Member since 2017-07-15T03:50:57Z. Last seen 2025-01-02T20:05:01Z.
2729 blog posts. 128 comments.
Unpopular but very probably true fact: email can't practicably be made secure, and people should stop trying. Email is itself archaic, and there aren't good reasons people should use it for routine peer-to-peer communications that need secrecy. Why? Because: It's default-plaintext. We don't generally love the way websites ensure they're viewed securely, but email doesn't even have the basic mechanisms HTTP has to prevent secrets from accidentally being sent in the clear. Email encryption is never forward-secure. The most popular standard, OpenPGP, involves a long-term key that is the root of secrecy for all messages from a particular person. Lose that key, ever, and not only is every message you send in the future unsafe, but every message you've ever sent in the past is too. That's a terrible property for a secure messaging system. Email leaks metadata. In fact, some of what we call email "metadata" isn't even metadata --- stuff like subject lines are simply content. They're sent in plaintext. We would never accept a new secure messaging system that behaved like that. Most email users get their email from a website. Unless you make them install something on all their computers --- and at that point, just get them to install Signal, WhatsApp, or Wire --- "encrypting" their email involves schemes in which those websites can get their plaintext mail. * Most email clients are searchable-archive-by-default. Again, if you're using a secure messaging system to keep secrets from a state-level adversary, that's exactly what you don't want. And again, what matters here is the behavior of the overwhelming majority of clients. If you can stipulate a special mail client that is extra-careful, why not stipulate a forward-secure advanced messaging system and stop bothering with email? Everything that makes email effective in the real world makes it inhospitable to secure messaging. We should stop trying to push this particular boulder up this particular mountain and instead just get people to adopt serious secure messengers.
257 doener 1 day 140
e-mail Logo Autocrypt-capable mail apps work with any e-mail provider. You and your friends can use your existing e-mail addresses.
Encryption Logo Autocrypt is an open specification for e-mail encryption. Under the hood, it uses OpenPGP and other e-mail standards.
Autocrypt is a set of guidelines for convenient end-to-end-encryption of e-mails. Developers are working on bringing it to several different e-mail programs.
Does it already work?
The first specification, Level 1, was released in December 2017. A few mail programs are already capable of Autocrypt, some want to be able of Autocrypt in Spring 2018.
Please join us in implementing and refining Autocrypt Level 1 and other upcoming specifications. For any further questions or feedback, see our Contact Page.
Test it now
158 Radim 14 hrs 87
Last year I was working on an article about the tech industry when I decided to interview a software engineer who writes for Quillette under the pseudonym “Gideon Scopes”. Gideon had mentioned to me in passing that he had Asperger’s Syndrome (a mild variant of autism spectrum disorder) and I wanted to find out more about the industry from the point of view of someone who is not neurotypical.
I first asked him when it was that he knew he wanted to work in technology. He told me that he first knew it when he was five. His family got their first home computer and he was transfixed. Later, he would come across a brief introduction to the BASIC programming language in a book and proceed to teach himself his first programming language. He was only seven.
As a child he taught himself programming out of books, mostly alone at home. He told me that his family were not particularly supportive of his hobby. His mother was not happy to see him focus so intently on one interest and viewed his study of programming “as the equivalent of a kid spending too much time watching TV.”
Growing up in suburban New York, he told me that a compiler for a programming language would cost at least $100, and programming books generally cost $40-60 each. His only source of income was a $1 per week allowance, so it would take him a year or two to save for just one item. This was despite the fact that his parents were in a high income bracket, and could have easily provided resources to help him learn. He learned anyway.
Despite his cognitive ability, however, Gideon underperformed early on in his schooling. He thinks it may have been because he experienced the school environment as overly rigid and inflexible, and the work was just not challenging enough to engage him. It wasn’t until he was able to take accelerated math and science classes that his grades reflected his ability.
Fast forward several years, and today Gideon is a successful senior software engineer in a prestigious technology company in New York. He loves his job and he loves where he works. He is grateful for the fact that his company values his work, and not how he promotes himself and how he dresses. He feels that the technology industry rewards talent and hard work, and that it is one of the best places for “Aspies” to be. He tells me that the only drawback is the occasional bar event (where he doesn’t like the noise) and a weird and somewhat rigid political culture.
