Member since 2017-07-15T03:50:57Z. Last seen 2025-01-02T20:05:01Z.
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“ALITTLE TURBULENCE” is how Kwasi Kwarteng, the chancellor of the exchequer, later described the effects of the now-notorious “mini-budget” which he delivered on September 23rd. In the housing market Mr Kwarteng has unleashed a bonanza of bumpiness.
According to Moneyfacts, a data firm, between September 23rd and October 4th over 40% of mortgage products disappeared from the market as lenders avoided getting on the wrong side of spiking interest rates. Demand has surged for those pro
ducts that remained available. Paul Timmins of Quick Mortgages, a broker, says that most customers used to get in touch perhaps a month before their fixed-rate mortgage was due to expire. Now he is hearing from panicking customers as much as a year before.
Interest rates were on the rise long before Mr Kwarteng’s fiscal statement. On January 31st the average rate on new mortgages was 1.59%; by August 31st that had risen to 2.56%. But recent increases have been much faster. Between September 1st and October 3rd expectations for where the Bank of England’s base rate, which influences mortgage rates, will be in two years rose by 1.5 percentage points. Andrew Wishart of Capital Economics, a consultancy, expects average new mortgage rates of 6% in the first quarter of next year (see chart). That would be the fastest annual jump since 1989.
The risk is that this jump in rates will set off a nasty downward spiral. Some people may be unable to keep repaying their mortgages, prompting a rise in repossessions. Mr Wishart predicts arrears to rise from 0.7% of mortgages now to 1.6% in 2024. Rather than falling behind on dearer mortgage payments, other households will pull back on spending elsewhere. Prospective buyers will find themselves unable to afford what they could before. That, combined with a darkening macroeconomic backdrop, will push down house prices, making homeowners feel poorer and further crimping their spending.
Some reassurance comes from the fact that lending standards have been relatively stringent, at least compared with those before the global financial crisis of 2007-08. For example, stress-testing to see if borrowers can withstand a big change in their mortgage rate has been much more common. Because house prices have risen by over 25% since June 2020, it would take a large correction to propel lots of borrowers into negative equity. Those unfortunate enough to be struggling with their interest payments should get a sympathetic reception from their banks, who do not want the bad press of evicting people.
Even so, higher interest rates will hurt. Mr Wishart expects average mortgage costs to grow from 2% of total household income to over 5% by mid-2024. That shock will be concentrated on the third of British households that have an outstanding mortgage on a home they own. Neal Hudson of Residential Analysts, a consultancy, reckons that currently around 300,000 mortgages each quarter are coming to the end of their fixed-rate period, rising to 375,000 in the second quarter of next year. Yet even for those who do not have to remortgage immediately, spending now will be dampened in anticipation of much higher bills in future.
House prices already seem to be turning. Mr Timmins has noticed a sharp dropoff in enquiries from new customers over the past month as affordability constraints bite. Although Nationwide’s house-price index showed that prices in September were 9.5% higher than a year earlier, monthly growth has stalled. Gabriella Dickens of Pantheon Macroeconomics, a consultancy, calls it “the start of a prolonged fall”. In May 2021 Jon Cunliffe, deputy governor of the Bank of England, cited evidence showing that a one-percentagepoint increase in the bank’s policy rate would lower house prices by 6-9%.
