北宣家以 2018 年為 「 投入團契 、 小組年 」 , 並且一起查考以弗所書 , 進深認識神設立教會的意義 , 正確明白 「 教會 」 的真理 , 也按真理的教導 , 濾去許多世俗化的教會生活的觀念 , 一同 實踐神國子民捨己服事 、 委身互建的關係信主多年的基督徒 , 容易輕看了 自己已經領受的救恩 。
Member since 2017-07-15T03:50:57Z. Last seen 2025-01-02T20:05:01Z.
2729 blog posts. 128 comments.
北宣家以 2018 年為 「 投入團契 、 小組年 」 , 並且一起查考以弗所書 , 進深認識神設立教會的意義 , 正確明白 「 教會 」 的真理 , 也按真理的教導 , 濾去許多世俗化的教會生活的觀念 , 一同 實踐神國子民捨己服事 、 委身互建的關係信主多年的基督徒 , 容易輕看了 自己已經領受的救恩 。
北宣家以 2018 年為 「 投入團契 、 小組年 」 , 並且一起查考以弗所書 , 進深認識神設立教會的意義 , 正確明白 「 教會 」 的真理 , 也按真理的教導 , 濾去許多世俗化的教會生活的觀念 , 一同 實踐神國子民捨己服事 、 委身互建的關係信主多年的基督徒 , 容易輕看了 自己已經領受的救恩 。 以弗所書幫助我們更完整的明白 , 我們所領受的救恩蘊藏著神極大的 恩典與能力 , 並在永恆中榮耀的盼望 , 叫我們在今天的生活更可以活出一種真實 「 像蒙慈愛的兒女 」 的生活蒙救贖的人領受了雙重的恩惠 , 自己進入了神的國 , 同時是「 與聖徒同國 」 , 成為了神家裏的一員 , 領受了 整個信徒群體成 為自己屬靈的家 。 這個家並非一個社會上的功能團體 , 或是謀利企業 , 要尋求高效益 ( 或是宗教發展效益 ) 、 業績要持續增長,也不是一個政治壓力團體 , 只依照社會上的民主 、 人權的理念運作 。 以弗所書說明了教會是屬靈的 、 屬靈恩的群體 , 按照神所賜不同的恩賜 , 付代價地事奉 。 沒有一個是只接受 「 服務 」 坐享別人努力的成果 , 而是各按各職 , 在付出中成長 。 也正因為各人都是與聖徒同國 , 同尊基督為主為主 , 便按基督的旨意彼此順服 、 彼此尊重 , 産生以生命為重 , 以愛為本的神的家。
北宣家以 2018 年為 「 投入團契 、 小組年 」 , 並且一起查考以弗所書 , 進深認識神設立教會的意義 , 正確明白 「 教會 」 的真理 , 也按真理的教導 , 濾去許多世俗化的教會生活的觀念 , 一同 實踐神國子民捨己服事 、 委身互建的關係信主多年的基督徒 , 容易輕看了 自己已經領受的救恩 。 以弗所書幫助我們更完整的明白 , 我們所領受的救恩蘊藏著神極大的 恩典與能力 , 並在永恆中榮耀的盼望 , 叫我們在今天的生活更可以活出一種真實 「 像蒙慈愛的兒女 」 的生活蒙救贖的人領受了雙重的恩惠 , 自己進入了神的國 , 同時是「 與聖徒同國 」 , 成為了神家裏的一員 , 領受了 整個信徒群體成 為自己屬靈的家 。 這個家並非一個社會上的功能團體 , 或是謀利企業 , 要尋求高效益 ( 或是宗教發展效益 ) 、 業績要持續增長,也不是一個政治壓力團體 , 只依照社會上的民主 、 人權的理念運作 。 以弗所書說明了教會是屬靈的 、 屬靈恩的群體 , 按照神所賜不同的恩賜 , 付代價地事奉 。 沒有一個是只接受 「 服務 」 坐享別人努力的成果 , 而是各按各職 , 在付出中成長 。 也正因為各人都是與聖徒同國 , 同尊基督為主為主 , 便按基督的旨意彼此順服 、 彼此尊重 , 産生以生命為重 , 以愛為本的神的家。
Startup Investor School: The Basics of Seed Investing 104 sandslash 7 hrs 42 http://blog.ycombinator.com/startup-investor-school/ news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16282918 Last year, for the first time, we taught a MOOC (massively open online course) for startup founders called Startup School. This year, we’re adding a new course called Startup Investor School which will teach the basics of seed (early) stage startup investing to anyone interested.