A paper authored by Simon Baron Cohen et al in 2001, outlines a brief measurement tool for screening for autism in adults who have normal or above average intelligence. The tool, which is called the Autism Spectrum Quotient (ASQ) can be self-administered and only requires a pencil and paper; individuals receive a score from 1 – 50 with scores closer to 50 representing a higher likelihood of having Aspergers or High Functioning Autism (HFA).
In validating the test, Baron-Cohen assessed a range of adults including some with Aspergers or HFA, randomly selected controls, students in Cambridge University and winners of the UK Mathematics Olympiad.
The results were remarkable. Adults with Aspergers or HFA had an average score of 35.8, much higher than the controls who had an average score of 16.4, (with men on average scoring slightly higher than women). Among the Cambridge University students the average score was the same as the control group, except mathematicians and scientists scored significantly higher than humanities and social sciences students, which, the researchers claimed, “confirm[ed] an earlier study that autistic conditions are associated with scientific skills”. Within the sciences, those studying mathematics scored the highest. This was again reflected in the scores found in the winners of the Mathematics Olympiad, who had an average score of 32.7.
More recently, in 2015, a team of researchers led by Baron-Cohen collected the autism quotient scores of half a million people on the UK’s Channel 4 website, after the airing of a medical education program. They found that the mean AQ score was 19.83, with men scoring 21.55 and women scoring 18.95. They also found that individuals working in STEM careers had a higher average score (21.92) compared to those who didn’t work in STEM (18.92).
The theory underpinning Baron-Cohen’s work is the prenatal sex steroid theory. The theory posits that when a baby’s brain is developing in utero, the amounts of hormones produced by the ovaries or testes his or her brain is exposed to affects its development. Baron-Cohen’s theory predicts that exposure to higher levels of testosterone in the prenatal period leads to a “masculinization” of the brain, which can result in symptoms associated with autism. Such symptoms include higher rates of delayed language, reduced eye contact as well as higher attention to detail and a stronger interest in systems than people.
Critics of Baron-Cohen’s work have long said that while his hypotheses are interesting, the evidence so far has been insufficient. The core criticisms have focused on his reliance on proxy measures for prenatal testosterone (looking at digit ratio rather than sampling amniotic fluid directly) and self reported measures of behaviour, such as pencil and paper or online surveys. These methods have not been adequate, claim the critics.
Such criticisms have been met with further research, however. In 2015, Baron-Cohen published the results of the first direct test of amniotic hormonal fluid levels and their relation to the development of autism later in life. He found a clear relationship – boys with autism had been exposed to elevated levels of testosterone, cortisol and other sex steroid hormones in utero. When the study was published, The Guardian quoted Baron-Cohen, who explained: “in the womb, boys produce about twice as much testosterone as girls, but compared with typical boys, the autism group has even higher levels. It’s a significant difference and may have a large effect on brain development.”
Autistic boys exposed to higher levels of hormones in womb, study finds
— Guardian Science (@guardianscience) June 3, 2014
In my interview with Gideon, he mentions Baron-Cohen’s work to me. He tells me that it resonates with his own experience and his experience of taking computer science classes at university. With regard to the tech industry he says—
I’ve opted to stay in the closet at work to avoid the risk of either being discriminated against on account of the AS label, having others unfairly discriminated against in the name of helping me (à la affirmative action), or being perceived, whether correctly or incorrectly, as having gotten where I am because of my diagnosis rather than on merit. There are a number of people I’ve met over the years who I suspect are likely on the spectrum, but I can’t really bring it up in a work setting. I definitely find that software engineers tend to have higher levels of autistic traits than the average person on the street, even if the overwhelming majority wouldn’t have enough to qualify for a diagnosis.
People with Asperger’s or high functioning autism often struggle socially, and those with more severe versions of the syndrome are often incapacitated in the social realm. So I asked Gideon what his social life was like growing up. This was where the story became fraught. Gideon says that he was mostly a loner at school, but made one friend in second grade and another in fourth grade, whom he felt very close to. But things eventually changed. He wrote to me in an email—
During sixth grade, my two friends from elementary school both turned their backs on me. With David he did so by telling me, “I was never your friend. I just took pity on you.” At the time, I was perplexed by the comment and didn’t understand why I was someone to be pitied. Looking back on it now, I wonder if he may have known about my AS [Asperger’s Syndrome] years before I did. In seventh grade, I made some new friends, but that only lasted for a few months before they each decided that I wasn’t cool enough for them.