If prices plummet uniformly then those in the toughest bind will be those who bought recently (meaning they have not had the benefit of rises in house prices), as well as homeowners in London, where recent price increases have been relatively modest and where the ratio between loans and incomes tends to be highest. Mr Hudson estimates that a 20% fall in house prices would leave nearly 10% of mortgages in London larger than the value of the underlying property.
From the perspective of monetary policymakers at the Bank of England, whose next meeting is due in early November, higher interest rates are meant to cause pain. They are worried about high inflation becoming embedded in the economy, a concern that the government’s fiscal splurge will only have exacerbated. But they usually prefer to pull policy levers slowly and thoughtfully. The next increase is likely to be a wrench. ■
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01 用戶跑了,代幣跌了 盡管世界各地的公司進行了大量投資和努力,但元宇宙游戲玩家仍在不斷流失。
從Steam的30天平均用戶數來看,這三款游戲的每日活躍用戶數都發生了下降,在過去 30 天裡,The Sandbox失去了29%的活躍用戶(降至1,180人),而Decentraland失去了15%(降至 978人)。
📸️ Axie Infinity © 必應
Axie Infinity雖然是三者中最成功的,但也僅擁有107,240名玩家,與3月初相比人數下降了 30%。這顯然不是什麼好消息,當這些DAU數據與Counterstrike、DOTA2和PUBG:Battlegrounds等熟悉的傳統游戲代表作展開較量時,情況就變得一目瞭然。
📸️玩家數量的顯著差距 © 必應
📸️ 不過ROBLOX不太有這些苦惱 © 必應
不論Sandbox的SAND、Decentraland的MANA,還是Axie Infinity的AXS,這三個平台的交易用代幣都在發生了迄今為止最為嚴重的價值下降:其中MANA下降了 26%,AXS下降了38%,SAND更是下降了46%——可謂最大的輸家。與此同時,穩定波動的比特幣雖然下跌,但美元估值僅下跌了5%。
📸️ Sandbox © 必應
02 三大元宇宙游戲,怎麼玩 Axie Infinity Axie Infinity是一款數字寵物世界形式的去中心化游戲。玩家通過虛擬貨幣購買三隻小寵物(Axie),使用它們繁殖出新的寵物進行戰斗,並且與其他玩家戰斗賺取加密代幣,或將自己多餘的寵物賣給他人獲取收益,此外玩家也可以在游戲中購買虛擬地產。
📸️ © 百度
Play To Earn是Axie Infinity吸引玩家的核心要素,簡單來說就是通過游戲即可賺錢。游戲開發團隊也可以從玩家出售游戲內資產的每筆交易當中收取4.25%交易費用,作為自身的收益。在之前的文章中小藍對這款游戲有過詳細介紹,歡迎閱讀瞭解:
Decentraland 與Axie Infinity虛擬對戰的形式不同,Decentraland基於以太坊構建,是一個由用戶共同擁有並構建的虛擬世界平台。
它是一個為用戶們提供了一個創建個人形象、與其他用戶互動社交、參與音樂會或藝術表演等娛樂活動並在數字土地上建造房屋等活動的地方。簡單來說,Decentraland 就像是一個升級版的《我的世界》。
📸️ Decentraland © 百度
在這裡用戶可以隨意探索虛擬空間,還能夠通過以太坊區塊鏈平台購買土地,成為這片土地的擁有者,擁有對土地的所有權,從而在領地上創造出獨一無二的使用體驗。 玩家可以在Decentraland中自由走動並與其他玩家互動、交談、逛展。不過目前 Decentraland的用戶體驗遠遠算不上精細,甚至連流暢都達不到。
The Sandbox The Sandbox是一款構建在以太坊上的沙盒游戲。玩家可以在游戲中自由探索與創造,而游戲本身並沒有主線劇情,與《Decentraland》並沒有太大的不同。
玩家可以先購買The Sandbox的地塊,然後在這個地塊上創造一個像素化的世界。The Sandbox還為創作者提供了一套工具,可以讓他們發揮自己想像力去創造屬於自己的世界。
📸️ © 必應
在The Sandbox中,任何玩家都可以100%的擁有自己的創作,並且可以將自己的創作製作成NFT,上傳到市場上供他人購買,又或者可以將自己創作的游戲供他人遊玩,並獲得其中的收益。 12 4
史泰龍利柳 • 2h 在The Sandbox中,任何玩家都可以100%的擁有自己的創作,並且可以將自己的創作製作成NFT,上傳到市場上供他人購買,又或者可以將自己創作的游戲供他人遊玩,並獲得其中的收益。
其實從介紹中我們便能發現它們的共同點:這些游戲都可以實現邊玩邊賺錢,也就是以Play To Earn作為核心玩法,通過出售游戲過程中創造的NFT來獲得利益。但就是這個看起來錢景滿滿的核心玩法,卻在如今進入窘境。
03 不止是不好玩這麼簡單 這些之前風頭一時無兩的游戲面臨如今狀況的原因,從用戶最多的Axie Infinity最近出現的種種狀況即可窺知一二:氪金的玩法、低下的收益率與安全性的漏洞,都成為近期Axie Infinity勸退玩家的因素。
📸️ Axie Infinity對戰界面 © 必應
Messari此前分析稱,Axie Infinity的NFT以及付費貨幣選項為這款游戲帶來了一種相當嚴重的付費取勝(pay-to-win) 概念:這是一種在傳統游戲市場中絕大部分的游戲公司都會竭盡所能避免的情況,因為靠氪金帶來的勝利往往都會遭到大部分玩家唾棄。
除了玩法硬傷外,半個月前,作為Axie Infinity自營的區塊鏈平台,Ronin因驗證節點遭黑客入侵而損失了價值超6億美元的加密資產,這讓Axie Infinity的處境雪上加霜。
📸️ Axie Infinity對戰界面 © 必應
然而此次攻擊帶來的影響並沒有結束,由於有用戶稱無法從游戲中解押相關資產導致的玩家信心受損,Axie Infinity的交易數據也全面滑坡:Dappradar數據顯示,截至4月12日,Axie Infinity游戲內原生NFT的地板價下降至20.47美元,30日下跌了38.02%;游戲內NFT的整體交易額降至6099萬美元,30日內接近腰斬,下跌了46.87%。
上週五,Axie Infinity的開發公司Sky Mavis表示,將對黑客攻擊導致的用戶損失“承擔全部責任”,Sky Mavis已經籌集了1.5億美元,以補償受攻擊事件影響的用戶損失。
📸️ Axie Infinity界面 © 必應
雖然做出了彌補,但是壞消息並沒有停止。作為以Play To Earn模式為核心噱頭的游戲,這一關鍵玩法也開始面臨著挑戰:資產通脹導致的收益率下降,已經在破壞著玩家們繼續參與游戲的動力。畢竟除去可以賺錢這一因素外,Axie Infinity的從游戲性角度來看其實十分枯燥。
📸️ The Sandbox的世界 © 必應
同樣採取Play To Earn模式的Decentraland與The Sandbox自然也面臨著這樣的問題,當然後兩者由於與眾多企業達成的合作,受到的沖擊還在可以接受的范圍。
📸️ The Sandbox的 © 必應
雖然這些平台都在不斷修復著出現的問題並完善著游戲機制,但要解決由於核心玩法缺陷導致的問題並不容易,更何況大環境的風向早在去年便出現了降溫的跡象。不過並不是所有人都失去了信心,畢竟Axie Infinity依然留存著10萬級的玩家。
在接受NBC新聞的采訪時,24歲的Axie Infinity玩家Gravelle表示:
另一位去年6月開始進入Axie Infinity的玩家Evans也表示:
我仍然相信Axie Infinity, 我仍然喜歡這個空間的一切。
Daily Mail 08/10/2022
ONLY rarely is a scientific discovery truly ‘game-changing’ – something that can improve the health of tens of thousands of people every year The discovery that type 2 diabetes – which causes damagingly high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood and was previously believed to be lifelong and progressive – can be reversed really is one such game-changer.
