' over keywords means broad search seo is beyond the abilities of "2 guys with some adwords experience" type agencies that were popular circa 2011/12. Quality well thought out sites that (theoretically) align with intent fare better.
That said, if you're targeting a certain city, definitely still works. Most local sites are poorly optimized.
arnon 10 mins SEO works but actual focused content is better.
always_good 56 mins As long as there is search, there are ways to appear towards the top of it.
deadcoder0904 2 hrs Yes. For SEO related content, I always check Backlinko -
The guy Brian Dean has many years of experience about SEO
orliesaurus 39 mins Funnily enough reading studf from this site's (i.e. rank brain 2018 guide) on mobile makes my phone lag hard (octa core from last summer). I think the 5000+ heavy images content needs some mobile optimizing... Here's a little audit with Chrome's own tools:
kristianc 2 hrs It's probably less relevant than it was, due to Google's aggressive internal linking. Google now surfaces more and more information (sports scores, directions etc) without you having to leave Google. If you run a service competing with Google in one of these areas - good luck.
Similarly, AMP has kind of changed the game in terms of publisher traffic. Users seem to be assuming that results that do not appear in those carousels are more outdated / less relevant.
gscott 48 mins The new SEO is really branding just over a long period of time. Expect SEO to take 6 months to 2 years.
TheRealPomax 26 mins If it takes you 6 months to 2 years to become prominent in local searches, something has gone very wrong. The answer to the original question is really one of "over how big a part of the internet?" first. Global SEO is a slow process, local SEO should be a matter of months at most, if the site you're optimizing for isn't "yet another one" in a saturated local market.
onion2k 18 mins How does that work when there are other companies also working on their branding? Why would one company's effort to create a good online brand work better than another company's effort? That is SEO - working out what has a material impact on search rankings and implementing it.
dx034 10 mins Is that because you need iterations to figure out what Google values or do they just punish new domains?
「首次公開代幣發售」(ICO,Initial Coin Offering)面世,並在多個國家或地區湧現,已有幾年歷史,尤其去年ICO在美國更刮起一股熱潮。ICO興起,各方反應不一,包括大小投資者以及監管機構等。有些國家禁止進行ICO,如中國和南韓。據中國人民銀行統計,內地發行的ICO,90%帶有欺詐性,故勒令立即停止。
ICO是一種融資活動。ICO的發起人,首先有一個生意「概念」,或一個發展項目構想,於是向外進行融資。傳統融資方法不外乎向銀行融資,或進行股票「首次公開發售」(IPO,Initial Public Offering),出售股權。不過,由於進行ICO所寄託的生意「概念」或項目發展構想,大部分只停留在「紙上談兵」階段,根本很難成功向銀行融資;也不能進行IPO,因為各國監管機構對於IPO都有嚴謹的上市規定。