Gideon also suffered serious bullying in elementary school and middle school. He was picked on by both girls and boys; and at times this escalated into violence. One boy was suspended from school after repeatedly trapping him and violently strangling him in a busy hallway near the gym during passing time.
Despite these social difficulties and other symptoms such as hypersensitivity to touch and prosopagnosia (difficulty recognising faces) it wasn’t until he was in college that he received a diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome. He says the “breakthrough came during a Yom Kippur service during my junior year”
I was standing there in the sanctuary, and the distress from the shirt I was wearing was such that I couldn’t focus on the service. It felt horrible—there I was at the service on the holiest day of the year to atone for my sins against God and other people, and all I could think about was my own suffering! Then, this crazy theory came to me. I had read something several months earlier about the similarity between Asperger’s syndrome and the traits that characterize a “nerd” or “geek” in popular culture. I had also heard something years earlier about autistic people having issues with certain types of clothing similar to my own. I put the two together and wondered if I could have some very mild level of autism. After the holiday was over, I went on Google and typed in “Asperger’s syndrome.” I pressed enter, and my life changed forever.
When the tech industry is written about in the media, it is often portrayed in terms of its maleness and sometimes “macho” qualities, exemplified by the widespread use of the epithet “techbros” and “brogrammers”. As an example, a book about the Valley has just been released with the portmanteau Brotopia as its title. This is a growing phenomenon.
Yet the tech industry more broadly is rarely discussed in terms of friendliness towards those with high functioning autism, such as Gideon. On the job selection process Gideon says:
When you come for a coding interview, it’s a three- to five-hour-long oral exam. Show us what you can do. That’s what we care about, ultimately, not how good you are at talking yourself up or what you look like.
Speaking of what someone looks like, the fact that software engineers largely have the freedom to dress as they please is huge for those of us with sensory differences that affect clothing. Before I realized that this would be such a non-issue in my field, I was worried that I’d have trouble finding a job at all if I insisted on being able to work and interview under humane conditions. I suspect that people with similar sensory issues whose interests and aptitudes lie elsewhere may face a really tough situation that I’ve been fortunate enough to not have to deal with.
On the day to day work experience he says—
The technology industry is one of the most Aspie-friendly places that there is. The social demands on software engineers mostly consist of collaborating with colleagues to build a product, so if your social skills are good enough to handle that and you’ve got good technical skills, you can be very successful.
Gideon tells me that in his experience there are many autistic traits that don’t fit at all with our cultural conception of masculinity. Hypersensitivity to sensory stimulation is one of them, as is the tendency for those with autism to develop anxiety and depression—conditions that in the general population are higher in women than in men—the predilection of autistic people to prefer consistency and predictability also contrasts with the masculine trait of risk-taking.
Nevertheless, individuals who are adept at systematising tend to be good at the tasks which are profitable in today’s information economy. Baron-Cohen’s work shows that systematisers tend to be interested in patterns, and can quickly spot them in natural, mathematic or mechanical settings. A good empathiser, by contrast, can quickly spot emotional states in others. While both skills are vital, and have been crucial to our evolution as a species, our modern economy increasingly rewards those who can build systems which scale, ratcheting up productivity and efficiency. Often—but not always—it’s systematisers who do this (it’s also worth remembering that this will not last forever, with the advent of automation and AI).
Yet the fact that systematisers are often well remunerated in today’s economy does not mean that these individuals have lives that are necessarily easier, or even happier than the average person. A person who is an outlier on the systematising spectrum might find it hard to make friends, find a girlfriend or boyfriend, and engage in the day-to-day social activities that make up so much of our lives. Last year, Thomas Clements, a writer with autism, wrote for Quillette—
Every morning when I wake up I feel a heavy sense of trepidation as I contemplate the complex series of social interactions I will have to navigate in order to make it through the day at work. Being on the autism spectrum makes me instinctively averse to the superficial chit-chat I am expected to engage in in my job as a retail cashier. To my mind at least, small-talk serves no real practical purpose. It just makes me feel on edge and increases my overall stress levels as I expend huge amounts of cognitive energy decoding idioms and non-verbal communication…I am prone to be blunt, sometimes to the point of rudeness, which is a personality trait that tends not to sit especially well with many members of the so-called ‘neuro-typical’ or non-autistic world.