It began in 2006 when it occurred to me that this form of diabetes could be triggered by a small amount of excess fat in the liver with a knock-on effect causing excess fat in the pancreas which produces the hormone insulin.
Insulin promotes the uptake of glucose from the blood by cells, and so controls the levels circulating in the body.
Could the excess fat in the pancreas interfere with insulin production and so cause type 2 diabetes? And might reducing that fat by losing weight reverse the condition?
We tested this idea on a group of people with type 2 diabetes by getting them to follow a weight-loss diet we devised, consuming shakes and soups that added up to just 850 calories a day. To our delight and amazement, when they lost significant amount of weight, their diabetes also went away. Our hypothesis on the link between weight loss and the liver and pancreas was proved to be correct: Type 2 Diabetes was reversible. And what became a 16-year research odyssey was supported by Diabetes UK.
Most diets that cut even a few calories leave you feeling hungry, which is why people often struggle to stick to them.
But the shakes and soups are formulated to be satisfying, so even people used to consuming 3,000 calories a day find they aren’t hungry on only 850. It’s a relatively easy way to lose a lot of weight rapidly, and seems to suit most people as it’s so simple. Only one in eight dropped out of the study, a much lower rate than for similar studies. A further study of 298 people demonstrated the dramatic effectiveness of the diet when supervised by practice nurses.
The range of weight loss was good enough to produce remission from diabetes in half the participants. The other half all saw some improvement.
The pilot study that the NHS is now running involves 5,000 people.
In its first six months the average weight loss was a remarkable 13.5kg – more than two stone. Usually, dietary interventions produce a couple of kilos of weight loss. GPs will refer people to the system and after three months on the shakes and soups,
they will be supported to transition back to eating ordinary food. The hope is that the programme will eventually be rolled out across England. The impact could be dramatic, saving and improving many thousands of lives, as type 2 diabetes can reduce normal life expectancy by up to ten years.
Currently, around 500 people a week are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and cases have doubled over the past 15 years.
ALMOST4.1million people in the UK have either type 1 diabetes (usually genetic and diagnosed early in life) or type 2 diabetes, which accounts for the majority. Type 2 diabetes is mainly lifestyle related and develops over time. This figure could rise to 5.5million by 2030 if trends continue.
It’s certainly good news for taxpayers if we can reduce the impact of the disease: Diabetes currently costs the taxpayer £10billion a year, or 10 per cent of the NHS budget. So this inexpensive diet could save the taxpayer billions.
Few doctors realise what a hammer blow it is to a person’s self-regard when they are told they have diabetes. The complications can be devastating, including blindness and amputation. Indeed, diabetes leads to almost 9,600 leg, toe or foot amputations every year – and this is rising rapidly.
The possibility of taking even a proportion of people with type 2 diabetes back to health could prove to be the best bargain in preventive healthcare.
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Daily Mail 08/10/2022
ONLY rarely is a scientific discovery truly ‘game-changing’ – something that can improve the health of tens of thousands of people every year The discovery that type 2 diabetes – which causes damagingly high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood and was previously believed to be lifelong and progressive – can be reversed really is one such game-changer.
It began in 2006 when it occurred to me that this form of diabetes could be triggered by a small amount of excess fat in the liver with a knock-on effect causing excess fat in the pancreas which produces the hormone insulin.
Insulin promotes the uptake of glucose from the blood by cells, and so controls the levels circulating in the body.
Could the excess fat in the pancreas interfere with insulin production and so cause type 2 diabetes? And might reducing that fat by losing weight reverse the condition?
We tested this idea on a group of people with type 2 diabetes by getting them to follow a weight-loss diet we devised, consuming shakes and soups that added up to just 850 calories a day. To our delight and amazement, when they lost significant amount of weight, their diabetes also went away. Our hypothesis on the link between weight loss and the liver and pancreas was proved to be correct: Type 2 Diabetes was reversible. And what became a 16-year research odyssey was supported by Diabetes UK.
Most diets that cut even a few calories leave you feeling hungry, which is why people often struggle to stick to them.
But the shakes and soups are formulated to be satisfying, so even people used to consuming 3,000 calories a day find they aren’t hungry on only 850. It’s a relatively easy way to lose a lot of weight rapidly, and seems to suit most people as it’s so simple. Only one in eight dropped out of the study, a much lower rate than for similar studies. A further study of 298 people demonstrated the dramatic effectiveness of the diet when supervised by practice nurses.
The range of weight loss was good enough to produce remission from diabetes in half the participants. The other half all saw some improvement.
The pilot study that the NHS is now running involves 5,000 people.
In its first six months the average weight loss was a remarkable 13.5kg – more than two stone. Usually, dietary interventions produce a couple of kilos of weight loss. GPs will refer people to the system and after three months on the shakes and soups,
they will be supported to transition back to eating ordinary food. The hope is that the programme will eventually be rolled out across England. The impact could be dramatic, saving and improving many thousands of lives, as type 2 diabetes can reduce normal life expectancy by up to ten years.
Currently, around 500 people a week are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and cases have doubled over the past 15 years.
ALMOST4.1million people in the UK have either type 1 diabetes (usually genetic and diagnosed early in life) or type 2 diabetes, which accounts for the majority. Type 2 diabetes is mainly lifestyle related and develops over time. This figure could rise to 5.5million by 2030 if trends continue.
It’s certainly good news for taxpayers if we can reduce the impact of the disease: Diabetes currently costs the taxpayer £10billion a year, or 10 per cent of the NHS budget. So this inexpensive diet could save the taxpayer billions.
Few doctors realise what a hammer blow it is to a person’s self-regard when they are told they have diabetes. The complications can be devastating, including blindness and amputation. Indeed, diabetes leads to almost 9,600 leg, toe or foot amputations every year – and this is rising rapidly.