It will be a free, 4-day course held live in Y Combinator’s office in Mountain View, CA and live-streamed around the world. The class will run Monday, March 5th to Thursday, March 8th from 10am – 12pm each day.
We believe that the more great seed investors there are the more chance startups have to succeed. Startup Investor School will be open and accessible to anyone, and therefore we hope to be relevant to as diverse a group of investors as possible. By adding more and more diverse investors to the mix, the entire startup ecosystem will improve. This will give us more, better startups, more innovation, and, we firmly believe, make the world a better place.
It turns out there are lots of hard and sometimes non-intuitive things to do to be a great seed investor. We’ll cover those things as part of these course topics:
How to get started? How much should you invest? How do you choose the right company in which to invest? How should you make your decisions? How do you get dealflow? How do you construct a portfolio? How much should you hope to own of a company? How does dilution work? What’s the difference between a safe, a convertible note, and equity? Are those the same thing as options? How is a cap table structured? How should investors work with companies? The class leads up to Y Combinator’s famous Demo Days on March 19 and 20, where YC’s latest batch of startups present their companies to a room full of investors. We’ll extend a Demo Day livestream invitation to all participants in Startup Investor School who verify they qualify as accredited investors (meaning they meet the SEC requirements for accreditation). Ten course participants will be chosen at random to get invitations to join Demo Day in person in Mountain View.
Apply here starting today: https://investor.startupschool.org. The application will be open until 11:59PM Pacific Time on Sunday, February 18th.
Email us at startupschool@ycombinator.com with any questions. Also, check out this Forbes article by Alex Konrad about the new program.
149 digital55 5 hrs 96 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/instead-of-filling-cavities-dentists-may-soon-regenerate-teeth/ news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16283685 For dentists, a cavity is a conundrum—in order to save the tooth they must further damage it. Currently, the primary way to treat a cavity is to excavate the decay and the surrounding area before filling the resulting crater with a durable surrogate material such as metal, plastic or glass cement.
But what if instead of drilling holes into teeth and patching them up with synthetic fillers, dentists could coax our pearly whites to regrow themselves? Recently, Paul Sharpe, a bioengineer at King’s College London, and his colleagues discovered a new way to do exactly this in mice. Last year they published a study describing their innovative techniques in Scientific Reports. And since then they have made even more progress that edges this experimental procedure closer to human clinical trials. If the treatment eventually becomes part of the dentist’s standard tool kit, scientists say it would easily be one of the field’s most important advances in 50 years.
Our teeth get damaged all the time. Most of the injuries they endure are due to everyday wear and tear as well as the activity of microbes in the mouth. These organisms coat the surface of each tooth and feed on meal remnants. As they break down particles of food, some of these microbes produce and secrete acids as a by-product. And that acidity degrades enamel—the tooth’s hard outer layer.
Like skin, teeth can usually repair minor mishaps themselves. When our teeth remain uncleaned for too long, however, acid can eat through the enamel and begin dissolving underlying layers of dense, bony tissue called dentin. When dentin is seriously injured, stem cells located in the tooth's soft, innermost layer—the dental pulp—morph into cells called odontoblasts, which secrete new tissue. (Stem cells are capable of becoming virtually any type of cell.) Yet when the injury is too large or deep, that fresh dentin is not sufficient to restore the tooth. The result is often a cavity.
Sharpe suspected he could dramatically boost teeth’s natural healing ability by mobilizing stem cells in the dental pulp. Earlier research had demonstrated the Wnt signaling pathway—a particular cascade of molecules involved in cell-to-cell communication—is essential for tissue repair and stem cell development in many parts of the body such as the skin, intestines and brain. Sharpe wondered: Could this signaling pathway also be important for self-repair processes in teeth? If so, maybe exposing damaged teeth to drugs that stimulate Wnt signaling would similarly encourage the activity of stem cells in the dental pulp—giving teeth the kind of regenerative superpowers usually seen only in plants, salamanders and starfish.