As accounts like Thomas’s describe, autism can be extremely debilitating, especially if one sits further out on the spectrum. But even those who are “high functioning” often describe social anxieties, unemployment and prejudice. The fact that the tech industry is perceived by some as being “friendly” towards those with autistic traits could be seen as a positive attribute—and one that deserves recognition.
But the industry does not receive recognition for being friendly. Most of the media attention that the industry attracts focuses on sexism. For example, The New Yorker recently published “The Tech Industry’s Gender Discrimination Problem,” which argued that the lack of women in companies such as Tesla was due to a rampant culture of misogyny, on par with the criminal predation of Harvey Weinstein. In April 2017, the prestigious The Atlantic ran a cover story titled: “Why is Silicon Valley so Awful to Women.”
The Atlantic’s April 2017 issue.
The articles in The Atlantic and New Yorker contained the same reasoning. which can be reduced to the following syllogism:
The ratio of men and women in the tech industry is uneven, There are cases of sexism and sexual harassment within the tech industry, Sexism and sexual harassment has caused the imbalanced gender ratio. Of course, women are sexually harassed in the tech industry just as they are harassed in every other industry in which they work—so the first two components of the above reasoning are correct. But the third is simply unfounded. There is little evidence that shows that harassment in tech is any higher than other industries, such as public administration, government, academia or media (in fact there is evidence that the prevalence is lower). Statistics collected on sexual harassment find, overwhelmingly, that the majority of reported cases occur in low-wage and service sector jobs. The causal evidence showing that sexism causes the gender imbalance simply isn’t there.
What we do know, however, is that while girls and women do meet the diagnosis for autism spectrum disorder, the ratio between men and women sits somewhere between 5:1 to 3:1. We also know that men and women’s interests diverge in ways that are congruent with Baron-Cohen’s systematising- empathising spectrum. Women overwhelmingly prefer working with people, and have “artistic” and “social” vocational interests, and men overwhelmingly prefer working with things and have “investigative,” “enterprising,” “realistic,” and “conventional,” interests.
Indeed, academics at the Heterodox Academy have concurred that the most important sex difference that is relevant to the question of unequal gender ratios in certain industries is that of enjoyment and interest. My interview subject, Gideon, did not need any direction from a teacher to learn coding. He learned it because he was transfixed by computers, and teaching himself to code was a pleasurable activity for him. When I ask if there are any benefits to having Asperger’s Syndrome he says—
For me, the hyper-focused special interest aspect of autism is one of the greatest joys in the world and a significant part of why I’ve been able to be so successful at what I do. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The extremely strong memory and navigation skills are also very much something to cherish. Certainly, there have been plenty of difficulties when it comes to how I’ve been perceived by others, especially as a child, and how to navigate a world that’s built for people whose sensory perceptions work differently from mine. I believe that most of this can be fixed in good time through awareness and understanding.
My discussion with Gideon made me reflect. If the technology industry is indeed a friendly place for Aspies and those who have subclinical levels of autistic traits, then intuitively, it is going to attract and retain more men than women (at least in the engineering streams) due to baseline rates of systematising, combined with men’s demonstrated interest in working with “things” rather than people. Stating this is not sexism, it is simply engaging in probabilistic reasoning.
Of course, none of this rules out sexism and sexual harassment as playing a role in deterring women or prompting women to leave the industry once they are there. But any discussion of women in tech should at least mention sex differences in systematising and autistic traits, and sex differences in vocational interests as a relevant factor, even if it is to rule these factors out. Of course, the recent articles in The Atlantic and New Yorker do no such thing.
James Damore, who wrote the infamous ‘Google Memo,’ has recently said that he may have high functioning autism himself.
Most balanced @guardian piece on #GoogleMemo. I brought up personality differences to de-gender workplace issues and diagnose the root cause. Alas, none of the criticisms addressed testosterone→systemizing→career preference.
— James Damore (@JamesADamore) November 21, 2017
In The Guardian, he was reported as saying—“my biggest flaw and strength may be that I see things very differently than normal…I’m not necessarily the best at predicting what would be controversial.”