The possibility of taking even a proportion of people with type 2 diabetes back to health could prove to be the best bargain in preventive healthcare.
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Daily Mail 08/10/2022 Prescription soup and shakes could reverse 500 cases a week
A soup and shakes diet that can reverse type 2 diabetes is to be offered on the NHs.
The national roll- out of the regime, which cuts food intake to just 850 calories a day, could see 500 patients beat the condition every week.
The aim is to begin prescribing it as early as next year, the Daily Mail can reveal today.
Results from around 2,000 patients show that it helped them to lose an average of more than two stone. An earlier clinical trial found almost half of those who tried the diet managed to reverse their type 2 diabetes.
The results stunned many experts because diabetes was long thought a life sentence.
Professor Jonathan Valabhji, diabetes and obesity chief at NHS England, said: ‘We have seen fantastic early results from the NHS low- calorie diet programme and are now planning to expand the offer nationwide, to give thousands more the chance to shed the pounds and improve their health.
‘Rolling out low-calorie diets on the NHS may help many more people to turn the tide
on type 2 diabetes and potentially slash their risk of serious health implications.’
He said the weight loss was found to be maintained at six months.
The NHS has not given an estimate for how many could gain from the diet. But Professor Paul Aveyard of the University of Oxford said the number would be significant when 220,000 cases of diabetes are diagnosed annually.
If a quarter take part and 46 per cent achieve remission, as in the trial, it would mean around 25,000 people saving themselves from type 2 diabetes every year – nearly 500 newly diagnosed patients a week.
This may help them avoid complications such as ulcers, amputations, sight loss, heart attacks and strokes.
Professor Aveyard, who is also a GP, said: ‘Diabetes is no longer a lifelong, incurable condition, which is very exciting.
‘Doctors should no longer think of it as a condition we manage with pills, which gets worse over time, but as something that can actually be treated and reversed for many.’
The soup and shakes diet will be open to patients aged 18 to 65 diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over the past six years.
They must have a body mass index over 27, or over 25 for people from black, Asian or minority ethnic groups.
That means potentially 10 to 20 per cent of people living with the disease in England would be eligible – around 135,000.
The diet is planned to be fully rolled out nationwide in the financial year 2023/24, according to an information notice published by the NHS. That timescale could change and the nationwide roll- out has not yet formally been announced.
Five years ago the DiRECT trial of the diet led by Newcastle University involved 298 people, some of whom slashed their daily calorie intake from more than 3,000 calories to just 850.
There were dramatic results among those who managed to lose more than
2st 5lb, with 86 per cent of them going into remission.
Across the whole study, 46 per cent managed to drop their blood sugar to a level where they were no longer considered diabetic. After two more years, a follow-up study found a third of those who had reversed their diabetes remained free of the disease.
The NHS trial, which gave patients sachets of powder to add to water to make shakes and soups, was a threemonth plan. That will continue to be the case when it goes nationwide, with volunteers being offered support from doctors and coaches before being reintroduced to healthy, nutritious food to keep the weight off.
GPs will refer patients to the diet, as has been the case in the latest trial, which involved thousands of patients in 21 areas. Support on offer will include virtual one-to-one advice and online help.
Type 2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity, has been blamed for a string of health problems, including heart attacks. A study of more than 100 patients found the soup and shakes diet also significantly lowered blood pressure. It can also reverse type 2 diabetes in those who are not overweight.
Professor Roy Taylor of Newcastle University led the trial giving people soups and shakes, having discovered a decade ago that the level of fat in the pancreas was linked to type 2 diabetes, suggesting weight loss could reverse the condition.
He said: ‘This represents a potentially huge opportunity for people who find themselves with type 2 diabetes and could change their lives at the same time as reducing the strain on the NHS.’
Nikki Joule, policy manager at Diabetes UK, said: ‘We would be delighted to see the expansion of NHS England’s free weight-loss programme for people living with type 2 diabetes.
‘Since its launch, this low-calorie diet treatment, inspired by Diabetes UK’s ground-breaking DiRECT trial, has helped thousands of people across England access the support they need to lose weight effectively and potentially put their type 2 diabetes in remission.
‘Remission can be life- changing, offering people a better chance of a healthier future.’ n A jab to reduce the blood sugar levels of type 2 diabetes victims has been given the green light by regulators.
Tirzepatide made headlines when a study found those given the highest dose lost an average of almost four stone despite it targeting blood sugar.
The weekly injection has been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency for use in patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. Health watchdog NICE will decide whether to make it available to patients in England and Wales next April.
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How to do the marketing using phantom buster? 邀請您參加排程的 Zoom 會議。
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rankfurt/hamburg Does coffee taste rancid today? Kind of musty? This does not have to be due to the beans, but can be due to lime and old coffee residues in the coffee machine. There are two other good reasons to clean the coffee machine a little more often: mold formation and the electricity costs.
"Many calcified machines produce too hot water," says Holger Preibisch, Managing Director of the German Coffee Association. "Because of the deposits, they can no longer maintain the water temperature.“Lime is deposited wherever water is processed. Therefore, experts, as well as manufacturers of coffee machines, advise to empty the water tank at the end of each day and wipe it dry. The water exchange has one more advantage: fresh water does not negatively affect the taste of coffee.
Even if the taste of the coffee seems subjectively the most important at first, there are other reasons to put your hand to the machine every day: otherwise mold can form, and germs can multiply. For example, moist coffee residues mold in the pomace for pressing residues, the coffee grounds container and in the drip tray. In addition, oils and fats from coffee settle here.