To test this idea, Sharpe and his fellow researchers drilled holes into the molars of mice, mimicking cavities. They then soaked tiny collagen sponges (which are made from the same protein found in dentin) in various drugs known to stimulate Wnt signaling, including tideglusib, a compound that has been investigated in clinical trials for its potential to treat Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders. The scientists then placed these drug-soaked sponges in the drilled mouse molars, sealed them up and left them for four to six weeks. The teeth treated with these drugs produced significantly more dentin than ones untreated or stuffed with an unsoaked sponge or typical dental fillers. In most cases the technique restored the rodents’ pearly whites to their former intact state. “It was essentially a complete repair,” Sharpe says. “You can barely see the joint where the old and new dentin meet. This could eventually be the first routine pharmaceutical treatment in dentistry.”
David Mooney, a professor or bioengineering at Harvard University who has also investigated new ways to heal teeth but was not involved in the study, says he is “very impressed” by these findings. “This is not just scientifically important, but has significant practical advantages," he says. Adam Celiz, an assistant professor of bioengineering at Imperial College London who was also not involved in the recent research, says this is an important advance in the emerging field of regenerative dentistry. “The materials dentists use could soon be revolutionized,” he says.
Any treatment that recruits the body's native stem cells or adds new stems cells to the body, however, poses a risk of uncontrolled tissue growth. Experimental and unregulated stem cell therapies have resulted in brain tumors, for example, as well as bones growing in eyelids. But in this case, Sharpe says, the amounts of drug used are so tiny that the risk of unwanted growth is minimal. Celiz agrees the danger is small but he says rigorous testing in lab animals and clinical trials should be done to rule out potential side effects.
Since publishing their initial study Sharpe and his colleagues have tested their regenerative technique on rats. (Because those rodents have larger teeth than mice, a drilled rat molar better approximates human tooth decay.) The treatment worked just as well on the rats as it had on the mice, Sharpe says, but the data has not yet been published. Now Sharpe’s team is investigating a larger group of candidate drugs in order to determine whether another medication works better than those already tested, and to determine the optimal dose. They are also developing an alternative delivery system that is more amenable to modern dental practices: The chosen drug will be dissolved in a gel that is injected into a cavity and bathed with ultraviolet light to solidify it—a quick and easy procedure similar to one dentists already use to seal and repair teeth.
In order to formally introduce this treatment to modern dentistry, however, the researchers will need to perform clinical trials with human patients. Such work is at least several years away, Sharpe says. But some of the drugs he might consider are already approved for other uses in humans, which he hopes could expedite the process for eventual approval. "A lot of dental treatments are still in the dark ages," Sharpe says. "It's time to move on."
Instead of Filling Cavities, Dentists May Soon Regenerate Teeth 149 digital55 5 hrs 96 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/instead-of-filling-cavities-dentists-may-soon-regenerate-teeth/ news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16283685 For dentists, a cavity is a conundrum—in order to save the tooth they must further damage it. Currently, the primary way to treat a cavity is to excavate the decay and the surrounding area before filling the resulting crater with a durable surrogate material such as metal, plastic or glass cement.
But what if instead of drilling holes into teeth and patching them up with synthetic fillers, dentists could coax our pearly whites to regrow themselves? Recently, Paul Sharpe, a bioengineer at King’s College London, and his colleagues discovered a new way to do exactly this in mice. Last year they published a study describing their innovative techniques in Scientific Reports. And since then they have made even more progress that edges this experimental procedure closer to human clinical trials. If the treatment eventually becomes part of the dentist’s standard tool kit, scientists say it would easily be one of the field’s most important advances in 50 years.
Our teeth get damaged all the time. Most of the injuries they endure are due to everyday wear and tear as well as the activity of microbes in the mouth. These organisms coat the surface of each tooth and feed on meal remnants. As they break down particles of food, some of these microbes produce and secrete acids as a by-product. And that acidity degrades enamel—the tooth’s hard outer layer.
Like skin, teeth can usually repair minor mishaps themselves. When our teeth remain uncleaned for too long, however, acid can eat through the enamel and begin dissolving underlying layers of dense, bony tissue called dentin. When dentin is seriously injured, stem cells located in the tooth's soft, innermost layer—the dental pulp—morph into cells called odontoblasts, which secrete new tissue. (Stem cells are capable of becoming virtually any type of cell.) Yet when the injury is too large or deep, that fresh dentin is not sufficient to restore the tooth. The result is often a cavity.