In considering Damore’s experience, it’s important to remember the caveats that Damore included in his memo. He wrote:
Note, I’m not saying that all men differ from all women in the following ways or that these differences are “just.” I’m simply stating that the distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership. Many of these differences are small and there’s significant overlap between men and women, so you can’t say anything about an individual given these population level distributions.
Despite this, he was, of course, fired for “perpetuating gender stereotypes”.
In an email, Gideon mentioned to me that when the news first broke about Damore and the Google Memo, he immediately suspected that Damore “was on the spectrum,” and possibly further out on the spectrum than himself. When I asked him to explain why, and he said:
If he didn’t get the message that the women in science movement wasn’t interested in dialogue and is glad to destroy anyone who questioned it then he must be [on the spectrum]. The only reason why it was him rather than me winding up that [kind of] situation is that I realized what was happening well enough to keep my mouth shut at work and to also turn down an offer from Google, since I knew that they [are] one of the worst offenders, if not the worst.
I asked Gideon if he thought that the American media painted a distorted picture of the gender gap in tech. He told me yes. He chalked it up to three factors: a growing tendency towards collectivism in American culture, combined with a blank slate view of human nature and an empathy gap towards men.
He said that society increasingly sees groups instead of individuals, to the extent that group rights may supersede individual rights in all sorts of contexts, including politicised work environments. Because contemporary moral codes delineate women as vulnerable or marginalised, we stop seeing them as individuals with unique talents and idiosyncrasies, but as representatives of a victimised class. The reverse is true of men. Because women are now a victimised class, men are increasingly seen as victimisers, irrespective of their individual attributes or actions.
The second factor, he thought, was an attachment to an outdated, blank slate view of human nature. He says that many people still insist on seeing the human brain as predominantly moulded by culture, despite scientific evidence to the contrary. There tends to be a hesitancy towards attributing any differences between people to any cause that is biological in origin. This hesitancy has been around for decades, and appears like it will not be alleviated anytime soon.
And the third factor, Gideon said, was the empathy gap, where we tend to be more receptive to women’s pain than men’s. When women talk about being made to feel uncomfortable at work, or being sexually harassed, we feel empathy and want to punish the wrong-doers. But we don’t have the same reaction for “geeks,” or “techbros”. Because our understanding of neurodiversity is painfully lacking, our culture tends to view men as a homogenous category, seeing all men as inheritors of privilege and all men as possessing the masculine traits that foster toughness and resilience. We have a habit of ignoring those who don’t, and when they do talk about their vulnerability, we are inclined to ignore, or ridicule them for it.
Claire Lehmann is the editor of Quillette. Follow her on Twitter @clairlemon