For capsule and pad machines, you should therefore empty the shell after each use, recommends Theresa Seitz, consultant for small household appliances at the Association of the Electrical and Digital Industry (ZVEI). According to Holger Preibisch of the coffee Association, this also applies to filters that should not be left in the holder after the brewing process. Even the cans of filter machines are best emptied daily when coffee is no longer drunk. Otherwise, the coffee will dry up in it and the jug will be harder to clean.
Especially the milk nozzle, the milk tank and their hoses are tricky: "Germs are created wherever milk is used and not removed," says Holger Preibisch. The side milk nozzle of portafilter machines and fully automatic coffee machines, for example, can be unscrewed, placed in detergent and then rinsed with clean water. Many of the devices remind of this cleaning very regularly. However, from the expert's point of view, the milk tank of the machine should be rinsed out daily. The same applies to the hoses that are rinsed with hot water using the machine.
About once a month, you should additionally descale the machine. That's easy. Usually, a lime detergent is added to the filled water tank and a cleaning program or the usual preparation program is started. Theresa Seitz advises against vinegar and citric acid, which are often used in the household against lime. "Citric acid reduces the lifetime of the machines. The strong acid can attack seals and hoses.“Even vinegar should not get into the coffee machine. "It is too sharp and can damage the plastics in the device.“
Fully automatic machines and many other coffee machines periodically remind you to start a self-cleaning. "They provide enough pressure and temperature to clean the machines from the inside," says Seitz. Nevertheless, cleaning agents are also needed to sufficiently dissolve fats and oils. "Depending on the manufacturer, these are tablets or powders that are dissolved in water beforehand," says Ansgar Pleye from the Specialty Coffee Association Germany, a network of coffee specialists. Fully automatic coffee machines have an opening for the tablet. In a portafilter machine, the powder or tablet is placed in the filter holder.
Attention: Even if the machine takes over many cleaning steps: Some components have to be cleaned by hand. For example, this may apply to the brewing group, the heart of the device. It can be removed in many devices and can then be simply rinsed with water, according to Pleye. "If you do this regularly, you will prevent permanent residues.“With portafilter machines, the brewing group can be cleaned with a blind sieve. "Such a sieve has no holes, so the hot water flowing through it is backwashed with pressure," explains the expert.
A tip for portafilter machines and filter devices: "If the greases are very tight to the strainer and filter holder, you can briefly immerse both in a hot water bath with coffee cleaner," says Ansgar Pleye. The deposits on the sieve can be avoided by washing it out regularly, preferably even after each use, with water, adds Preibisch.
Also in containers for beans or ground coffee, fats settle. "The empty bean container can be removed from the machine in order to wash it out from the inside with a slightly damp cloth," says Ansgar Pleye. Most containers are not suitable for cleaning in the dishwasher, the plastic becomes cloudy in them. Important: After wiping, the container must be completely dry before it is refilled
The companies on the list are selected based on their company mission, employee reviews, careers pages, upfront information for potential new hires and general buzz. To be considered for the list, companies must have launched in 2014 or after, have less than 300 employees and be founded in London.
Tempo specialises in recruitment for young people and is passionate about getting this generation into work, especially amidst the current unemployment crisis the country is facing. They wanted to create this list to show some of the great startups that the city has to offer.
Ben Chatfield, CEO of Tempo said: "Now more than ever, jobseekers are looking at the bigger picture when it comes to the companies they want to work for. It's not just about topline growth and elaborate perks, it's about the mission, opportunities for learning and, crucially, how employees have been treated during the pandemic. With the Super Startups, we are delighted to recognise game-changing businesses that are also fantastic places to work."
Small business with big dreams, Allplants wants to inspire everyone to eat more plants for a better future of our planet. The team can indulge in daily lunches, breakfast and snacks, and they are first in line for new product tastings.
Not strictly for vegans, Allplants fosters a diverse environment with flexible working, and a mission that both feels good and tastes good.
Superpower: Treating your stomach and the planet
Founded: 2016
Operating behind the scenes, Yapily empowers financial services so everyone can enjoy better finance products. Saving the world in more ways than one, they are also saving their employees from bad working environments. The Yapily team benefits from making an impact and gaining experience in a seriously high-growth space. Smart FinTech is here to stay.
Superpower: Making financial services faster and better for everyone
Founded: 2017
Time is money in business and Countingup knows that. Their platform combines banking and accounting into one simple, easy-to-use product. The team at Countingup is diverse and all striving for the same ultimate goal. Word on the street is they want to provide a financial platform for no less than one million small businesses - but who’s counting?
Superpower: Automating accounting to give back time to the people
Founded: 2017
Echo brings a new aspect of healthcare into the 21st century by enabling people to easily order medicine online and get it delivered for free. Now there’s a service adding true value to people’s lives. Employees are part of a diverse and busy team where no day is the same, and the health and wellbeing benefits are more than anyone could ever hope for.
Superpower: Taking the faff out of prescription medicine
Founded: 2015
There’s nothing worse than your phone dying when you’re out and about. Enter ChargedUp! Their network of portable power banks gives you power on demand. To keep their employees charged up and ready to go, the company offers mentoring and growth as well as keeping things social with Monday morning team breakfasts. They’ve got the power.
Superpower: Supplying phone power to anyone from anywhere
Founded: 2017
Nutritions with no nasties, time-saving and money-saving, Huel is created to make people feel good. Employees are encouraged to be curious, to take initiative and collaborate with each other to make sure customers get the best possible experience. The benefits are focused on keeping people well, and includes healthcare and, of course, free Huel.
Superpower: Keeping people fit from within
Founded: 2014
Because every day at work should be a good day, simple as that. Providing delicious lunches to offices and remote workers, City Pantry is all about employee wellbeing for others - and for themselves. Employees are encouraged to be hungry, not just for lunch but in their approach to work too. Fun, freedom and wellbeing are at the core of the culture, rated highly by the team.