「檸檬市場」是2001年諾貝爾獎得主阿克洛夫(George A. Akerlof)教授在其開創性論文《檸檬市場:質量不確定性與市場機制》(The Market For “Lemons”︰Quality Uncertainty And The Market Mechanism)一文,分析在訊息不對稱(information asymmetry)下出現的「逆向選擇」(adverse selection)交易行為。
My Favorite PostgreSQL Queries and Why They Matter 217 grzm 8 hrs 46
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Facebook(fb)教主朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)接受美國國會「公審」成為全球焦點,回看整個洩密風暴過程,可說示範了一間公司生死榮辱完全繫於一人身上的危與機,猶如當年阿根廷足球隊成也馬勒當拿,敗也馬勒當拿。在同股不同權企業快將破天荒在本港上市之際,事件值得香港股民借鑑。
這次fb東窗事發於上月19日,傳媒揭露這個全球最大社交網絡平台縱容第三方英國劍橋分析(Cambridge Analytica),挪用美國選民在fb填寫的個人資料,繼而左右2017年美國總統大選結果。根據fb後來自己披露,受影響用戶人數高達8700萬,佔美國總人口3.26億的兩成七,涉及人數之廣、影響之巨,堪稱史無前例。
事隔四天才就重大事件回應,明顯不是危機管理的良好方法,而且Facebook董事局成員包括Netflix行政總裁黑斯廷斯(Reed Hastings),美國運通前行政總裁Kenneth Chenault和摩根士丹利前首席董事Erskine Bowles等精英,不可能沒有人勸他盡速向公眾交代,惟朱克伯格能夠依然故我閉關數天,大概全仗同股不同權制度。
近日確有fb主要股東、紐約市退休基金投資的監督人紐約市審計官斯特林格(Scott Stringer)要求朱克伯格下台,但教主斷然拒絕,堅持自己是最適合的主席人選。
目前在美國交易的科技股如Google母公司Alphabet、阿里巴巴和Snapchat母公司Snap等,皆採用同股不同權制度,其中以Snap最為離譜,公開發行的A股竟沒有投票權,而B股則1股1票;C股每股10票,由兩名創辦人Evan Spiegel和Robert Murphy持有,使兩人合計投票權高達88.6%。據聞二人IT味十足,不常與分析員或投資者溝通,令市場對Snapchat優化廣告配對功能的信心打上折扣,股價上市至今長期潛水,可見同股不同權是否成功,就要視乎「以小控大」的舵手之魅力、魄力和能力。
市場起伏大 炒房風生水起
據摩通對2018年的盈利計算,已高於2017年高峰三分之一,其中包括了減稅的得益,行政總裁戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)話今年會把部分盈利投資於科技,興建新總部及增設400間分行。銀行業乃百業之母,銀行資產負債表強勁,放貸亦會鬆手點,這將有利整體的經濟增長動力。
4月12日,周四。Facebook教主朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)先後出席美國國會參眾兩院聽證會,首輪接受參議員質詢,全世界當笑片嚟睇,難為朱仔要扮嚴肅,以免態度輕浮罪加一等。裝作老成持重唔難,忍笑先戥佢辛苦。
不必報上年齡,睇樣已知向朱克伯格提問的參議員,好多都做得佢爺爺嫲嫲。84歲的猶他州參議員Orrin Hatch質問朱仔,Facebook不向用戶收費,如何經營下去?網上所以瘋傳聽證會這一幕,只因問題本身已暴露了Hatch對社交媒體一無所知,搞到朱仔呆了數秒才「回魂」,冷面笑匠般應之曰:「Senator, we run ads.」朱仔唔可以笑,但網上網下已當正佢係星爺。
老畢當然也有份笑,可是轉念一想,84歲老人家不懂社交媒體營運模式,何奇之有?與其笑這位元老級政客「科技盲」,不如問一問:若非事先知道這是參議院聽證會,你會否以為周二開的乃Facebook AGM,席間一位年老股東質問做得他孫子的CEO,公司不收費如何能賺錢?姑勿論Hatch的問題白癡不白癡,從出發點着眼,提問者關心的是Facebook不收費憑什麼經營下去,怎看也是站在股東利益要求朱克伯格解畫。
從當天直播發現,不懂科技但懂法律的參議員不少,惟由始至終不見有人以嚴峻語氣逼朱克伯格清楚回答Yes或No。法律界出身的議員如此「錫住」小朱, Facebook股價怎會不一路問一路升?
其中一位議員問朱克伯格:「你是否願意為了保護用戶私隱而改變Facebook的商業模式?」老畢心想,即使是一個普通記者,只要稍為了解社交媒體,都懂得問這條「尖銳」問題。不難想像,以朱仔上國會山莊前演練之充足,此類涉及Facbook生意與用戶私隱之間重大矛盾的問題,要應付該不難。然而,朱克伯格非但沒有直接答Yes或No,且以「不明白閣下問什麼」(I'm not sure what that means)作答。小朱不敢觸碰這個話題,足證答Yes又死答No又死,惟有扮唔明博大霧。
用戶現在要回頭已很難,馬斯克(Elon Musk)大大聲話刪除Tesla的fb專頁,蘋果老總庫克(Tim Cook)又同朱仔隔空對罵,但科技公司其實坐埋同一條船,加強監管唔會只針對Facebook。
Tesla傳破產,Model 3又趕唔上進度,馬斯克要頭痕的問題多籮籮,居然仲有時間身體力行delete Facebook,得閒得滯乎?「鐵甲奇俠」點會死錯人,趁朱仔畀人插緊轉移視線罷了。
Many developers view monetization and design as two separate entities. But based on our experience at Tappx, they should have monetization deeply rooted at the starting point when building an app.