中大醫學院助理院長(研究)徐仲鍈兩年前創辦了Health View Bioanalytic,重點項目為全球首創的自動分析中風風險系統,而且適用於糖尿病和認知障礙症評估。作為一位創業的學者,既要寫論文,又要推銷產品,堪稱大忙人的他幽自己一默說:「愈多商業經驗愈好,至少給學生的意見不會太離地。」
醫學界提倡Health Promotion(健康促進),幫助人加強管理健康,藉此減輕醫療體系的壓力。ARIA的條件有利實現這目標,以拍攝眼底相的儀器為例,一般眼鏡店也具備此設施;加上系統操作簡單,視光師亦懂得使用。
除了跟連鎖眼鏡店合作,ARIA價錢方面亦大眾化,每次收費約1000元,比磁力共振(MRI)或電腦掃描(CT Scan)每次收費數千元便宜得多。因此,能以低成本把「治未病」的訊息帶到社區。
大學容許教職員開公司,惟影響晉升的「關鍵績效指標」(KPI),卻仍偏重於論文的發表。徐仲鍈經驗之談,教授要創業,手上須有大量科研成果,然後策略性地發表論文(出紙)。逐步實現KPI之餘,另外亦要留一手,忍着不出紙,為註冊專利及產品「落地」鋪路。「以眼底相為例,如當初先出紙,便成了Prior Art(現有技術)。已發表的研究不能申請專利,亦容易被抄襲。內地很快賣到成行成市,真貨假貨都跟你競爭,最終Health Promotion會變質。」
「怪不得他們,然而賺錢之餘,是否也能考慮Social Impact呢?其實不用賺太多錢,賺足夠的錢,不就可以了嗎?」徐仲鍈說,招牌的哈哈笑聲又再迴盪。
根據美國法例定義,「整合資料」(Aggregate Information)意指綜合一組客戶的數據,個別客戶的身份及特徵已被移除,變成匿名資料並將之開放,方便市民之餘,也可激發社會創意,推動智慧城市發展,更大可促進經濟。
鄧淑明博士 香港大學計算機科學系榮譽教授
事實上,隨着「四縱四橫」的全國高鐵網絡全面建成,城際間的地理距離已大大縮窄,居住模式亦正起着翻天覆地的變化。就以廣深港高鐵和港珠澳大橋為例,不管我們同意與否,確已令「一小時生活圈」由概念化成現實,居民在圈內可更便捷地穿梭游走,毋須僵化地屯駐在特定的地理位置上。套用研究共享經濟先驅Jeremy Rifkin的說法,擁有資產(若非用作炒賣)不但沒有必要,甚至可能構成一種負累。
鄒崇銘 影子長策會成員
1月7日,周日。本報「智識選股」欄主伊馬仕1月4日跟大家分享了2018年狗股投資策略,並檢討此法應用於港股的實戰績效。老畢亦曾多次論述狗股策略背後理念,難得同文也有愛狗之人,今天且在伊馬仕兄大作的基礎上補一筆,先替原裝道指狗股2018年行情把把脈,再在眾狗中棄大取小,推介一個立足於道指小狗(Small Dogs of the Dow)的期權策略,冀能以有限風險博取豐厚回報。
此一念頭,源於兩個想法:①狗股策略乃價值投資法的一種變奏,老畢向來認為,要玩Value便要Deep Value,2018年道指小狗正好滿足了這個要求。何以如此,稍後再述;②舊經濟企業近年無啖好食,給新經濟對手不斷入侵。2014年以來,美股市值增長近半來自科技巨企。愈來愈多舊經濟龍頭意識到不在數碼業務上急起直追,老本早晚吃光。
從沃爾瑪四出收購,轉戰網上不遺餘力,到福特汽車賺大錢,董事局仍以CEO菲爾德斯(Mark Fields)對科技演變警覺性不足為理由把他炒掉;再從迪士尼與21世紀霍士合併影視資產力抗Netflix,到醫保領域兩強CVS跟Aetna合二為一迎戰亞馬遜,種種跡象皆顯示,傳統大藍籌已在快速調整思維,引入新經濟概念力保江山。這意味板塊輪動對「如夢初醒」的傳統巨企有利,道指中估值低殘的大狗小狗今歲翻身有望。
Deep Value值博
另一值得注意的趨勢是,美國監管機構上月宣布廢除要求傳統電訊商對所有網上交通一視同仁的互聯網中立(net neutrality)規定,大型電訊公司視此為重大勝利,新經濟巨擘則群起攻之。無論如何,監管環境對傳統電訊商變得有利,而Verizon於2018年道指小狗組合榜上有名,股價有望追落後。正因小狗策略去年輸得遠,今年資金若重新押注價值型股份,Deep Value更具一博之道。
122 acostin 3 hrs 35
OK, Deep Learning has outlived its usefulness as a buzz-phrase. Deep Learning est mort. Vive Differentiable Programming! Yeah, Differentiable Programming is little more than a rebranding of the modern collection Deep Learning techniques, the same way Deep Learning was a rebranding of the modern incarnations of neural nets with more than two layers. But the important point is that people are now building a new kind of software by assembling networks of parameterized functional blocks and by training them from examples using some form of gradient-based optimization. An increasingly large number of people are defining the network procedurally in a data-dependant way (with loops and conditionals), allowing them to change dynamically as a function of the input data fed to them. It's really very much like a regular progam, except it's parameterized, automatically differentiated, and trainable/optimizable. Dynamic networks have become increasingly popular (particularly for NLP), thanks to deep learning frameworks that can handle them such as PyTorch and Chainer (note: our old deep learning framework Lush could handle a particular kind of dynamic nets called Graph Transformer Networks, back in 1994. It was needed for text recognition). People are now actively working on compilers for imperative differentiable programming languages. This is a very exciting avenue for the development of learning-based AI. Important note: this won't be sufficient to take us to "true" AI. Other concepts will be needed for that, such as what I used to call predictive learning and now decided to call Imputative Learning. More on this later....