Superpower: Eliminating soggy sandwiches from your work life
Founded: 2014
Habito exists to make mortgages easier. You might even say that Habito has a bit of a habit of pleasing people. The team works hard to be better, be responsible and be part of the revolution that gets rid of bad mortgages for good. Employees love the benefits which include health insurance, motivational guest speakers, stock options and pension, and flexible holidays to name a few.
Superpower: Mortgages that please people, not banks
Founded: 2015
Forget about Atkins and Keto, and embrace a new life that’s literally second nature with Second Nature. Working to keep customers rested, happy and healthy, employees get the same thoughtful treatment. The Second Nature team can have their cake and eat it too with a great culture, career progression and the opportunity to make an important impact on people’s lives.
Superpower: Ditching diet fads to make you healthy once and for all
Founded: 2015
Capdesk wants to make companies captains of their equity. By simplifying employee equity schemes, companies can now manage all their gold in a single platform. The team is small and they all have their thinking caps on to deliver nothing but the best to customers. The company practises what they preach and offers super transparent equity ownership to employees so everyone benefits from their growth.
Superpower: Streamlining equity plans with flexibility and confidence
Founded: 2015
EduMe is a workforce success platform that uses the power of technology for good. By enabling companies to train people to excel at their job, everyone becomes a hero in their own right. EduMe not only provides hero-like workforces for others, they also take care of their own. Flexible working, budget for health and socials; employees have all they need to focus on helping others.
Superpower: Empowering workforces to perform at their best
Founded: 2016
Visionable believes in doing good by being good, which is why they’re on a mission to make healthcare accessible to everyone on the planet using technology. If that isn’t enough of a reason to be a part of the journey, employees benefit from working in an environment that encourages curiosity and positive challenges. Oh, and a generous holiday allowance and career development.
Superpower: Using video technology to build a healthier world
Founded: 2019
Florence cares, and this is a team working hard to change the care industry for the better. Care homes no longer need to be stuck in the old age. Having gone through impressive growth in the last couple of years, employees enjoy a fun, friendly and collaborative startup environment with generous benefits. Florence is the perfect precedent that it feels good to do good.
Superpower: Giving carers and nurses the tools to be in control
Founded: 2016
Serving over two million farmers across Africa, Wefarm isn’t the kind of place where employees get stuck in an office booth. In fact, their idea of an offsite has previously included trips to Kenya and Uganda. It kind of makes that traditional Christmas party in the pub seem kind of stingy, right? Most importantly though, the company is building a fantastic ecosystem for global agriculture.
Superpower: Connecting farmers for a better future
Founded: 2015
Farewill offers the opportunity to have a real impact on people’s lives by providing a simpler way to deal with deaths. Through a mix of excellent customer service and smart technology, the company makes things a bit easier, faster and fairer. The team is a diverse bunch of people who all genuinely care about the product, each other and the future of the company.
Superpower: Doing good by offering a simpler way to deal with death
Founded: 2015
Healthcare workers are the superheroes of today. And Doctify wants to connect people with the very best clinics and hospitals. The platform, together with its dedicated team, exists to empower people to make informed decisions and recognise the clinics and hospitals that go above and beyond. Employees at Doctify are helping the good healthcare workers save the masses. Now there’s a superhero for you.
Superpower: Promoting trust and transparency in healthcare
Founded: 2014
Thriva wants people to thrive, and this includes their employees. While customers get personalised health advice with the prick of a finger, employees pinch themselves to make sure they’re not dreaming up all those great benefits. The Thriva team wants to show that they care and works hard to make sure that employees never experience the dreaded 'Sunday fear'.
Superpower: Putting health control into the hands of people
Founded: 2015
We’re not talking about how to become the next Kim Kardashian here, but rather a team of creative experts that help brands succeed in the world of social media. The team benefits from an exciting, fast-paced environment where no day is the same, and Influencer keeps their employees happy and healthy with a mental and physical wellbeing focus, a generous holiday allowance and flexible working hours.
Superpower: Influencing positive change for brands
Founded: 2014
Permutive is on a mission to show the world what’s possible with data. Pretty straightforward, right? The company is doing something groundbreaking, and the team consists of dreamers, inventors and discoverers who make sure that the journey is a memorable one. This is a place where employees can rip up the rulebook and work the way that make each one of them happy.
Superpower: Giving publishers the data they deserve
Founded: 2015
At Motorway, employees are part of a company that’s working in the fast lane. With a simple mission to make selling your car quick and easy, here is a company that’s bound to stay successful until we are all flying to work. The working environment is fun and fast-paced, and employees rate the flexibility, the family-like atmosphere and the perks that come with growing together as a company.
Superpower: An easy way to sell your car and drive straight to the bank
Founded: 2016
Hot water and heating problems can really make our blood boil like nothing else. And getting it fixed is as painful as having a root canal. Hometree believes the world deserves better, and they only hire the very best people to make sure that happens. Employees are offered a safe place to be themselves, work how they like, and take ownership and grow in their role.
Superpower: Making homecare plans work for you
Founded: 2016
Form3 empowers businesses so they can make instant payments easy for their customers. The team embraces a remote-first approach to work while remaining a close knit bunch. After all, if we can do everything online, why shouldn’t we? Employees can be based wherever they are the most happy and productive, and the great benefits reflect just that. This is a FinTech racing for first place.
Superpower: Redefining instant payments for easy spending
Founded: 2016
As a company building technology to shape the world of data, Quantexa is full of smart and dedicated people. Employees rate the 'work hard play hard' mentality and can reap the benefits of their hard work with mentor programmes and opportunity for professional development - alongside the fun bits like generous holiday allowance, flexible working and a great culture.