Sharpe suspected he could dramatically boost teeth’s natural healing ability by mobilizing stem cells in the dental pulp. Earlier research had demonstrated the Wnt signaling pathway—a particular cascade of molecules involved in cell-to-cell communication—is essential for tissue repair and stem cell development in many parts of the body such as the skin, intestines and brain. Sharpe wondered: Could this signaling pathway also be important for self-repair processes in teeth? If so, maybe exposing damaged teeth to drugs that stimulate Wnt signaling would similarly encourage the activity of stem cells in the dental pulp—giving teeth the kind of regenerative superpowers usually seen only in plants, salamanders and starfish.
To test this idea, Sharpe and his fellow researchers drilled holes into the molars of mice, mimicking cavities. They then soaked tiny collagen sponges (which are made from the same protein found in dentin) in various drugs known to stimulate Wnt signaling, including tideglusib, a compound that has been investigated in clinical trials for its potential to treat Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders. The scientists then placed these drug-soaked sponges in the drilled mouse molars, sealed them up and left them for four to six weeks. The teeth treated with these drugs produced significantly more dentin than ones untreated or stuffed with an unsoaked sponge or typical dental fillers. In most cases the technique restored the rodents’ pearly whites to their former intact state. “It was essentially a complete repair,” Sharpe says. “You can barely see the joint where the old and new dentin meet. This could eventually be the first routine pharmaceutical treatment in dentistry.”
David Mooney, a professor or bioengineering at Harvard University who has also investigated new ways to heal teeth but was not involved in the study, says he is “very impressed” by these findings. “This is not just scientifically important, but has significant practical advantages," he says. Adam Celiz, an assistant professor of bioengineering at Imperial College London who was also not involved in the recent research, says this is an important advance in the emerging field of regenerative dentistry. “The materials dentists use could soon be revolutionized,” he says.
Any treatment that recruits the body's native stem cells or adds new stems cells to the body, however, poses a risk of uncontrolled tissue growth. Experimental and unregulated stem cell therapies have resulted in brain tumors, for example, as well as bones growing in eyelids. But in this case, Sharpe says, the amounts of drug used are so tiny that the risk of unwanted growth is minimal. Celiz agrees the danger is small but he says rigorous testing in lab animals and clinical trials should be done to rule out potential side effects.
Since publishing their initial study Sharpe and his colleagues have tested their regenerative technique on rats. (Because those rodents have larger teeth than mice, a drilled rat molar better approximates human tooth decay.) The treatment worked just as well on the rats as it had on the mice, Sharpe says, but the data has not yet been published. Now Sharpe’s team is investigating a larger group of candidate drugs in order to determine whether another medication works better than those already tested, and to determine the optimal dose. They are also developing an alternative delivery system that is more amenable to modern dental practices: The chosen drug will be dissolved in a gel that is injected into a cavity and bathed with ultraviolet light to solidify it—a quick and easy procedure similar to one dentists already use to seal and repair teeth.
In order to formally introduce this treatment to modern dentistry, however, the researchers will need to perform clinical trials with human patients. Such work is at least several years away, Sharpe says. But some of the drugs he might consider are already approved for other uses in humans, which he hopes could expedite the process for eventual approval. "A lot of dental treatments are still in the dark ages," Sharpe says. "It's time to move on."
Instead of Filling Cavities, Dentists May Soon Regenerate Teeth 149 digital55 5 hrs 96 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/instead-of-filling-cavities-dentists-may-soon-regenerate-teeth/ news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16283685 For dentists, a cavity is a conundrum—in order to save the tooth they must further damage it. Currently, the primary way to treat a cavity is to excavate the decay and the surrounding area before filling the resulting crater with a durable surrogate material such as metal, plastic or glass cement.
But what if instead of drilling holes into teeth and patching them up with synthetic fillers, dentists could coax our pearly whites to regrow themselves? Recently, Paul Sharpe, a bioengineer at King’s College London, and his colleagues discovered a new way to do exactly this in mice. Last year they published a study describing their innovative techniques in Scientific Reports. And since then they have made even more progress that edges this experimental procedure closer to human clinical trials. If the treatment eventually becomes part of the dentist’s standard tool kit, scientists say it would easily be one of the field’s most important advances in 50 years.