中國人向來是Issues Driven,有問題就努力解決,而不是等福利,中國既不要「美國病」,亦不要「希臘病」,取的是中庸之道。
不過,蘋果價值千美元的iPhone X銷售反應一般,證明了升級不是必然,消費者更重視性價比。據研究機構IDC的數據,全球手機銷售增長愈來愈慢,由2013年的年增40%,放緩至去年只年增1.2%,換機時間亦延長了。未來的智能手機設計要有更革命性的突破,才能重現快速增長。
美國媒體報道,iPhone系列去年全球銷量2億多部,排名第一;三星S8銷量3300萬部,緊隨其後;排名第三的不是Apple Watch或近日熱賣的任天堂Switch,而是亞馬遜的智能盒子Echo,售出2400萬台,按年增長近5倍。
31 rgrieselhuber 5 hrs 1
Great things and people that I discovered, learned, read, met, etc. in 2017. No particular ordering is implied. Not everything is new.
also: see the lists from 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010
Great blog posts read
Most viewed blog posts by me
I’ve been scaling back on blogging the past two years and have tried something different instead – Read-Eval-Print-λove. That said, there were a couple of high-traffic posts on my blog.
Pascal at Apple – a post where I explored some of the history of the Pascal programming language through Apple’s history. Some great authoritative commentary occurred. More exploration needed. Computer Archeology: The Intelligent Machines Journal – Issue 1 Dec. 78 – I sometimes read old computing journals and try to reason about them from my present perspective. In this post I explored the first issue of the journal that would eventually become InfoWorld. Favorite technical books discovered (and read)
I’ve intentionally reduced the number of technical books that I consume, but there are a few that I “found” in 2017 that are stellar.
The Implementation of Prolog by Patrice Boizumault – I took some time to explore Prolog implementations in the first half of the year and this book was indispensable. It’s a niche topic for sure, but if you’re into it then few books match this gem. Beneath Apple ProDOS – Continuing my computing archaeology efforts I found this amazing book of old Apple ProDOS hacks. The Architecture Machine: Toward a More Human Environment – For many of the early years of computing machines a main idea driving many in their efforts was the idea of using computers as mind amplification and augmentation. Negroponte’s book explore this notion of augmentation with and eye towards human/computer partnership. Clause and Effect – In my opinion this is the best introduction to Prolog that I’ve read so far. Show Stopper!: The Breakneck Race to Create Windows NT and the Next Generation at Microsoft – In many ways it’s the standard non-technical tech book with tales of overnight coding heroism, broken people, and broken families led by the now legendary (infamous?) Dave Cutler. Favorite non-technical books read
Finite and Infinite Games – A game that masquerades about games but that’s really about life. Fascinating read. Eichmann in Jerusalem – Another triumph by Arendt and a perfect companion to The Origins of Totalitarianism. An interesting read for these modern times. How Green Was My Valley – This is a classic that somehow flew below my radar my entire life. The book describes the trials and times of a humble rural valley intersecting with industrial sensibilities. Babel-17 – A nice sci-fi find though it’s one that I’ve put off reading for years. This plays in the same space as the recent film The Arrival, but does so along a slightly different vector. The Time Traveller’s Wife – A love story masquerading as a science fiction novel but one that tackles both with incredible feeling and thoughtfulness. The Lathe of Heaven – My favorite sci-fi discovery of the year about a man whose dreams shape reality and those who would take advantage of such power. Riveting! Number of books published
Number of books written
1.05 – Wrote a pamphlet of card games that I sent out to friends and family and started on the 3rd edition of The Joy of Clojure
Favorite musicians discovered
Interesting tabletop games discovered
Sidereal Confluence : Trading and Negotiation in the Elysian Quadrant – This is the best board game release of the year in 2017, in my opinion. Combines trading and negotiation with resource conversion (think term-rewriting) to make a truly compelling 90-minute experience. Bug – A new abstract strategy game by one of m favorite designers Nick Bentley about an ecosystem of polyominoes eating each other. FUSE – I’m not a huge fan of dice game, but FUSE adds a realtime element to the game to simulation bomb defusing. Great fun for players of all ages and gaming experience. Optimates et Populares – The boutique publisher Hollandspiele is doing a lot of good things these days, but their best game in my opinion is this game of political intrigue in the waning days of the Roman Empire. The game is very tight and the loser is often the person who makes the first mistake. Favorite science fiction TV series
Black Mirror
Favorite horror films discovered
The Babadook The VVitch Train to Busan Favorite programming languages (or related) I hacked on/with
Clojure, Prolog, Rust
Programming languages used for work-related projects
Clojure, ClojureScript, Java, Datalog
Programming languages (and related) that I hope to explore more deeply
Rust – OSDev in Rust. Need I say more? Pony – A very interesting language inspired by Erlang with capabilities built in to boot. Nim – A “systems” programming language that looks superficially like Python but with some nice static guarantees, multiple compilation targets, and relatively clean FFI. Favorite papers discovered (and read)
My paper reading has taken a big hit lately thanks to various reasons but here are a few that I enjoyed.