Superpower: Connecting data to empower decisions
Founded: 2016
House deposits and the process around them used to give us chills down the spine. Flatfair has made it easy for landlords and renters alike. The team is a bunch of passionate people, eager to improve people’s quality of life. Employees rate the culture highly and are excited about the learning, development and progression opportunities they are given.
Superpower: Flexible protection so renting becomes as easy as pie
Founded: 2016
Cazoo gives customers complete car buying confidence. Reconditioned, delivered and with a money back guarantee - buying a car just became fun again. Just as their service is fastpaced, so is life at Cazoo headquarters. Working at speed as a team to reach their end goals, the team strives to have just as much fun as their customers do buying their cars.
Superpower: Transforming the way people buy used cars
Founded: 2018
Digitising and simplifying payments, Shieldpay protects people and businesses alike with those big, important transactions. Supporting, encouraging, dynamic and exciting. That’s how you could describe the company’s mission, but actually those are just some of the kind words employees use to describe their life at Shieldpay.
Superpower: Shielding customers and businesses from bad transactions
Founded: 2016
Robin Hood was a man of the people, and so is Credit Kudos. Their platform aims to provide fairer credit for all by helping people access finances they can afford. This idea of fairness can be seen in their employee benefits too. From equity and pensions, health and wellbeing schemes, and any equipment they need, Credit Kudos really do believe in power to the people.
Superpower: Fixing credit scoring so it’s fair for everyone
Founded: 2015
Need a friend to help you save? Send Cleo to the rescue. The platform uses smart technology to keep your spending in check in a unique and friendly way. Fear not, this doesn’t stop Cleo spending money on their employees’ happiness. With excellent compensation, mentorship, team bonding trips and snacks galore, the team at Cleo certainly does not go without.
Superpower: Making managing your money a walk in the park
Founded: 2016
Not to be confused with squishy sweets, Marshmallow is rebuilding car insurance so it works for everyone. The inclusive approach to business feeds into the entire team, which consists of a passionate bunch of marshmallowers. The list of benefits seems never ending, and employees love the clear direction and great atmosphere. Only thing missing really is a free marshmallow supply for life.
Superpower: Smart, instant car insurance that works for everyone
Founded: 2017
By Miles is disrupting traditional car insurance by charging only a fixed annual cost and the miles you drive - the less you drive, the less you pay. Making travel easy isn’t just important for their customers but also for their employees. Alongside the usual social events and benefits, the team is given a cycle to work scheme and great commuting options. By Miles that’s good!
Superpower: Making car insurance affordable for all
Founded: 2016
On a mission to synchronise supply and demand for businesses, Zencargo’s team seem to be in perfect sync themselves. Employees rate the flat hierarchy, the fast-moving environment and the overall business outlook, making Zencargo the perfect workplace for budding entrepreneurs. With £20m funding in the bank and a growing team, this one is here to stay.
Superpower: A trust-based environment for businesses and employees
Founded: 2017
On a mission to boost people’s careers, Jolt is offering support and flexible learning for their students to thrive in any industry. The internal culture at Jolt is not about beer fridges and ping pong, but about adding true value to employees’ lives by providing them with the tools, courses and skills to be their very best selves. Employees rate them highly and value that the team genuinely cares.
Superpower: Giving students a competitive advantage
Founded: 2015
The healthcare system often involves too many cooks. So to help not spoil the broth, the AccuRx platform allows anyone involved in a patient’s care to easily communicate with each other, including the patient. The AccuRx team itself all has one thing in common, an obsession with their mission, and each other. Here is a company that strives for team happiness both in and outside of work.
Superpower: All healthcare communication, all in one place
Founded: 2016
From ship-to-shore and door-to-door, Convelio has a superhero A-team to make sure fine art is delivered across the globe quickly, smoothly and at competitive prices. The team follows a working compass to make sure not only the artwork gets delivered, but that they deliver too. Convelio offers a work environment that is caring, agile and demanding, making them a seaworthy crew.
Superpower: Building the logistics backbone of the art world
Founded: 2017
ComplyAdvantage is the Batman of the tech world. The company is building software to take on the risk of financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorist financing. Much like Batman had Robin, ComplyAdvantage has a focused team that is collaborative, proactive and tenacious to deliver the best results and fight financial evil. And make sure the process is pain free along the way.
Superpower: Using technology to fight financial crime
Founded: 2014
Working with companies to give employees instant access to earnings, Wagestream is all about opportunity. They believe in trust, autonomy and growing together to make a big impact - all of which employees rate them highly for. The team has access to a range of seriously cool benefits, and their hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed with more than £60m raised from top VCs.
Superpower: Enabling people to be in control of their earnings
Founded: 2018
Enabling businesses to run with confidence, Fluidly makes sure that small companies always have cash in the bank. Sounds pretty remarkable, right? And remarkable is just what working there feels like - employees love the culture, the leadership, the challenges and the great potential they see in the product. Fluidly offers a place to really develop and learn.
Superpower: Predicting future cashflows so businesses can run with ease
Founded: 2016
Juro is on a mission to streamline work for all of us and make collaboration easy-peasy. And this simplicity can be found within the team as well. They foster an environment where everyone can feel at home, and the team enjoys a bunch of fun activities which confirm that their culture is something to shout about. Potential new starters can even find all information about the hiring process online. Easy, simple, Juro.
Superpower: Making work as simple as it should be
Founded: 2016
We all know about the mysterious credit score, but figuring out the ins and outs of it has never been easy. Then Portify came around to save the day with a community-powered membership that helps people reach their financial goals. Some goals may be more than financial, and that’s why the team at Portify are given everything they need to reach their own ones, personally and professionally, and be happy at work.