Our teeth get damaged all the time. Most of the injuries they endure are due to everyday wear and tear as well as the activity of microbes in the mouth. These organisms coat the surface of each tooth and feed on meal remnants. As they break down particles of food, some of these microbes produce and secrete acids as a by-product. And that acidity degrades enamel—the tooth’s hard outer layer.
Like skin, teeth can usually repair minor mishaps themselves. When our teeth remain uncleaned for too long, however, acid can eat through the enamel and begin dissolving underlying layers of dense, bony tissue called dentin. When dentin is seriously injured, stem cells located in the tooth's soft, innermost layer—the dental pulp—morph into cells called odontoblasts, which secrete new tissue. (Stem cells are capable of becoming virtually any type of cell.) Yet when the injury is too large or deep, that fresh dentin is not sufficient to restore the tooth. The result is often a cavity.
Sharpe suspected he could dramatically boost teeth’s natural healing ability by mobilizing stem cells in the dental pulp. Earlier research had demonstrated the Wnt signaling pathway—a particular cascade of molecules involved in cell-to-cell communication—is essential for tissue repair and stem cell development in many parts of the body such as the skin, intestines and brain. Sharpe wondered: Could this signaling pathway also be important for self-repair processes in teeth? If so, maybe exposing damaged teeth to drugs that stimulate Wnt signaling would similarly encourage the activity of stem cells in the dental pulp—giving teeth the kind of regenerative superpowers usually seen only in plants, salamanders and starfish.
To test this idea, Sharpe and his fellow researchers drilled holes into the molars of mice, mimicking cavities. They then soaked tiny collagen sponges (which are made from the same protein found in dentin) in various drugs known to stimulate Wnt signaling, including tideglusib, a compound that has been investigated in clinical trials for its potential to treat Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders. The scientists then placed these drug-soaked sponges in the drilled mouse molars, sealed them up and left them for four to six weeks. The teeth treated with these drugs produced significantly more dentin than ones untreated or stuffed with an unsoaked sponge or typical dental fillers. In most cases the technique restored the rodents’ pearly whites to their former intact state. “It was essentially a complete repair,” Sharpe says. “You can barely see the joint where the old and new dentin meet. This could eventually be the first routine pharmaceutical treatment in dentistry.”
David Mooney, a professor or bioengineering at Harvard University who has also investigated new ways to heal teeth but was not involved in the study, says he is “very impressed” by these findings. “This is not just scientifically important, but has significant practical advantages," he says. Adam Celiz, an assistant professor of bioengineering at Imperial College London who was also not involved in the recent research, says this is an important advance in the emerging field of regenerative dentistry. “The materials dentists use could soon be revolutionized,” he says.
Any treatment that recruits the body's native stem cells or adds new stems cells to the body, however, poses a risk of uncontrolled tissue growth. Experimental and unregulated stem cell therapies have resulted in brain tumors, for example, as well as bones growing in eyelids. But in this case, Sharpe says, the amounts of drug used are so tiny that the risk of unwanted growth is minimal. Celiz agrees the danger is small but he says rigorous testing in lab animals and clinical trials should be done to rule out potential side effects.
Since publishing their initial study Sharpe and his colleagues have tested their regenerative technique on rats. (Because those rodents have larger teeth than mice, a drilled rat molar better approximates human tooth decay.) The treatment worked just as well on the rats as it had on the mice, Sharpe says, but the data has not yet been published. Now Sharpe’s team is investigating a larger group of candidate drugs in order to determine whether another medication works better than those already tested, and to determine the optimal dose. They are also developing an alternative delivery system that is more amenable to modern dental practices: The chosen drug will be dissolved in a gel that is injected into a cavity and bathed with ultraviolet light to solidify it—a quick and easy procedure similar to one dentists already use to seal and repair teeth.
In order to formally introduce this treatment to modern dentistry, however, the researchers will need to perform clinical trials with human patients. Such work is at least several years away, Sharpe says. But some of the drugs he might consider are already approved for other uses in humans, which he hopes could expedite the process for eventual approval. "A lot of dental treatments are still in the dark ages," Sharpe says. "It's time to move on."
For dentists, a cavity is a conundrum—in order to save the tooth they must further damage it. Currently, the primary way to treat a cavity is to excavate the decay and the surrounding area before filling the resulting crater with a durable surrogate material such as metal, plastic or glass cement.
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