Inventing the LISA user interface by Perkins, Ludolph, and Keller (WWW) – I’m perpetually interested in retrocomputing topics, especially those with lessons that extend into modern system design considerations. Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm by The DeepMind team (PDF) – How a neural network taught itself to become the best Chess, Shogi, and Go players of all time. LINCOS: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse by Freudenthal (PDF) – How can designing a language to communicate with aliens help us to design computing systems? Some interesting ideas around the discovery and presentation of new ideas. Programming a Problem-Oriented Language by Charles Moore (PDF) – Chuck Moore’s thesis on Forth and its design and core philosophy. Still haven’t read…
Snow Crash, A Fire upon the Deep, Norwegian Wood, The Contortionists Handbook and a boat-load of scifi
Favorite technical conference attended
Strange Loop 2017 (St. Louis)
Favorite code read
A blockchain in 200 lines of code – I love fruit-fly code and this one really helped me to understand the fundamental ideas behind how blockchains work. Minoca OS – I’ve returned to exploring operating systems development and found this code base very lucid for study. ClojErl – A nice Clojure to Erlang compiler in the early stages. Has helped my understanding of Erlang. Gopher OS – An effort to write an OS in Go… Go bare bones – …and the base ideas behind writing Go closer to the metal. Life-changing technology “discovered”
The Instapaper App’s text-to-speech capability – I haven’t read a blog post in a year, but instead have let my Instapaper app read them to me. I now listen to posts and such while jogging and walking. It’s not very good for code-heavy posts however. State of plans from 2017
Dive back into Prolog – Refamiliarized myself with the language. Restore my personal PLZoo – Code restored and cleaned. Read 100 books – Done (Finally) Start a hardware project. – Obtained materials for a Morse Code keyboard but did not start yet. Write six blog posts – Total fail, but did explore Twitter threads as a medium with mixed results. Attend one tech conference – I attended two: Strange Loop and Clojure/Conj. Two installments of Read-Eval-Print-λove in 2017 – only one, but I am proud of it. Listen more – An ongoing effort.
Plans for 2018
Write another little book of games to send to friends and family.
Give one talk. Explore mentorship more seriously. Write 6+ blog posts. Create a hobby programming language. Read 100 books, including Don Quixote Play more 18XX games. Rethink and reorganize my website. Onward to 2018!
畢翁接着重複其千年advice,分段買,分散投放一批優質股,把入市時間誤差與買錯股的風險降低,最重要當然是持之以恒(按股神time frame,「恒」嘅意思係至少十年八載,甚至一生)。
以一年為期,未計股息,四個10年中,道指按年下跌比率約三成半,如果將時限拉長到10年(1967年底至1977年底,1968年底至1978年底,如此類推),期內就只有五次要輸錢,而且虧損百分比最多不超過2%。如果肯睇20年,百分百賺錢,所以股神話你永遠無法預知明天股市如何,but you do know what it's going to do over 10 or 20 years.(換作港股,做相同統計,結果差不多。)
想想亦不意外,無論利用基礎分析或者睇圖,老畢發覺,time the market成效都頗為參差。採用太過敏感的技術訊號,時常碰到誤鳴情況。睇基本因素,亦常因市場邏輯善變或者有新因素突然浮現,經常影響成功率。
新一年又開始,老畢認為如果一定要同個市鬥,至少也應劃出部分資金,乖乖地做個儍仔,聽股神話,用最老土方法建立一個基本盤位。市升,有份高興;市跌,可以利用餘下資金買平貨。既能stay invested,亦能過過active management癮。