But there are many factors to consider when picking a strategy. So, we’ve listed down a few strategies and their unique qualities to help you evaluate which will be the most compatible with your app/business.
In-app purchase (IAP) For the in-app purchase model, you need to find the proper balance between what content or functionality will be included in the base download vs what can be unlocked with payment. If too little content is provided, users will look elsewhere for similar products. On the flip side, users won’t have a reason to upgrade if you give too much free content.
For game developers, consider offering both fixed-price and in-game currency options for unlocking content. This allows non-paying users to experience unlocking “unlockable” content while allowing paying users to freely spend via both methods. Alternatively, you can employ video ads to reward users with “free” currency, thus obtaining ad partners and user allegiance.
How to implement it No matter what your app is, you’ll need to deploy and scale a large variety of premium options to offer your audiences at different price tiers. You can do this by defining a pricing strategy.
Be sure to communicate the value of your premium offerings at the right time by discovering the maximum engagement moments for your users and then impacting them with paid offers. Take advantage of urgency and offer discounts as well. You can communicate to users via in-app messages or through push notifications.
You can also offer users a “taster” experience of what it feels like to be a user with premium capabilities. If you use ads, you may use them to offer paid offerings to your users.
In-app advertising In-app advertising consists of distinct categories: video ads, display ads, and native ads. By implementing ads, you can focus on coding and improving your game. On the other hand, this allows users to download apps for free without restrictions on content or functionality other than the ads themselves.
When choosing how to monetize your app via advertising, you should choose an ad partner that will help you find the right advertising strategy and ad format for your app.
How to implement it Putting ads in your app is easy, but getting good revenue from them is challenging.
You can start by selecting an ad partner. Then, select the ad format you’ll implement. Depending on these, your revenues can fluctuate a lot. Try to find a balance between the frequency your ads will show and the session length. Keep the user at the center of the experience.
Take into account that eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions) is not the main metric to keep an eye on. This is because the metric depends on other factors, some of which you cannot control. Keep monitoring ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user) data, check your metrics regularly, and segment your user base. Based on these, set up an ad strategy accordingly, and don’t forget to do extensive AB testing.
Subscription-based Although subscriptions only accounted for 4 percent of mobile app revenue in 2017, they can be highly lucrative for the right kind of app (e.g. Netflix, Amazon, Spotify). Another type of subscription lets users access the full functionality of an app with a recurring charge.
Giving users a free trial to your subscription-based app is a common method to allow them to fully experience the benefits of your app before committing to the service. Subscriptions often have cheaper monthly pricing schemes than fixed-cost apps, thus making for a more affordable alternative.
Subscription success relies on the quality of the service, so it can be a good way to gauge your audience’s response to features or content. Developers should try to release a steady stream of new content, along with regular app updates to keep audiences engaged and subscriptions renewed.
(Note: Paid users will be more discerning than those who download free apps on a whim and will demand greater levels of customer service and support.)
How to implement it If you’re looking to integrate this model, it’s important to know what the premium features are going to be and the reasons why users need to pay for them. It’s a risk to offer features for free. So, one of the first things you need to do before implementing a subscription model is to ascertain what is valuable for your users when they use your app and then execute a trial plan for them to experience what it’s like to be a premium user.
The objective is to make users feel that everything will be the same for them in your app after the trial. Also, take into consideration that users are different and have varying needs. So, it’s recommended that you develop a subscription plan based on different price tiers and features, according to your different segmented audiences.