Superpower: Helping everyone achieve their financial dreams
Founded: 2017
Zego is all about making driver insurance flexible, simple, and better. And guess what, working at the company is pretty much that: flexible, simple, and better than other places. Employees value the culture and perks, and new hires benefit from competitive salary and holidays, the latest tech and awesome Zego merch to go show the world where they belong.
Superpower: Taking the wheel of modern work insurance 11
Founded: 2016
Dogs are a human’s best friend. And at Butternut Box that means delivering health and happiness to dogs in a meal worth drooling over. This company puts the fun back in pun with a light-hearted sense of humour in their brand voice and approach to each other. From a focus on health and wellbeing to a personal learning budget, employees really have something to bark about.
Superpower: Giving dogs happiness through the pawfect meal
Founded: 2016
Most employers will roll over laughing if you tell them they can run payroll in a single click. With Pento that’s a reality. Not only is the company making things a whole lot easier for employers, they also make work as easy as pie. If unlimited holidays, flexible working, and an incredible growth journey sound up your street, then look no further to make work truly exciting.
Superpower: Bringing payroll into the 21st century (finally)
Founded: 2016
Growing fast, Fiit almost seems to have been built for a global pandemic with their excellent app that brings the gym home. The company truly cares about their employees and the work is focused around feeling good - employees are treated with personal fitness and wellbeing budgets, team workouts, healthy snacks and, of course, fun socials that don’t always evolve around the gym.
Superpower: Fitness at home at the touch of a button
Founded: 2017
As if Hopin predicted a global pandemic, they decided to take events online. The virtual event venue goes way beyond simple presentations with immersive networking, expo booths, workshops and much more. Employees at Hopin are part of a journey where they move seriously fast, with an opportunity to make a big impact and gain unmatched experiences for the future.
Superpower: Saving the world from restrictive online events
Founded: 2019
WeGift is the gift that keeps on giving. Not only are they incentivising consumers to buy more from businesses, they are also incentivising their employees to stay around. With a generous holiday allowance, flexible working, diverse team socials and a bunch of discounts up for grabs, the team understands that working hard really pays off - proven in their 500% growth last year.
Superpower: Rewarding consumers with instant incentives when they buy
Founded: 2015
Attest believes consumers and data should be put at the heart of every business, and accessible to anyone that needs it. And whilst data is their mission, people is their focus. With clearly laid out values, benefits dedicated to their growth and development as well as their remote-working setup, Attest could put any competing business to the test.
Superpower: Providing the data to turn guesswork into fact
Founded: 2015
With almost £60m funding in the bank, Truelayer is definitely one to watch. They preach about inclusion and diversity in that order, as diversity isn’t successful without inclusion first. Truelayer employees are part of a huge growth spurt, tapping into the FinTech industry with universal APIs that improve financial data for everyone. Add to that a super flexible working environment and fun team socials.
Superpower: Aiming big to power the next era of financial innovation
Founded: 2016
Start talking about savings and investments, and many young people are ready to hit the snooze button. But fear not, Moneybox makes it easy. Easy to sign up, easy to get started, easy to save money. Employees benefit not only from the company’s impressive growth, but also from a range of awesome perks, a dynamic environment, and a welcoming and friendly bunch of colleagues.
Superpower: Making savings as easy as putting money in a box
Founded: 2015
Impala works behind the scenes to make sure that travel booking is as easy as browse, book, pay and stay. Started as a remote-first business and experiencing huge growth, there is no stopping Impala on their way to revolutionising travel for good. With a list of employee benefits that looks never-ending and more than £15m funding in the bank, this is the place to be.
Superpower: Creating a better world of travel through data
Founded: 2016
More than just a cute brand, Yulife truly puts wellbeing at the heart of everything they do. Yulife’s employee insurance product protects lives and rewards living, much like the way they look after their own people. Employees feel at home and refer to colleagues as their Yulife family and they benefit from, yes you guessed it, a more than decent insurance coverage.
Superpower: Protecting, inspiring and rewarding ‘yur’ life.
Founded: 2016
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關劭驊說,像Bic Camera及三麗鷗的Hello Kitty,在元素騎士還只是傳統線上遊戲年代,就曾合作導入聯名角色,希望能成為陪伴玩家長大的虛擬朋友,更為品牌方創下佳績,證明這裡的社群,價值可變現。因此,去年底,將元素騎士導入區塊鏈創新後,關劭驊和團隊的第一個布局,就是把原有遊戲的社群黏
回想從頭,竹內指出,去年她諮詢Next Commons Lab創辦人林篤志後,原本只是想找找善用地方創生重建村落的靈感,沒想到,發現了正在流行的NFT。
林篤志創立的Next Commons Lab,長期協助日本地
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在,幣圈的人很愛討論Moderator(版主),最簡單的類比法,可說是Web3的小編,」葛如鈞強調,當然, Web3的數據思惟,實際沒那麼簡單,更可進一步做會
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《元宇宙》作者柏爾:Global Views 01/10/2022
自2018年以來發表元宇宙解析文章的馬修.柏爾(Matthew Ball),不僅是業界公認的元宇宙領導者,
柏爾在這四年間對元宇宙的著述,獲得Meta執行長祖克柏、Epic Games執行長斯維尼等關鍵推動者的肯
於推出首部完整著作《元宇宙》(The Metaverse),審
享途徑。元宇宙不需要倚賴Web3的結構才能實現, Web3也不講求3D即時算繪功能。
柏爾指出,硬體與作業系統供應商常以門戶優勢,控制使用者存取虛擬資訊的途徑,有時也包括我們如何購買虛擬體驗,像是在蘋果App Store上的「App內購買」。這成為一個有利可圖的商模,也是科技巨頭把持高額利潤與影響力的一大管道。
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