Direct price The direct price model (aka pay-per-install model) can be divided into two categories: paid and “paidmium” apps. The former refers to apps that have a one-time download cost while the latter refers to paid apps that also offer in-app purchases. For this model to work successfully, your app needs to have original content that cannot be found in free or copycat apps.
Due to the heavy saturation of the app market, this model has dropped in revenue and popularity. Competition with apps that allow users to test products before investing in it has caused fewer developers to go for this model.
How to implement it Ensure first that your value proposition is unique and that it deserves to be premium. Study what the competition is doing and what prices they are offering. Then, create your pricing structure. Take into account the elasticity/seasonality in the year to maximize revenues and downloads.
Don’t think of pricing as fixed at one level; it isn’t. It can be changed according to the evolution of your products or according to the feedback of your users. Understand the market demands and never forget that the price should be sustainable for your business in the long term.
Decide which monetization model to use from the very beginning. Then, test and improve along the way. Study your users, observe how they interact with your product, and try new improvements. Ultimately, the user relationship with your app will dictate your product’s success.
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(And yes, we’re serious about ethics and transparency. More information here.)
Community Writer Kinga Kruzmanowska Publisher Development Director at Tappx. VIEW ALL COMMENTS
據Snapask表示,是次融資所得資金將用作全力發展機器學習(Machine Learning)和招募數據科學人才,公司現正着手開發全新「學習助理」(Learning Planner),計劃透過統計模型分析出學生的弱點與長處,再利用機器學習做到資料分群,並基於學生所提供的學習歷程建立學習模型。
今次並非Snapask首次成功融資,去年5月公司宣布完成Pre-A輪融資,獲注入500萬美元(約3900萬港元),該次融資已獲風險投資公司Kejora Ventures、微光創投(由騰訊集團前首席技術官張志東及前高級執行副總裁吳宵光創辦),以及美圖(01357)董事長蔡文勝等注資。
48 ussumant 4 hrs 32
Looking for something where the Value of the Product is shown in real time like Grammarly's Text correction. fulafel 2 hrs The latest US presidential election.
pesenti 43 mins Which can extract the surface of the human body in real time.
ericjang 3 hrs Tacotron 2 text-to-audio samples:
Blog post: Paper:
philprx 2 hrs GitHub GIT or it doesn't exist ;)
jcmeyrignac 2 hrs
alex_duf 25 mins I just tried the french to english. It's better than google translate but not that good.
arunbahl 3 hrs WordLens blew me away when it launched in 2010 (now part of Google Translate).
zawerf 3 mins I thought augmented reality with mobile camera was going to take off after seeing that demo. But 8 years later and all we have are snapchat filters (and pokemon go for a brief few weeks).
Hopefully ARKit/ARCore will make it easier to create the next the-future-is-now level of awe-inspiration app.
WorkLifeBalance 29 mins It should have been a killer-app for google glass.
Had google glass not stored video and processed everything in real-time it could have avoided the "glasshole" stigma.
People would have likely mocked it for not being able to capture video, something they could have added in later in "response to demand".
The world doesn't need more omni-present recording devices, but solid AR would be a net benefit.
akerro 27 mins DuckDuckGo and Google Search probably.
MiniCreo 3 hrs This site uses AI to enhance your low-res photos:
rtcoms 2 hrs Google photos
Face and object recognition helped me quite a lot in finding old photos.
vbsteven 2 hrs Spotify daily mixes
tontonius 1 hr would you care to elaborate on what parts of Discover that are powered by AI?
In all honesty, I think the lines are severely blurred at this point.
blixt 1 hr AI has been a moving goalpost since its conception, all the way from
• "it can play tic tac toe";
• to "it can beat people at chess, Jeopardy, Go, DotA";
• to "it can see, understand and physically move around our world";
• to "it solves problems the smartest humans can't begin to fathom"
Spotify's machine learning algorithms are definitely beyond tic tac toe as they can learn from millions of listeners and look at a single listening history to figure out great music suggestions. I would put that under the AI umbrella as it's something people were doing before computers did it.
GrumpyNl 1 hr Is that AI from spotify or just smartly compairing lists?
blixt 1 hr What is "smartly comparing lists"? To describe further (as I'm an ex-Spotify employee I have some outdated insight into how it works):
Spotify has historically used machine learning to tweak a predictive engine that can convert a track or artist into an N-dimensional value and then use the distance to other tracks/artists in this N-dimensional space.
Is that AI? Maybe. How does the brain work? Maybe when you see a dog it's converted into an N-dimensional space where cats are pretty close, at least much closer than turtles. So if that is human intelligence, is Spotify's recommendation engine not artificial intelligence?
denzil_correa 1 hr Microsoft's Skype Real Time Language Translation (2014)
purplezooey 1 hr Eliza
louismerlin 3 hrs
The teachable machine from Google is a great little experiment.
neel8986 3 hrs Google search, translation?
cm2012 2 hrs Facebook's newsfeed is basically a superimpressive AI that learns from what people click and maximizes ad revenue from that.
Spearchucker 1 hr That same AI drove me away. I subscribe to 3 hobby-related groups and because virtually all of my family and friends no longer post anything on Facebook, I only ever see content related to that hobby.
majewsky 1 hr If that description is honest, why do you blame the algorithm for selecting hobby-related content from a set of inputs that only contains hobby-related content? That's like buying a football magazine, then complaining that it's only football, football, football in there.
kotapi 3 hrs Cozmo
oceanman888 1 hr I personally think the impressive part of cozmo comes from interaction and design, rather than AI.
robax 3 hrs has a very demonstrative landing page.
jawrainey 2 hrs There's an object detection library (YOLO1) freely available that achieves similar bounding boxes/matches to ambient's homepage demo; Joseph Redmon also gave a TedX2 about it that describes some of the technical details.
nstj 1 hr I just saw the YOLO stuff in action at AWS Summit and it was epic. Super fast and really really awesome.
taneq 2 hrs Is there meant to be something on the second 'page' (ugh I hate this single-page-permascroll-with-fixed-header layout that they all do these days) other than the 'let there be more light' box? It's just a grey background so I suspect something didn't load there. Otherwise I just see a generic video showing object tagging on the first 'page' and the pretty-but-pointless graph thing on the third 'page'.
Firefox 59.0.2 with PrivacyBadger and uBlock Origin (although I turned both off and still nothing loaded).
jackbrown77 3 hrs Both siri and google assistant are very good AI's, but there is lot to explore in the industry of AI.
arvigeus 2 hrs Not Hotdog app
MiniCreo 3 hrs Silly Siri
美股周二(10日)續向上,三大指數均漲逾1%。儘管如此,屬長期「大淡友」的對沖基金經理赫斯曼(John Hussman)最近發表評論文章再度提出警告,認為股市近期出現如此劇烈震盪,進一步加深他對後市悲觀的看法。赫斯曼估計,標指將至少回落60%以上;而未來10年或更長時間,股市的回報將會是零,甚至是負數。
本欄上月底〈美股震幅超去年 重拾升軌無咁易〉一文曾指出,股市波幅擴大是不可忽視的因素。進入第二季度不久,波動情況依然頻密。截至上個交易日止,標普500指數已合共出現28次逾1%的變幅(15次升、13次跌),而對上一次如此波動的市況是2016年。回看去年,只有8個交易日出現逾1%的收市變幅;然而,今年僅第一季度已出現23次,接近去年全年的3倍。另外兩個主要指數的情況亦近似,道指及納指今年以來分別有29個和30個交易日出現逾1%變幅,是2009年以來最多。
此外,美國芝加哥期權交易所波動指數(CBOE Volatility Index, VIX)今年也幾乎翻了一番;近期徘徊於20%這個長期平均水平附近,呈橫行待變格局。VIX理論上是反映期權交易商預期標指未來30天的波幅,同時也有「恐慌指數」之稱,今年初以來合共出現6次飆升逾20%,其中2月初更曾暴漲逾倍。在風聲鶴唳的市況下,難免令投資者異常不安。